Do you ever keep a spot to yourself, and not share?

nyiangelo said:
People talk about getting burned all the time. What I don't understand is why don't you get it straight with the property owners first? Ask to be the only one. You hear people crying about others in there spot, but surely they can't just walk up and not get permission? (I'm sure some do.)

I think in some cases people feel like they would be tipping off the owner that there was something great which you expected to find and wanted all for yourself. That said, if you want to push the conversation towards it, more owners understand fishing spots so work an analogy with that. We don't really have the need to do it here but I've thought out most situations we could run into.

I'm posting again to fine tune my first answer. There are several folks on this forum who I have tried to help (and will again) find some good places to hunt. Potentially RICH places to hunt and received their thanks. Those were great responses. There were 2 forum members I attempted to help last summer and did not get any appreciation from them after emailing sat photos, modern maps, and CW era maps of a battlesite. I gave them easy directions on driving to this location as a side trip to a formal hunt in northern Louisiana. Did I want anything from them? Yep. A simple "Thank you, man, appreciate the help", would have been all that was wanted. But, that did not happen. It would have been nice to hear from them if they'd found anything. I did not want or expect any items from that site........just the knowledge that my attempts to help was fruitful. I heard nothing. Those 2 gentlemen won't get any info from me again.

Fast forward to just a few months ago. Another forum member, living in Louisiana, received some specific info from me that may not have been easily found by anyone else. That individual told me "Thank you" for the info and help. Was I looking for some "smooghing"? Hell, no. Just basic common courtesy. Afterward, I loaded him down with hard to get materials. Why? Because he earned it through his courtesy plus the fact that I could never check and search for everything in that information. Truly, I ain't' never gonna get it ALL. :laughing7: Plus, this person told me that he'd let me know what he and his hunting partner find. :thumbsup: That is ALL that I was asking. Knowing if your research bears fruit is a "valuable" commodity.

I enjoy helping good people. How do I know if someone is a "good" person? Gut feelings. Pure and simple.

There are several coinshooting sites within walking distance of my home that are on private property; ooooolld property, that I have permission to hunt, anytime I want. Will I share those sites with the local coinshooters? NO. I will take my son, but no one else. Why? The "leader of the pack" attempted to embarrass me in public one day for no reason whatsoever. His action was purely childish in nature and I decided that day that I'd NEVER try to help him and his "crew". Am I being childish? NO. I figure that if that guy is so petty on a meaningless situation, he is not trustworthy on the important things. NUFF SAID.

I really like keppy's attitude the best here . he tells it like it is he has his spots and his spots alone. He don't kiss a$$ here to make him sound like something he is not.I guess if you don't like him and the way he does it he don't care. He is his own man not a a$$ kisser to be liked...

kando said:
I really like keppy's attitude the best here . he tells it like it is he has his spots and his spots alone. He don't kiss a$$ here to make him sound like something he is not.I guess if you don't like him and the way he does it he don't care. He is his own man not a a$$ kisser to be liked...

He tells it like it is for him.... and that's great. But are you implying just because people who don't believe in keeping sites to themself kiss a$$? I don't really get what you're trying to say, and if anything, I think it takes bigger balls to take your friends to your good site and detect it out! Romeo from this website was here last Spring and dug a belt plate just feet from me, and that was something I've been waiting to find for over 10 years. Does that mean he is not getting an invitation back? Hell no! I want revenge.

Iron Patch What i am saying is that when a thread gets started if 90% on the thread say what most say for they don't want to seem like they are different . --------If it goes that most say they like it every one goes that way---------------- if it goes that most don't like it every one goes that way----------- but keppy don't care what most say he says what he does and don't care if it is with every one else or not . Every one trys to pet each other and sound like they are such wonderful people to every one . Some times they get so sweet to each other it almost makes me sick it is so phony and i don't like phonies . Now you speak your mind iron Patch and i like that.A lot don't they follow the crowd .

kando said:
Iron Patch What i am saying is that when a thread gets started if 90% on the thread say what most say for they don't want to seem like they are different . --------If it goes that most say they like it every one goes that way---------------- if it goes that most don't like it every one goes that way----------- but keppy don't care what most say he says what he does and don't care if it is with every one else or not . Every one trys to pet each other and sound like they are such wonderful people to every one . Some times they get so sweet to each other it almost makes me sick it is so phony and i don't like phonies . Now you speak your mind iron Patch and i like that.A lot don't they follow the crowd .

Gotcha. But I'm not sure people would say they share if they don't because there's nothing wrong with keeping a site you found to yourself. It really has a lot to do with each situation, and if things were different, then maybe I'd do things different. But what works here, and is the most fun, is we just hunt the best sites we can find and if something hits the big one more power to them.

I go on the hunt for the adventure of the hunt and the fellowship of those I hunt with . They reciprocate .
I have permission , and have had for 15 years , to hunt a CW cannon emplacement that has never been hunted . Permission is for me only and I find no fun in that . When I can talk the
owner into allowing me to bring a friend then I will hunt it . None of the owners could give a
crap if I dug up an entire intact battery . What's the point of opening a site like that by yourself when you could share the experience with a friend who cares .

truckinbutch said:
I go on the hunt for the adventure of the hunt and the fellowship of those I hunt with . They reciprocate .
I have permission , and have had for 15 years , to hunt a CW cannon emplacement that has never been hunted . Permission is for me only and I find no fun in that . When I can talk the
owner into allowing me to bring a friend then I will hunt it . None of the owners could give a
crap if I dug up an entire intact battery . What's the point of opening a site like that by yourself when you could share the experience with a friend who cares .
To each his own on some of my hunts i don't need fellowship i don't want fellowship like i said to each his own. There are times that fellowship just don't work.

I've learned from the past to not give out info on what Im finding on my detecting sites . I hunt mostly older parks and demo sites here in Calif so if I mention to anyone I know a good area or spot , it will be pounded to death the next day by them and all their friends . My hard work of finding certain areas and zones in my spots over the years has added to many a detectorist's yearly silver coin totals and that takes away from mine . Yes I get my share of silver ( 167 last year ) however im not sayin zip anymore as these areas are not being replentished with silver and the oldies . Remember loose lips sink ships and be careful who you tell . They may not be the friend you thought they were ...

It made me angry so many people knew of my place and this is where they would all go.....
until after 5 years no one went because there was nothing being found...
Now I am very careful about real good spots I find and hold them only for me and my partner...

You only made one mistake. They were not your friends.

believed at the time that they were...
One of them was and remained so for a long time, but he had a personal policy of not taking anyone
else to sites someone had taken him to.
So even though we were friends he would not take me to places others had showed him, and vic versa for our spots. The other guy he was just out for glory

It's Mine! It's all mine I say! :laughing9:



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I've been fortunate enough to have plenty of ground to hunt on, so friends are welcome. I've met a couple of folks from here that I've taken out on some decent sites, and they have turned me on to some good ground as well.

The only time I keep it to myself is if the property owner asks that I not bring anyone else out. Unfortunately this is the case on my best spot, and there are over 5,000 acres to search, so it will never be covered.

sure did for 3 years but my big mouth gave it away. ::)

I share "my" spots with close digging buddies or someone who I know who won't blab it to the world. I have introduced a few newbies by taking them somewhere I knew they would find at least something if just a few coins. I'll be darn if they don't outdo me! Last time I introduced a newbie and loaned him a detector, he found a platinum wedding band. I found 37 cents and a toe ring! Monty

Years ago when my friend was alive, he found a place on Folly Island outside of Charleston SC
(don't let me give this sweet spot away :laughing9:)

A small lot across the street from some residence homes had been cleared and he saw it before anyone else...
We got lots of great things there, including an Eagle breast plate, and my first Flying Eagle Cent...
My buddy figured if its here, then it has to be across the street... Right ?
So he asked and was granted permission to hunt the ladies yard.... (small yard maybe 1/4 acre)
More stuff....
Months later I took someone there who I considered a friend... to test a new machine or something...
did not think anything about it, when me and my first friend returned, that lady said we were not welcome
anymore because someone had gone into her backyard with a shovel and dug several large holes back there...
She was sure it was not us, but obviously someone we had brought there with us...
This really pissed me off.... I will not disclose my sites to anyone I have not hunted with for at least 2 years.

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