Did some land surveying at moms today and was shocked

It seems that not having a fence allows situations like this to develop.
Fences are expensive, but maybe cheaper than attorneys. It's probably worth it in the long run to end the trespass for good. In some states, neighbors have a say in fencing matters even if it's built on your land.
For instance if you were to install a razor wire fence and it injured their horses..you might be at fault.

Having bad neighbors would suck. When I was 16 years old I replaced some fencing for my grandpa.
I walked around and talked to each of the 4 adjacent land owners and asked them to pay for half the fencing supplies, which they did. I met with each one and showed them where I was going to build the fence and what it would look like when it was finished.

I'm in the process of fencing 100 acres. It's slow going because of the terrain..expense..and time required, but will be worth it in the end. I'm good with the one neighbor I have, but he's not going to be around forever.

Never a good thing having a property dispute.

The property beside us was foreclosed (non-resident owner who used it as a hunting cabin and didn't pay mortgage or taxes for a bit) and was in-an-out of realtors and auction (did not get minimum) sometime thereafter (maybe two years) I heard chainsaws on the hill behind us. "Odd" thought I, so I donned boots and my gunbelt and went for a walk. Found a truck and trailer parked on my property and a couple young men felling trees.

You have permission to be here?

"Oh yes, Mr. XXX (last name on the posted signs along the road frontage) said we could cut firewood."

You know Wells Fargo Finance (at the time) has owned this land since he was foreclosed on years ago?


You know the access road you drove up is a deeded right of way that cuts across my property diagonally and you are not the Gas/Electric company and therefore trespassing?


You know your truck and trailer are parked on my property and that last tree fell onto my property?


Well now you know and if I see you here again we'll be having the Sheriff involved.

Probably been more lives lost over property disputes than any other reason...Get a lawyer(the part I would probably skip) write a letter outlining your desires for them to remove their belongings from your property as you are beginning a cleaning project that will begin in 3 days...got a dozer or loader? Use it...

I know they know dang good, and well where their boundary lies, and their family trust land lies. Their property is inside the family trust land, and used the excuse to my mom when they asked to put their horses on our side was ā€œ we donā€™t have enough property for our horsesā€. Well thatā€™s too bad, I guess they should get rid of some or buy more acreage to put them on. Where she lives is in the mountains, the boundary lines were always well respected between her dad, and my dad, and everyone knew where the boundaries lie. Where they screwed up was taking moms word when she said it would be alright to let them in the wooded area as, letā€™s take the whole wooded area from the bottom to the top of the mountain. Thatā€™s not how it flies, and I already told mom lastnight that I would be happy to walk next door, and let them know that they need to move their fence back. I have spoke to my attorney about it, and he said just tell them since your moms land is in a family trust that they had to come back out, and resurveyed it, and noticed your fence on our side, and for safety issues we can no longer allow them to run their horses over here anymore. Iā€™ve got the latest survey to show them, and the one before it showing nothing has changed.

The only reason this whole problem even started was over water. Our creek kept flooding, and going over her driveway causing it to wash out, and when we got to looking closer we noticed not only was there a round bale in our creek blocking the flow of water, but that their horses had trampled, and crapped all over the area of where our freshwater spring comes out of the ground running into our creek, and theyā€™ve been crapping on it, and running over it so much its dammed it up. Moms mad not only that they cut some of her oak trees down, but also that they put a fence over the area of the spring where the horses can trample it, now causing the creek water that comes down to be contaminated with horse crap

Probably been more lives lost over property disputes than any other reason...Get a lawyer(the part I would probably skip) write a letter outlining your desires for them to remove their belongings from your property as you are beginning a cleaning project that will begin in 3 days...got a dozer or loader? Use it...

Iā€™ve actually got a lawyer whoā€™s a family friend, as well as my own personal attorney, he would be more than happy to write them a letter telling them to move their two strand electric fence, and horses off our property. Iā€™ve got access to a dozer, and already have my 4wd tractor with loader on it, 3 chainsaws, and more than enough equipment to make them move pretty quickly about it. Iā€™ve got the survey right now, and am fixing to walk out to each corner post, paint them orange, and every 50 foot Iā€™m going to mark a tree with orange marking paint on the side that faces them. The other side of the property Iā€™m not worried about because itā€™s a shear cliff, and the backside isnā€™t an issue, except that one small section in the corner where their horses are.

That's the problem with allowing favors on private land.
You tell them it's ok to pick up some fallen apples once and they think they can come over and relax and enjoy your place anytime while your gone. ;)

Seriously though - I'm thinking the answer should ALWAYS be either "No", or "sure we can put together a contract".
That way the terms are known up front and limited in duration.

Sounds like you have a plan. Too many times people aren't willing to stand up and get it done. I'm in a remote area and up until last year I've had no neighbors within a mile for 30 years. I've got 2 new neighbors that are great tho neither backs up to my property. We face people regularly that are trespassing or disrespecting others property. Most of the time it's hunters so it's an armed event whether any are raised or not. Be careful...xleo here too..

That's the problem with allowing favors on private land.
You tell them it's ok to pick up some fallen apples once and they think they can come over and relax and enjoy your place anytime while your gone. ;)

Seriously though - I'm thinking the answer should ALWAYS be either "No", or "sure we can put together a contract".
That way the terms are known up front and limited in duration.

One thing my brother, and I keep saying is she should have done or said what our dad would have. He would have told them no, he likes the way the natural look of the woods look up here, otherwise he would have bought some more property below us that was flat open ground. When they asked about the deer hunting she should have just came out and directly said NO, instead of thinking about, and getting back to them. There are far too many grandkids up there at one time, and far too much that a stray bullet could hit for them to hunt back there. Dad was a avid hunter just like me, but he also fed his deer up there as pets, and they stuck around, and so has their children, and their children. If they have a problem with deer eating their hay then maybe they should put it out in a space where the deer donā€™t feel comfortable going to, and they wonā€™t go feed on their hay. I find it highly unlikely the deer are eating their hay because where the deer bed down at is a huge field below the mountainside that has green grass year round.

Sounds like you have a plan. Too many times people aren't willing to stand up and get it done. I'm in a remote area and up until last year I've had no neighbors within a mile for 30 years. I've got 2 new neighbors that are great tho neither backs up to my property. We face people regularly that are trespassing or disrespecting others property. Most of the time it's hunters so it's an armed event whether any are raised or not. Be careful...xleo here too..

I planned on carrying a gun on me out there anyways since the conversation of deer hunting came up, and itā€™s not even deer season anymore, and theyā€™re wanting to kill them. Theyā€™ve already crapped all over my moms kindness once, and knows sheā€™s not home during the day so Iā€™ll be sure to make it known that no one is allowed back there for any reason, and if they have a question they can call me personally or my brother. Iā€™ve dealt with trespassers almost my whole life on my great grandmas land that I used to live on. I had at one time about 6 stands, 4 climbing stands, and two ladder stands someone put up in her woods that she had deeded to me. I took them down, put up a gate, and put up about 2 dozen more NO TRESPASSING signs. I had one or two after that happened, but it was one of the guys looking for his tree stand that heā€™d left while poaching on her land.

I planned on carrying a gun on me out there anyways since the conversation of deer hunting came up, and itā€™s not even deer season anymore, and theyā€™re wanting to kill them.

Sounds like things have just gotten out of hand over the years..permission for this and that given against better judgement and now you have reached a point that you've had it.

I'm pretty level headed. I choose to leave the guns in the truck if I know ahead of time that I might be in a confrontational situation that would be personal to me.
I'd hate for harsh words to turn to a fist fight then to a fire fight. Just not worth it if it's avoidable.

It's little decisions like that which can be life altering.

Responding to close proximity shooting with rapid return fire is more common than you would think. However it can be considered negligent discharge of a firearm. Could lose your right to own firearms for life. I once had to remind a fellow about that which quickly changed his macho attitude to an apologetic one.

Sounds like things have just gotten out of hand over the years..permission for this and that given against better judgement and now you have reached a point that you've had it.

I'm pretty level headed. I choose to leave the guns in the truck if I know ahead of time that I might be in a confrontational situation that would be personal to me.
I'd hate for harsh words to turn to a fist fight then to a fire fight. Just not worth it if it's avoidable.

It's little decisions like that which can be life altering.

Responding to close proximity shooting with rapid return fire is more common than you would think. However it can be considered negligent discharge of a firearm. Could lose your right to own firearms for life. I once had to remind a fellow about that which quickly changed his macho attitude to an apologetic one.

Itā€™s not going to happen. I was a LEO for over 8 years both in County, and City levels, and dealt with many folks like these. Itā€™s easy to de-escalate the situation in most circumstances, but Iā€™ve had some that wouldnā€™t do it. I always carry, regardless if Iā€™m in town, or church. I helped form the security personnel for our church, which are the same door greeters theyā€™ve had for years, and itā€™s very inconspicuous.

I wonā€™t have to fight with them over the land. I plan on talking to them tomorrow, theyā€™re for the most part very level headed, and somewhat peaceful minus the fact the two lesbian women fight a lot amongst one another. I always carry in the woods as well. Iā€™ve got a Springfield XD .45 Tactical with 5 inch barrel. Iā€™ve had so many years of close quarter rapid fire, be it with real life, range time, or even during SWAT situations. Thereā€™s a reason why I kept the XD .45 did so long. Itā€™s drop dead accurate at a long distance, even when firing it very fast it stays on point. When I first started at the sheriffs office I started with their Glock 22 .40, and it didnā€™t feel right, so I qualified lower. Me being OCD, I went out, and bought the XD TACTICAL, and never looked back. I wonā€™t come to it. Thereā€™s a guy over there, but heā€™s a felon, and canā€™t have a firearm(which doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t have one, most of them still do), and the women wonā€™t be mad. Iā€™ll just simply explain that my attorney is making us move it back like original for our family trust, and for the safety of them or their horses being that land is ours, and if they get hurt itā€™s on us.

I've got the Glock 36 in .45ACP
For close quarters it's great.
Go a little beyond that and it doesn't compare to a Kimber 1911.
I don't know if it's the staple gun trigger or the muzzle jump.

I wanted something absolutely reliable in .45ACP that I could safely carry loaded..that was point and shoot like a revolver. Less fine motor skills required.

It fits the bill fine. Nothing to drool over that's for sure.
I don't daily carry it. Once I graduate to suspenders I'll consider it.

I'm partial to revolvers.

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I've got the Glock 36 in .45ACP
For close quarters it's great.
Go a little beyond that and it doesn't compare to a Kimber 1911.

I wanted something absolutely reliable in .45ACP that I could safely carry loaded..that was point and shoot like a revolver.
Less fine motor skills required.

It fits the bill fine. Nothing to drool over that's for sure.

Iā€™ve had a few Kimberā€™s. One I had had the rattlesnake looking grips. I liked them, but the price was too high for something youā€™d want to carry everyday.

That's a tough situation but it's time to say something to the neighbor. Better off that way, legal action can take a long time and add up. We moved to get away from a legal challenge to our property lines and whether our well was potable and being used. We were right and the state was on our side but we couldn't afford to fight anymore. The attorneys for us and them died not long after we moved. It was bad for everybody but people can be f-ing evil. Good luck, don't wait too long.

That's a tough situation but it's time to say something to the neighbor. Better off that way, legal action can take a long time and add up. We moved to get away from a legal challenge to our property lines and whether our well was potable and being used. We were right and the state was on our side but we couldn't afford to fight anymore. The attorneys for us and them died not long after we moved. It was bad for everybody but people can be f-ing evil. Good luck, don't wait too long.

Iā€™m going tomorrow to talk to them, walk the lines with them, and see if they can move the fence back, even if theyā€™ve got too many horses. They donā€™t have a track big enough for how many they have

Iā€™m going tomorrow to talk to them, walk the lines with them, and see if they can move the fence back, even if theyā€™ve got too many horses. They donā€™t have a track big enough for how many they have

Hey that's great. Hope it all works out. Maybe they can pay rent to your mom.

Hey that's great. Hope it all works out. Maybe they can pay rent to your mom.

If that comes down to it, Iā€™ve got plenty of resources for contracts, and my attorney wouldnā€™t have a issue with getting it written in a legal manner. I do think if they want to keep their animals over on her side even if itā€™s a 60-80 ft tract running 10 acres back then they do need to pay rent. Moms having to pay timber taxes, and other taxes on the property so they can pay the rent to cover the taxes on the land

I can picture it now..my neighbor walks up to me in my yard as I'm getting ready to get into my truck. His walk has an oddly familiar swagger that reminds me of my grade school principal. He is wearing olive drab cargo pants over desert tan colored jungle boots. He has a neat appearance, hair shaved tight on the sides. His mustache looks like it was just waxed and combed.

Looking at me through dark sunglasses he says, "I've got a problem with how you have been mistreating my mother. That fence..you know along the back 40..it's got to be moved right away!"

I glance down at his waist and notice his hand casually resting on the well worn butt of Springfield XD .45 tactical handgun. He follows up by saying, "maybe we could walk back there to take a look..me and you..I've already got my tractor warmed up." It was more of a statement than a question.

We look at each other momentarily and although I cannot see his eyes behind the black sunglasses, I notice his gaze shift to the inside of the cab of my truck before returning his focus quickly back to me as if sizing me up. I look away nervously as he takes a step backwards. His hand still resting on his gun.

I quickly think about how odd it is that he is not even trying to hide his obvious suspicions that I'm going reach for a weapon at any moment to attack him.

Neither of us say a word leaving an uncomfortable break in the one sided conversation.
I reply, "I'm actually kind of busy right now, I've got horses to feed." To which he instantly asks where I was headed to in my truck.

"I'm headed to Bible Study" I tell him. "So your going to church? Which church are you going to? I thought you had to feed your horses?" He asks.
"Well it's the one on 5th and West, but I have to stop by the feed store" , I reply somewhat annoyed that he's asking so many questions. He stares at me again behind his sunglasses. There is another uncomfortable moment of silence. He is clearly trying to figure out if I was telling the truth.

I ask him if he's a cop or something and he responds, "I'm the one here asking questions."

"Whatever man!" as I turn to get into my truck. Before I could get both legs in, I feel a heavy hand tightly grip my shoulder which makes me instantly tense up.
"STOP RESISTING!! STOP RESISTING !!", he starts screaming into my ear.
I reach over towards the glove box to get my phone.."DON'T MOVE!" He yells. "I'M GOING TO NEED BACKUP!! As if talking to someone else.

"Don't reach for a thing", now in a calmer voice. He's drawn his pistol, which is now solidly pointed directly at my face. A few seconds tick by. The muzzle suddenly starts shaking and he slowly lowers the gun and places it back in his Kydex holster. He looks as if he just woke up from a dream. "I'm sorry man", he says quietly. "Just move that fence".

He turns and quickly walks away, getting into his black Dodge Hell Cat which roars to life as he turns around, spinning the wheels with each change in direction. The car quickly disappears down the driveway in a cloud of dust. Only the bright taillights are barely visible as he turns onto the highway...tires faintly squealing with each shift.

I sit there trying to digest what just happened. It had gone from a normal day, to having a gun pointed at me, to sitting in a warm wet puddle which was slowly soaking into the bench seat of my pick up truck, all in less than 5 minutes!!

"That guy has some serious issues", I say out loud shaking my head.
It was not 6 months ago his elderly mother asked me if I could graze some animals on her land. She had said she was terrified of a wildfire.
Knowing she was a widow, I had obliged and even spent several of my weekends taking my fence down and moving it to the edge of the woods to keep the horses out of her yard. I didn't even think to charge her.

Suddenly I remember her telling me one of her boys was retiring from the Chicago Police Department and that he was moving back home to take care of her. That's the last time I do them a favor, I think to myself as I head back into to the house to change my overalls.

As I step into the house I hear momma humming softly to the radio. "You won't believe what just happened! We'll do ya wanna know or not dammit?" She turns to look and says "what did you do THIS time Henry?
"Well remember that boy of Maribelle's..the good looking one? Well he showed me his gun today. Hold on...is that Dueling Banjos on the radio? Turn that up will ya?"
I settled into my recliner chain and started rocking to the music. "Momma fetch me a beer would ya?"

Truthfully it was just another day in backwoods NW Arkansas. I had forgotten why I came in the house much less the neighborly words I had earlier.

(Excuse the poor grammar and obviously it's all in good humor).

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I can picture it now..my neighbor walks up to me in my yard as I'm getting ready to get into my truck. His walk has an oddly familiar swagger that reminds me of my grade school principal. He is wearing olive drab cargo pants over desert tan colored jungle boots. He has a neat appearance, hair shaved tight on the sides. His mustache looks like it was just waxed and combed.

Looking at me through dark sunglasses he says, "I've got a problem with how you have been mistreating my mother. That fence..you know along the back 40..it's got to be moved right away!"

I glance down at his waist and notice his hand casually resting on the well worn butt of Springfield XD .45 tactical handgun. He follows up by saying, "maybe we could walk back there to take a look..me and you..I've already got my tractor warmed up." It was more of a statement than a question.

We look at each other momentarily and although I cannot see his eyes behind the black sunglasses, I notice his gaze shift to the inside of the cab of my truck before returning his focus quickly back to me as if sizing me up. I look away nervously as he takes a step backwards. His hand still resting on his gun.

I quickly think about how odd it is that he is not even trying to hide his obvious suspicions that I'm going reach for a weapon at any moment to attack him.

Neither of us say a word leaving an uncomfortable break in the one sided conversation.
I reply, "I'm actually kind of busy right now, I've got horses to feed." To which he instantly asks where I was headed to in my truck.

"I'm headed to Bible Study" I tell him. "So your going to church? Which church are you going to? I thought you had to feed your horses?" He asks.
"Well it's the one on 5th and West, but I have to stop by the feed store" , I reply somewhat annoyed that he's asking so many questions. He stares at me again behind his sunglasses. There is another uncomfortable moment of silence. He is clearly trying to figure out if I was telling the truth.

I ask him if he's a cop or something and he responds, "I'm the one here asking questions."

"Whatever man!" as I turn to get into my truck. Before I could get both legs in, I feel a heavy hand tightly grip my shoulder which makes me instantly tense up.
"STOP RESISTING!! STOP RESISTING !!", he starts screaming into my ear.
I reach into the glove box to get my phone.."DON'T MOVE!" He yells. "I'M GOING TO NEED BACKUP!! As if talking to someone else.

"Don't reach for a thing", now in a calmer voice. He's drawn his pistol, which is now solidly pointed directly at my face. A few seconds tick by. The muzzle suddenly starts shaking and he slowly lowers the gun and holsters it into his Kydex holster. He looks as if he just woke up from a dream. "I'm sorry man", he says quietly. "Just move that fence".

He turns and quickly walks away, getting into his black Dodge Hell Cat which roars to life as he turns around, spinning the wheels with each change in direction. The car quickly disappears down the driveway in a cloud of dust. Only the bright taillights are barely visible as he turns onto the highway...tires faintly squealing with each shift.

I sit there trying to digest what just happened. It had gone from a normal day, to having a gun pointed at me, to sitting in a warm wet puddle which was slowly soaking into the bench seat of my pick up truck, all in less than 5 minutes!!

"That guy has some serious issues", I say out loud shaking my head.
It was not 6 months ago his elderly mother asked me if I could graze some animals on her land. She had said she was terrified of a wildfire.
Knowing she was a widow, I had obliged and even spent several of my weekends taking my fence down and moving it to the edge of the woods to keep the horses out of her yard. I didn't even think to charge her.

Suddenly I remember her telling me one of her boys was retiring from the Chicago Police Department and that he was moving back home to take care of her. That's the last time I do them a favor, I think to myself as I head back into to the house to change my overalls.

As I step into the house I hear momma humming softly to the radio. "You won't believe what just happened! We'll do ya wanna know or not dammit?" She turns to look and says "what did you do THIS time Henry?
"Well remember that boy of Maribelle's..the good looking one? Well he showed me his gun today. Hold on...is that Dueling Banjos on the radio? Turn that up will ya?"
I settled into my recliner chain and started rocking to the music. "Momma fetch me a beer would ya?"

Truthfully it was just another day in backwoods NW Arkansas. I had forgotten why I came in the house much less the neighborly words I had earlier.

(Excuse the poor grammar and obviously it's all in good humor).

Actually the funny part is I donā€™t have a Dodge HellCat, but have a ā€˜72 Chevy shortwide with a balanced, and mean 400 small block mated to a 700r4 w/OD, and 3.25 gears. Weā€™ve had to do a hell of a lot of modifications to the suspension, and motor mounts. Before the suspension was worked on you couldnā€™t keep it in a straight line during a drag race, and got that part fixed, and noticed that the when doing a wheel stand it snapped a motor mount. So I put a new mount in thinking that would fix the problem(thought it was because I came down hard), it didnā€™t fix it. Everytime we took off in it, one side or the other would break off. So we had to put torque chains on it.
Iā€™m from the country, and believe you can still have a bad news truck that is built to also haul with. I can haul what my 3/4 ton does, and donā€™t get hot because the dual fans, and aluminum radiator. I donā€™t care about getting it dirty either. Iā€™m not the type to have trailer queens. I want something I can drive, haul with, and still haul butt in it. Anyways, that story was pretty funny. My moms not that old, and Iā€™m not that dang old[emoji23] the lesbo liberal neighbors are older than me. They do have a farm hand whoā€™s a convicted felon that knows me pretty well. I plan on being nice about it when I talk to them, moms actually way madder than I am about it. I was going to be nice, and at least hook a chain around their round bale, and pull it out of the ditch, but itā€™s a hell of a drop off the edge of the road, and would hate to roll my new tractor, whenever theyā€™ve got a skid steer they haul round bales with that they could come from their side(our side technically), and get it a lot easier, and safer because itā€™s flat on their side.
Moms really kicking herself in the rear for trying to be a good neighbor. I guess she thought the daughter was going to be like her mom was when her mom lived over there, and keep to herself, and call, and check on mom after dad got killed. Her daughter is the complete opposite, they ride the fine line between illegally and inhumanly treating the horses, because 12 horses on 9 acres is way too many horses for that little of property when you consider most of its wooded. One of the main things that pisses mom off is the fact she couldnā€™t wrap around her mind why her creek wasnā€™t running, and sheā€™s never walked on the back side of our property, and never knew there was a fresh water spring up there, she just assumed it was a creek that ran through her property, and was just runoff. I had to explain to her that when you live on the very top of a mountain, 90% of the time youā€™re not going to have a creek that just flows down the mountain unless youā€™ve got a freshwater spring. Funny reason why sheā€™s mad is their horses are crapping right in the water, and theyā€™ve plugged up the creek bed with manure, mud, and other stuff. Mom grew up with a nasty artesian well, and to have a spring you can drink from that doesnā€™t smell like sulphur is something sheā€™s never owned before, and I guess growing up having that to bathe in, and drink, Iā€™d probably be pissed too, because most of us take for granted what we do have nowadays. Especially when it comes to the county we live in, the county assessor will post on her website the survey of your property marking all the boundaries, and even show the state, utility easements. So Iā€™ve got the paper copy of the land surveyor, which the last time he did it I walked with him and showed him the stakes we had, and the places in between because their Theodolite couldnā€™t see through the thick foliage up here. So I would have to go out at a certain point, and hold out a rod for him to measure off of, them keep on going. Everywhere we went I placed a marker at so that way Iā€™d know where the line was at. That was the point of the marker paint I bought today was to go to those markers I placed out on that side, and paint them. I really donā€™t see them getting too upset about it other than the fact theyā€™ll have less land on our side which is flatter than on the other side of their property, but itā€™s more wooded on our side. Theyā€™ve not lived their long enough to know any of the property lines or even know the surveyors. Weā€™ve been using the same company even when we lived in NW Arkansas, and now that weā€™ve moved to the mountains 20+ years ago itā€™s still the same guys. The owners son went to school with my dad, and uncle, and is now the owner since the old man passed away, and he does all the surveying on all my great uncles residential, and commercial properties here in this area. Itā€™s sad when the surveyor still sends my grandma(dads mom), and my great uncle Christmas baskets. Heā€™s way younger than both them, same age as dad, but his dad did all the surveying for them when they were younger, and the surveying for my great grandparents, and great great uncle who had a ton of property in all of this county. It was a different time back then, Iā€™ve got a letter from my great great uncle to Pat the original owner, and my uncle traded him a coon hound he trained for 80 acres to be surveyed.

As I said I donā€™t see them getting hostile, but I do see the hired hand getting frustrated that theyā€™ll have to move a lot of stuff. Heā€™ll be mad, because (heā€™s a criminal thief), and is used to stealing other peopleā€™s property. Weā€™ve caught him over here on one of the surveillance cameras in the driveway looking in the window of our ā€˜72 Chevy while we had it parked, and I had shop open with all my expensive Matco tools in there. Apparently heā€™s taught them the game of screwing the system too, because both those women are 300-350+ pounds, and Iā€™ve seen one of them on a horse(felt sorry for the horse), they pretend to be a rescue shelter, but 1. Donā€™t have enough land for that many horses. 2. They feed them hay, and range cubes, because all our property is woods, 3. they fatten them up, and resale them. If the county animal control officer went to do a welfare check on them, they would see the amount of horses vs the little amount of property, and also the fact that theyā€™ve done that to the spring, plus he would be asking them why their fence is so far over, because our county animal control walks the fences to make sure theyā€™re in compliance, and the animal control officer would realize the discrepancies in land.
Thatā€™s one way to get rid of them darn things, and the fence is call animal control who would then call another shelter to come get them, along with ADEQ(Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality) who would come check out the amount of horse manure running next to a freshwater spring along with countless other violations. ADEQ takes the water in the area very seriously. Especially something like a freshwater spring. Apparently Arkansas is very particular about their environment, and ecosystem. I know this because when we went from well water to city, ADEQ came out, along with a University biologist, because apparently we have native plants behind the well house that are almost extinct in Arkansas. I always thought they were weeds, and when Iā€™d brush hog I would just mow them down. They actually made us reroute the water line because of them darn flowers. If you ever go through Arkansas, and take I-49 between Mountainburg, and the tunnel, youā€™ll see the median in 3-4 spots about 50 yards long isnā€™t mowed in some sections because they have signs up that says Native Wildflower sanctuary.

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