Dowsing for Lottery Numbers.


Sr. Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Pulse Star II & Whites TM808
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No, you cannot dowse for the lottery. You can't dowse for anything in the future, because there are too many time lines that can occur. Past and present is the best that you can do.
As an example of dowsing for information, I will relate an incident that occurred in the late 1980’s. The state of Florida had just implemented the lottery for the first time. I thought that it would be interesting to dowse the lottery in some manner. I knew that it would be impossible to dowse the future lotto numbers because you cannot dowse the future. It would have to be something that had already occurred in order to be dowsed. I decided on the “scratch-offs” as a way of dowsing the lottery. I knew that each ticket had a number in sequence, so my task was to seek an amount (I picked $50) that was ALREADY printed on a numbered ticket. Each day, I would dowse to see if there was a $50 winner that was about to be sold at a particular location that I would use. I started on a Wednesday. I got no positive information until Saturday. My dowsing indicated that this day a $50 winning ticket was about to be sold. Since I was not at the location of the tickets, I asked one of my co-workers to check the numbers of the first ticket that was left on the roll. After I got the number, I started to dowse back until I got to the winning $50 ticket. To be sure of having the winner, I picked ten numbers with the winner in the middle. I called my co-worker and told him the sequence of the ten numbers that we wanted. He told the seller to tear off ten numbers beginning with the first number in the sequence that I had dowsed. Later in the day, my co-worker called and said that the numbers had indeed come up, and that he had the tickets. Long story short. The winning $50 ticket was in the middle of the ten that we had bought. There were many, many witnesses who saw the winning ticket, and most were present when my co-worker bought them. I later asked the owner of the place how many winning $50 tickets had been sold in his place since the lottery began. He said ours was the only one out of five thousand sold up until that time.

Each individual state is different for what I am about to state. Of course, I have no "smoking gun" to prova any of it. But, you decide. For the pic-3 lotterries the state already has a 2-1 advantage right out of the gate! They pay only $500 for a 1000-1 wager. Nooooo....this ain't enough for the greedy bastards! They have every number that was played in the computer for every drawing BEFORE the drawing and access to all those combinations. They regularly set-up/manipulate the balls via technology to make the combination that comes out to be the LEAST played combinations. And, as if this wasn't enough, they also GIVE the preselected number combinations to designated parties ahead of time for *******(use your imagination!). It gets even deeper and more sinister, but I'll stop here. Because, as I said I have zero proof of any of my allegations. Before lotteries became decriminalized the Sicilians at least gave you what was rightfully yours when you played fairly.This is a more closely guarded secret than anything the Knights of Rhodes ever did! LOL. stvn.

Mike(Mont) said:
The odds are against you in any lotto. The idea that anyone would try to influence the outcome lacks any merit. I have never been under the assumption that any dowser could influence the outcome

Check into the Pennsylvania lottery scandal. The head of the Pennsylvania lottery rigged it and there were six winners on a major jackpot. Five of them were his relatives. All six winners were arrested. The five relatives testified against the cheat and he went to prison. when it all sorted out the one honest guy was awarded the entire jackpot. The way he cheated was to put extra weight on the balls he didn't want to come out. siegfried schlagrule

morbiusandneo said:
Each individual state is different for what I am about to state. Of course, I have no "smoking gun" to prova any of it. But, you decide. For the pic-3 lotterries the state already has a 2-1 advantage right out of the gate! They pay only $500 for a 1000-1 wager. Nooooo....this ain't enough for the greedy #@!$%#@!s! They have every number that was played in the computer for every drawing BEFORE the drawing and access to all those combinations. They regularly set-up/manipulate the balls via technology to make the combination that comes out to be the LEAST played combinations. And, as if this wasn't enough, they also GIVE the preselected number combinations to designated parties ahead of time for *******(use your imagination!). It gets even deeper and more sinister, but I'll stop here. Because, as I said I have zero proof of any of my allegations. Before lotteries became decriminalized the Sicilians at least gave you what was rightfully yours when you played fairly.This is a more closely guarded secret than anything the Knights of Rhodes ever did! LOL. stvn.
Since you have zero proof of these allegations, then basically you're just mad at the lottery commission, right? I mean, if you can't show where this information came from, then it's just conjecture on your part?

Since you have zero proof of these allegations, then basically you're just mad at the lottery commission, right? I mean, if you can't show where this information came from, then it's just conjecture on your part?
[/quote] It is a conjecture you make about my being mad at the lottery commission. I was involved in a project for over a year, but I have lost touch with all those people. Believe what you want, though. It is a free world, right? stvn.

morbiusandneo said:
Since you have zero proof of these allegations, then basically you're just mad at the lottery commission, right? I mean, if you can't show where this information came from, then it's just conjecture on your part?

It is a conjecture you make about my being mad at the lottery commission. I was involved in a project for over a year, but I have lost touch with all those people. Believe what you want, though. It is a free world, right? stvn.
What sort of project?

many lottery results are questionable from a probability point of view. Have a look at's work, then begin to study your own favourite lottery and notice of how often 'out there' number patterns turn up. Like 3 numbers in series. And if that happens a few weeks in a row? As it did in Ireland recently!! Dodgy. Very dodgy. I even bought a 'quickpick' with two 1-line entries of 6 numbers. Both lines had the same 3 numbers in series. That's statistically out there, my friends.

See here for more about a major scratchcard scam that was uncovered in france only a few years ago. The lottery company settled out of court.

With 15-30 minutes quiet time before each draw is held, and with upwards of 50% of all plays already placed in advance of the final few hours, it wouldn't be hard for lotteries to be fixed.

I had a great laugh reading all your post !! You cant win picking lottery number's by dowsing plain and simply why ?If we all did you wouldnt be replying to this post we would sitting in are mansion's sipping on are drink's right now!! Wake up dowsing is for finding lost object's from the past and present and people and self healing and water and metal's :icon_scratch:

john glassman said:
I had a great laugh reading all your post !! You cant win picking lottery number's by dowsing plain and simply why ?If we all did you wouldnt be replying to this post we would sitting in are mansion's sipping on are drink's right now!! Wake up dowsing is for finding lost object's from the past and present and people and self healing and water and metal's :icon_scratch:

You are limiting yourself John. If a lottery is rigged, for example, then you can surely dowse for those results in advance, even under you self-limiting paradigm.

No, you can most certainly dowse the lottery, fixed or fairly run John. Last year, I dowsed 4 numbers from the New York Lotto. I had to choose four from four, using an online bookie. I dowsed three correctly and the 4th I missed by one digit. That is relevant because I was dowsing the numbers linearly. If i had stuck with 3 only, I would have won €5k. But I got greedy and wanted €45k. So I won nothing. I needed 5k and that's why I was dowsing the lottery, something which is against the grain of the ethics of dowsing. And you will ask why I haven't done it since? Because I was dowsing on a sacred place, on a leyline. And on the way home, I killed a labrador that ran across the path of my car where the leyline intersects that road. Being a vegan, that cut me up a lot (it would upset most people). The sceptics will have a field day with this happy-clappie post. I'm not bothered what they think. Yes, you can dowse future paths, but the lottery is a very very difficult subject matter. Better to dowse something with less factors. Please research Tom Graves for more on how to alter your perception in order to future-dowse.

The lottery is for greed straight outright you payed for mistake the hard way !!! I'am not limted my mind is a powerful tool remember that dont speak in a forked tongue to me!!! :clock:

Good for you John,

get it off your chest. Self-limitation is an awful scourge.

Go Johnny Go Go Go! But Johnny? . . . . . . Be good ;-) To quote a famous piano belter, not to be confused with a forked tongue fearing Bible Belter

morbiusandneo said:
Since you have zero proof of these allegations, then basically you're just mad at the lottery commission, right? I mean, if you can't show where this information came from, then it's just conjecture on your part?
It is a conjecture you make about my being mad at the lottery commission. I was involved in a project for over a year, but I have lost touch with all those people. Believe what you want, though. It is a free world, right? stvn.

NO, it is NOT a free world anymore..................

Dowsing deals with the present and the past. Divination is for future stuff; which is bad ju-ju; karma; or whatever else you want to call it.

I believe I'll stay with dowsing. Not that I'm very good........................YET. :laughing7: But, I won't be inviting bad crap into my life.

Mike(Mont) said:
Of all the topics I have to admit lotto dowsing raises the most eyebrows. The whole idea of seeing into the future is nearly impossible to grasp mentally. I could give some theories about other dimensions but don't care to at this time. However, if you realize that the future is a result of previous events, there is reason to believe that trends can be spotted and dowsed for intuitive information from there. Now this does not mean it's a simple matter, it is not. But the idea is to try and cut down the odds, stack the deck, load the dice. So the answer is "NO" I don't think it is really seeing into the future, but like when you see something about to happen and you say "Oh $#!+!!!" before it happens, you can predict some things. So this certainly isn't just a matter of holding a pendulum over some numbers and watch for the response.

I agree Mike, that the end-result, of divination, that is, is doable. How its done methodically, unlike dowsing, is another matter. But I attest to the fact that I did dowse over numbers, in a linear fashion etc, did get strong responses and did pick 4 from 4(one was 1 digit off, anecdotally proving the linear significance) from a pool of ?56? numbers. I needed 5k that day. Had I left my pick at 3 from 3 (an online bookmakers) I would have won, but I went for 45K and lost. That is, of course hardcore divination and something I regret doing. It does not form a part of my dowsing today. I operate strict ethics in dowsing now also to ensure I am not putting others at an unneccessary disadvantage.

I'm new to Dowsing. I just bought a pendalum and have made some rods from bronze. I will be doing allot of reading in the dowsing forum and was wondering. Can I learn, Or Can I dowse for Lottery Numbers. Does anyone know If anyone has ever won the Lottery by Dowsing for Numbers.

dreamt the numbers....1,3,23,27,28,48 only the ones i could remember were 1,3,48 a little fuzzy on the others..but i think they were 24,26,29... thinking about close :headbang:
put them on
got 3 for £10
winning numbers were amazingly close...... 1,3,24,26,29,48

morbiusandneo said:
Each individual state is different for what I am about to state. Of course, I have no "smoking gun" to prova any of it. But, you decide. For the pic-3 lotterries the state already has a 2-1 advantage right out of the gate! They pay only $500 for a 1000-1 wager. Nooooo....this ain't enough for the greedy --deleted--s! They have every number that was played in the computer for every drawing BEFORE the drawing and access to all those combinations. They regularly set-up/manipulate the balls via technology to make the combination that comes out to be the LEAST played combinations. And, as if this wasn't enough, they also GIVE the preselected number combinations to designated parties ahead of time for *******(use your imagination!). It gets even deeper and more sinister, but I'll stop here. Because, as I said I have zero proof of any of my allegations. Before lotteries became decriminalized the Sicilians at least gave you what was rightfully yours when you played fairly.This is a more closely guarded secret than anything the Knights of Rhodes ever did! LOL. stvn.
You are dead on RIGHT about this. Glad to see people are getting wise to the Lottery's in every state. It is just a big rip off. Alabear

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