Detector bashing

I still have found far more with my old 5000D than my more modern machines. Mainly because I used it constantly and it was like an extension of my arm. It got great depth too! I have gone back to my old places with my new units and have found some stuff, but not enough to say that it makes a difference. Most of the finds with the new units weren't any deeper than I was used to digging before. I do like the different tones, but I don't use the meter or rely on the depth indicator anyway because I consider it a waste of time. I use my own indicator...If its not in the plug I dig deeper. Target ID is no more than a novelty IMHO.

I recently saw a spreadsheet for mxt setups and it scared the crap out of me. No wonder people ask so many questions. Of course, even when the 5000 & 6000 was hot, people complained about how complicated they were. Go figure. Analog for me!

Nice buck Chuck! I got a nice little doe once with a 45lb. Martin Hunter recurve. She walked broadside to me at a measured 9 feet and I dropped her in her tracks with a spine shot. I had used compounds before but I felt the need to go... "Back to the future". Now my goal is to hunt with a longbow next and then maybe all handmade equipment only.

Yeah, my first detector was a magnet on the end of a stick, then I found Minelab. Hasn't been the same ever since, it even makes noise..... :tongue3:

My first MD was a "falcon MD-20" my next the Garrett GTI-2500 now I'm gonna get a DFX (White's)

I needed 2 months (approx) before I knew it inside out. Often the manual, common sense and experimenting can get you far, even if that one was not so advanced.(not so many settings to adjust)

Just think if all those people who bought those high priced complicated metal detectors were patient and bothered to read the manual how many people would be out there. It would be standing room only in all the parks, on all the beaches etc. I bet there are thousands of those gems hiding in the closets and I hope they stay there as most of the time people with little patience to learn correctly have the same amount of patience when it comes to filling in their holes or picking up garbage they find.

I just started, but the OP makes sense. I bought an ACE 250 after reading reviews by hunters. I was looking for a solid beginner unit. Went out, and quickly became a bit frustrated because the machine would beep all over.

Well, the area I am searching is VERY trashy. In fact it is so trashy that I often can't use the pinpoint function (at least that is what I HOPE is the reason). The pinpointer will squawk and yell at me for feet at a time, or will whisper at me. Basically it is useless most of the time where I am hunting. Some said I should buy a sniper coil, which MAY be in my future, but I am toughing it out.

Buy a new machine? Nope, not until I know this one THOROUGHLY! Too many people are very successful with it to be crap. Today, on my third day of hunting, I started pulling up targets almost every time I dug. I turned the sensitivity way down, and started using X sweeps and progressive sweeps to locate the target under the ground. I also stopped digging anything that had a signal that would jump all over the screen. I was rewarded with my first three coins. Nothing older than 21 years, but they are my first, and I am happy!

I will stick with my entry detector. I may buy a sniper coil for it, or a neat digging tool, but I see no need to invest in another detector (besides, my wife would KILL me!). After I have found enough to pay this one off, I MAY start saving for a more advanced detector, but only if I am SURE I have become proficient at detecting!

Good for you.

Me parsimonious pappy uster say: "Learn to use what you have got and you won't need what you have not."

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