DeSoto was Here

Thanks for the thoughts on the rock being a pointer. If anything it would point back at the stone face. I have not Metal deteced at the base of those. There is an X carved on the right end of it.
The thing that makes me belive these Xs are more than just Xs is that there is not other grafitii in the whole area. Even old Daniel Boone who could barely write put initials on trees, not just Xs.
It has been sujjested that I take pictures at high noon to look for other signes and marks. That may work in the west/south west but this area was and is heavily forested. It is just as shaded at noon under those trees as it is any other time. The data indicated they were in the area in June when leaves would have been pretty full. Come to think of it that is something else I think makes this spot interesting. The information talks about the area being the worst swamp since Florida. This spot and it's ridge would have been in a vertual island back then, with swamp land all around. Any flat ground around it now is drained with dug ditches and deepened natural creeks. Things just keep adding up to make this spot interesting.
I want to pull that rock out and dig in behind it. The thing is the hill drops at a 40 degree angle right outside the cave so I will have to consider if I can outrun it on the way down the hill :o :tongue3: Really I think there is just enough room to pull it around inside the cave if I anchor it to a tree outside with a comealong. This is more what we call a rock house which we have in the part of the country. Being from Clarksville you may be familiar with that.
On top of all this there is an origional 1800s log cabin (falling down) within 1/2 mile of the place too. An I have access to it. ;D
So my plate is about as full as I want it to be. About the only thing holding me back (besides trying to get a job) is fighting the ticks.

bradyboy said:
Here, we have Fort Desoto park in Florida, not far from where I live
The same desoto?

Fort deSoto was actually named after Hernando deSoto. That's the only thing that links the fort or the area to him.
Sorry I'm just seeing this thread now.
Good post, cool photos... definitely interested to see if you find anything.

Bran <><

Ummm.... DeSoto was quite extensively linked to the Tampa Bay area. There was a reason that Fort DeSoto was named what it was.

This is DeSoto point where his party landed in 1539. Fort DeSoto is on the north side of the Tampa Bay channel, DeSoto point, (the original landing) is on the south side. There is a very nice museum here, tons of history. We sailed here and anchored in the Manatee River, in front of the cross, where DeSoto anchored. Too cool!

DeSoto Point.jpg

Here is another link with a lot of information about his west central Florida travels.

I didn't know they went as far north as Indiana. Very interesting. Good luck with your search.

Desoto cross Standard e-mail view.jpg

The Cross at DeSoto point.

DeSoto monument Standard e-mail view.jpg

The monument

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Another monument

That's pretty neat! I'll have to go visit that site sometime. :)

As far as I'm aware, Hernando deSoto was definitely linked to the Tampa area...
But Fort deSoto park was only "named after" him... but had nothing to do with deSoto, himself.
If that's not correct, I'd certainly like to know otherwise.
That's just what I've read on the history of the park. :wink:

Bran <><

I suppose it was named after him in the same fashion we name schools, towns, roads, and a host of other things after someone famous in the 'area'. He was there, they did visit the grounds now known as Fort DeSoto, but the fort was actually built for different reasons long after DeSoto was dead.

They traveled extensively around the Tampa waters and lands, many camps, along with lots of trash for us to find and relish.

I did find one quick reference to the Indiana trail, although it is disputed.


  • DeSoto trail.jpg
    DeSoto trail.jpg
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I've done a bit more research into DeSoto's Indiana trails. The author of this webpage has put together some great information you may find useful and may aid in your research.

Good luck!

I 1.jpg

I 2.jpg

Sorry not to have anything new on this. Wife is home for the summer from teaching so the honey do list came out. Been doing a lot of long delayed work on the house and shed to prep for painting. I tried to tell her we could hire all this done if I found something significant out there but that didn't seem to impress her. I'll get back to it one of these days and let you all know what's up.

OK, lets start with the mouth of the cave at the top. Notice how the top comes down two a point, it maybe because of the time of day, the shadows may form that stand out point, Just like the bottom of the cup, it comes to a point. the cup as curved sides going up to the lip. Look at the point, at the mouth of the cave, on each side there looks to be small drains that head up the hill just like the sides of the cup. This part is tricky false clues can make for a bad day. Check under the point, at the mouth of the cave, something could be buried there. walk the two small drains and see whats at the end of them. the cup, notice that its shaped like the outside of the cave. That X has a long side pointing toward the left side of the cave, dig there or it could mean look at the other end, also the left rear line curves around toward the right. it may be showing how the cave runs past the rock thats blocking the way in. For all we know the blocking rock maybe where the X is and dig under that rock. could there be another X or carvings on the outside on top of the cave and don't forget to dig around in the back of the cave. Trying to figure out what people where thinking when they did the carvings and rock maps sure makes for a long day. good luck

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