Detecting American river at Salmon Falls

I believe you can only use the detector west of Hwy 49. You could probably look for your lost wedding ring or coins. Just throw back any historic artifacts and gold nuggets you find!

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Folsom SRA ends approximately 2 miles upstream from salmon falls bridge. You can detect post that point. Anywhere before that, you risk a fine, court date our equipment confiscation. AU Fisher is tight about finding personal lost jewelry, however the rangers I've dealt with there are Jack asses and are looking for an excuse to ruin your day. They hate prospectors

Man I so hate automatic spell check on this phone...... You get the idea I hope

No detecting WEST of 49 in ASRA. The ASRA boundary is upstream quite a bit from the bridge.....Hint the rangers don't walk up around the bend....when you do you will see why.

Are there signs that restrict detecting? Sometimes I wonder what is up with this? Metal detecting is harmful to the environment? This is communism.

The no metal detector rule is posted at the main office on Folsom Blvd, but they wrote a guy up last year for just carrying his on his shoulder while walking with his wife. Cost him money and a day in court. It's totally eco nazi , and I want to stay a petition to repeal that rule & the hands& pans rule too. I'm sick of these self serving *******s telling us citizens that we can't pursue simple, harmless mining activities ON OUR LAND!

The no metal detector rule is posted at the main office on Folsom Blvd, but they wrote a guy up last year for just carrying his on his shoulder while walking with his wife. Cost him money and a day in court. It's totally eco nazi , and I want to stay a petition to repeal that rule & the hands& pans rule too. I'm sick of these self serving *******s telling us citizens that we can't pursue simple, harmless mining activities ON OUR LAND!

Mike ASRA does not have a hands and pans rule the Goldhounds pushed back and had it removed. The no detecting west of 49 is probably for historical artifact reasons.....There are more than enough places around here to dig and detect. I know you talk to GoldenMojo. He is a buddy of mine don't sweat it if you have a hard time finding easy accessable spots we'll help you get on some.

I agree Mr goldwasher, ASRA is a clear place for detecting. I was commenting on salmon falls, which is part of Folsom SRA, and they are over zealous about hands& pans, and no detectors. I know this from a first hand run in with a ranger one evening. And I do appreciate your help a lot. Mojo is a good friend and has helped a lot this past year. What's the old song.."I get by with a little help from my friends".... You guys are all great, and I'm thankful for this brotherhood of miners and treasure seekers that you've welcomed me into.

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correct Folsom is different.I wasn't paying attention.

Any one take a metal detector in a plane or checked in . I will be flying from sac to San Diego and would like to take my mxt with me.
My cousin has a gold mine on his property in the mountains above sd.

I would ship it ups or FedEx. That way the monkeys at the airport won't steal it. Will probably cost you around $35 each way. Maybe someone else has an idea or another way? Maybe buy an extra "hard" locking suitcase at a goodwill and some foam, and put it through baggage? That might be better? I've never done it myself, but those are things I would do.

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Carried my MXT and GMT in a backpack to and from AK last summer without issue. Check the digging tools tho.

After reading some of these posts, I'm confused, ASRA allows sluicing,Panning,detecting, no dredging,and they get a little miffed it you leave your area in a shambles ie; boulders upended leaving large depressions,unfilled holes.. I walked into the ranger station and ask specifically about looking for gold, the info guide says it's allowed as long is it is not considered commercial (not sure how defined) the ranger talked about the boulders and holes.. but other than that I got the green light
As far as Salmon falls, I have seen nor read of any restrictions regarding any prospecting (except of course suction dredging) I have prospected there numerous times (over 50) and have never had a single incident.. it is not the best area for a detector. Just make sure you leave no valuables in your car, they have a tendency to get broken into and pay your $10 fee.. If I'm wrong then I've been lucky as to not have gotten a ticket at Salmon falls, as far as ASRA I have the rangers name in my wallet just in case

it is definitely no detectors...hands an pans only for a ways up stream from the bridge.. right around a mile... enforcement:dontknow: They can not charge you for parking at the pull out northwest of the bridge people besides prospectors do it all the time, I have never nor have several fellas I know had any issues with vandalism. It is right on my imaginary boundary of where such incidents have a higher degree of likelihood though. Be careful once it rains and starts to freeze that canyon gets zero sun for a good part of the year. You have a higher chance of hurting yourself falling compared to having a break in.

Salmon Falls is interesting. I have seen all forms of everything going on there unchecked and also know and know of people that have been hassled by the rangers for the littlest of things. I too have been there 50+ plus times and have never had anything taken in either the pay lot or the free lot. I also have never been hassled by the rangers or Placer/ElDorado Sheriffs which patrol the water. I guess it just comes down to "is it your day" for whatever is going to happen there. Good Luck to all. Stay safe in your pursuits.

Gosh folks I give you the tools but I'm surprised so few use them when they have a question like this.

Virtually all of the land west of Hwy 49 is private. As in no prospecting. From Salmon Falls to the lake - private land. The little bit that is BLM managed is already claimed. As in no prospecting.

The river from Salmon Falls upstream to Chilli Bar is private land. As in no prospecting.

It really doesn't matter that some of those areas are in the ASRA. Most of the land in the ASRA is private. The ASRA doesn't give anyone any right to prospect. The ASRA cops are just rental cops working someone else's patch no matter how much they pose. There are only a few acres of State land in the whole of the ASRA. Most of ASRA is neither public land nor a State Park.

Use the maps linked above. You might be surprised.

DYODD = Do Your Own Due Diligence. I can only provide the tools that provide the information - it's up to you to use them.

Heavy Pans

Clay The areas that I work are open BLM and unclaimed as far as I have known and check out that way with your maps. A small section is BOR and I am lacking in diligence there as to the correctness of those areas. The area we refer to as Salmon Falls is actually the Skunk Hollow Bridge and parking area. Any help if I am in error is appreciated.

I should say...that's what ASRA rules say and make sure you know whats up with whats under your boots.
I have to say that Joe is right according to our research the are that gets hit is open BLM..Its a long rocky walk...much quicker yet for me scarier in a canoe...NOT JOES FAULT we didn't tip well, in my mind we did like fifty times!!!
Barry according to your wonderful website...that I tell people about ALL THE TIME:notworthy:...there is legal water touching land in sections 31 -32-( we know about the claims) 29- 28-21-16-10-12 and more up through Chili Bar???? BLM has a hand out that calls names Cronan Ranch a free panning area....theres land at Dave Moore, Greenwood Creek. The land west down stream of Chili Bar 11N 10E....Minus SE corner of sec 26 and majority of its N corners...all blm at the water...Sec. 27 at the water plus section 22 and ohhhhh look at that cute little spot in 21 I just noticed for the first time...I mean that not being smart8-)..gonna check access... A BUNCH OF that all withdrawn?

This whole area is literally my front, back and side yards....with our claim being smack in the middle.........I use the crap out of your free site to the point of feeling guilt sometimes:laughing7: Joe is a great guy and he is no trespasser and he has done his bookwork so, if we are missing something let us know..

I realize I could have taken this to p.m. to avoid a certain recent snipe trend on these threads but, I would rather have it help those who may need it so I will take my lumps if I'm doing something wrong....and if Barry has misspoken then it means.... Mylandmatters hasn't....

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