Ever notice.....................



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May 11, 2011
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But where did we learn to translate the signals we receive? Something that might be horrible to my neighbor might be trivial to me! Or am I way off here?

Does this make sense?

Who Are You?
Are thoughts speaking to you?

by Roy Masters

Are thoughts speaking to you inside your head as a demanding parent shouting orders, and do you still conform to this now inner presence, as might a child with a cruel authority? Until you find the truth that sets you free, this voice will continue nagging, utilizing past guilt and the fear of punishment, as the ever-present command and control.

Adopting this voice as your very own thoughts and belief system is a foolish "self" deception. This “self” is not you; it is a parent/sibling phantom identity feeding a legion of childhood traumas.

Through many generations of controlled and controlling people it came, with many choosing the victim status rather than that of the tormentor. Fomenting resentment is a dangerous trap, locking you into the subservient role, the only other "choice."

Inside, two forces are in conflict, one is a mental voice of language, loaded with the programming of a child's obedience to authority. The opposition is the wordless word of conscience. It is time now to do what you could not do before, that is to say, transfer your allegiance back to the wordless word in your heart.

Dropping resentments effortlessly dissolves any programming; the first resentment is towards the tease that lives in your mind; the second with look-alike people, places and things.

Naturally, you do not wish to become like what you hated, but because that is exactly what is happening there evolves a strange addiction with resentful struggles. The only sense of self-worth you have ever known is rooted in a perpetual conformity or rebellion against all authority. That authority still goads you from that other place…now at home inside your head.

A hate object is needed because resentment has become a necessary evil…a sustaining food for the false core of worth and loyalty. From the guilt of hate springs misguided love, and then presents itself as a loving and devoted person, when in reality it is only a slave.

Between the stimulus (the tease) and your response, there is a holy space. Here lies the freedom to choose new responses that will shape your new destiny. Unfortunately, emotional upsets block this blessing from coming through, advancing the cause of disease and suffering.

As a little child, you once knew how to be carefree; to move and have your true being, but cruel love stole it away. Others now live through you...as you.
The real you reading this should be grasping the fact that you no longer need to function from the malevolent spirit implanted in language; the silent cognition of what you are reading here is sufficient to begin lifting the burden.

Lately, emotions have begun to run away with your common sense. Emotionally entangled, dark dream thoughts are always lurking. They appeal to you in those irrational moments of discontent urging you to act them out.

A lifetime of excuses has become false beliefs, leading to wrong relationships, blind alleys, hopelessness and despair. Considering this Learn how to separate from this endless loop of emotionally sustained thought.

Those without faith have nothing but vainglorious goals and dreams; a phantom’s voice leads as the hope of the hopeless.

No one can give himself faith. Nevertheless, if you will simply doubt that voice that has made you doubt what is right in your heart, it will allow faith to enter as a born-again experience.

At the threshold of reality, the masquerading self will be unmasked; fear and resentful resistance will no longer empower it. Henceforth, remain calm. To survive, it must convince you that being upset is a very normal thing, but it lies. Through the arousal of blinding emotions, it always drew its identity from the wrong crowd you thought were friends. Stand back from the refuge of thought-chemistry, for this ghostly thing loathes and fears observation.

You never were addicted to the judgment of resentment, it was "it" thinking through you, as you, and “it” never wanted you to know.

Upon your awakening, it will react as if mortally wounded. All this time, this thing was thriving on your emotional confusion and draining your life. All the more reason to be perpetually watchful; do not believe its mocking, haunting and disheartening presence. Since your frustration is its power, refrain from talking to yourself in your head lest you fall into a whirlpool of maddening beliefs.

No one can grow rightly by reacting wrongly; emotional obedience always transfers the loyalty to the tease source, allowing the dark nature to continue growing and attaching itself parasitically to your soul. It is impossible to have a meaningful life without the right response to all wrongs.

Therefore, resist not evil, overcome it with good. Resentment in all its forms, for any reason whatsoever, will continue to separate you from the good that overcomes evil.

Evil is not a person, just the same phantom thing in others, reproducing itself through cruelty, and needing a victim’s resentment to get in.

Therefore, endure cruelty and betrayal minus resentments. Hold fast to the wordless word in your heart that bears witness to these words. Be still and allow the essence of a new being to germinate through the quiet place within, revealing the redeeming Light to others. Remember, only while in emotional extremes and submerged in fantasy can your parasitic other self survive.

Fear not, you do not sin by thinking, which is to say, observing teasing thoughts and impure images flitting across the screen of your mind. Only by indulging those (familiar) delusions of grandeur and revenge, will the soul fall into agreement with the invader. That is why it does its best to make you think that the revealing Light of
conscience is the enemy; therefore, meditate unceasingly to keep from such unwitting cooperation. Because sin is more than mere conditioning, as with post-traumatic stress disorder, it requires the soul's agreement to flourish.

The way to the way lies in that quiet place beyond the imagination realm. In this space, you will perceive a fraction of a moment into the future, and hence freedom from all wrong choices. The soul of the true self can operate from two places, but a parasite from only one…the sensuous realm of mind.

God does not download his mercy, meaning, and purpose into a mind lost, or escaping into an endless loop of thought.

You do not have free will the way you think. The proclivity to respond to cruel masters comes preconditioned from birth -- inherited. Christians call this "born in sin". No human since Adam has had the choice of good and evil; for us, there is only one way to salvation from the bondage that we all inherited from the first man's choice. Our individual righteousness can never be good enough.

Therefore, conflicts and anxieties, accompanied by various sufferings, will continue to bring you to your knees; yet, think of this pain as a good thing. As the first human, you would have made the same mistake as Adam, who lost his bright nature. Your choice is more merciful, not as much a choice, as the salvation from (the original) one.

New Year's resolutions never work, because, as you will eventually discover, a puppeteer is pulling the strings of your mind. The Apostle Paul realized it was sin at home inside him. So, do as he did, claim Christ's forgiveness now and pay it forward to others -- endure affliction patiently while standing firm in unswerving loyalty to what is right in your heart.

As you make this journey into the will of the Light, understand two important principles. First, become aware of any resentful resistance to correction, especially from conscience, for it has always been your friend and never your enemy. Second, see resentment as the handmaiden of a legion of judgments. It was resentment that opened the door of your mind and allowed the unforgiving seed to enter, which having no life of its own, began to feed on your failings as well as the downfall of others.

From now on, errant behaviors are no longer excusable, because, from man’s beginning, the excuse has been the friend of the fiend, with enablers more deadly than a serpent’s poison. Think of the damage you could prevent if only you could admit your own wrong and stand up patiently to the faults of others.

You will find meaning only when suffering becomes a heartfelt search. Frustration shall rule, until the conflict from foolish dreams causes salvation’s inward cry.


Sep 4, 2013
Somewhere directly above the center of the Earth.
Primary Interest:
No, just thoughts, kinda like I'm driving along, see some old guy mowing the grass, first thought is to be the kinda guy I am, and stop and do it for him, then another thought says don't waste your time, it goes back and forth, though it could all just be insanity.


Aug 20, 2009
New Hampshire
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Garret Master hunter Cx Plus
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No, just thoughts, kinda like I'm driving along, see some old guy mowing the grass, first thought is to be the kinda guy I am, and stop and do it for him, then another thought says don't waste your time, it goes back and forth, though it could all just be insanity.

Thats just you debating with yourself mike,no biggie.


Sep 4, 2013
Somewhere directly above the center of the Earth.
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That would be me, since I know more about psychology from reading everything the library has on the subject, than the so called professionals they send me to see, that paid 200 grand and wasted 8 years of their life in college for an education they could have obtained for free, like I did, but I'm the insane one...meh I lol at the irony of that.
Its difficult trying to discern thoughts from voices in my head sometimes, yet I know I have a purpose, I just wish as long as its been, that I could figure out what it is.

I sometimes feel the meds keep me from hearing what I need to, maybe that is the reason we are not supposed to consume anything that alters our state of mind, don't know, it is a deep subject that I have spent a large portion of my life contemplating.


Aug 20, 2009
New Hampshire
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Garret Master hunter Cx Plus
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Everybody debates with themselves mike,maybe not out loud,but they still do it.Only a fool doesnt ask himself questions.



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May 11, 2011
Western Mass.
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It is my hope some will grasp this.

GOD Bless




by Roy Masters

n order to deal with stress, we must first define what it is. For us, stress is not the sun, wind, rain, or starvation, as it is for animals. For human beings, most stress is simply cruelty, in one form or another, directed at us by other stressed-out human beings, who themselves have been victimized by cruelty and stress in their own pasts.
Just what is it about cruelty that makes it so hard to deal with, and how would you like to overcome your anger at no charge?
The Way to a Stress-Free Life

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Imagine that someone said or did something cruel to you, but that you did not react in any way whatsoever—you did not become upset, resentful, or even ruffled. You simply observed that this person was saying or doing something cruel, as though you were calmly observing the scene in a movie. You simply would not be stressedby what would appear to others to be a highly stressful encounter. Principle number one: Stress and cruelty affect us as profoundly as they do, only because we react to them resentfully. Personal experience and common sense both bear out the basic truth of what is being said here.
What, then, is this thing called resentment? Resentment is like a tiny little electrical shock that we feel in the presence of injustice. Once we begin to respond resentfully to any form of intimidation, all of our happiness, health, wealth, and wisdom are in danger of extinction. This common condition can set in immediately through a severe trauma, or it can grow up in us gradually over many years of accumulated aggravation.
The word resentment comes from the Latin root which means, literally, "to feel again." It implies a re-experiencing of previous anger. This pent-up rage makes us lose control so that we may become violent, to the point that we do and say things for which we are sorry later when we regain our composure.
Something strange but undeniable happens when we resent. Besides finding ourselves saddled with great conflict, we find within us something of the identity of the person we resent! We can't stop thinking about the person we resent. Even more bizarre, we actually start agreeing with his ideas; we can't say no to him. For instance: You have an emotional argument with someone, during the course of which you become very upset. Although you started out sure of yourself and your perception of the issue being debated, the upset and resentment emotionalizes your thinking and causes you to become confused and doubtful as to your original position. Now you find, to your bewilderment, that you actually start to agree with the other party (who may, in reality, be totally wrong).
Not only does resentment cause us to become confused, it actually throws open our minds to outside suggestion.
In fact, very often our adversary consciously or unconsciously wants us to resent him, because he senses that this will separate us from our own common sense and enlightened reason. Unless we are upset away from our own calm center of dignity, he or she would be unable to dominate us or plant suggestions in our minds. Again, when we are upset, we have no power to resist suggestion.
Conquering resentment is the key to dealing with all stress, even stress that does not appear to be related in any way to cruelty, such as the stress of balancing the household budget, or the stress of our children needing a great deal of our attention. The reason is simple: The way we react to all stress, even the innocent problems, discomforts, and responsibilities of life, is conditioned and keyed to the way in which we deal with cruelty. In other words if we react with upset and resentment to cruelty and thoughtlessness, we will also react that way, in one form or another, to all stressful situations.
Resentment plays millions of tricks with our minds. One of them is to make us feel lost and empty, and that intensifies the need for love and approval. This opens the door to binges with food and sex—anything to fill the emptiness. But when we find gratification through people, places, and things, as love substitutes, we are literally breeding addiction within ourselves. Why? Because the pleasure is only a love substitute, which by its very nature feeds the anger that gave rise to it, making us even more angry—and round it goes.
That is the nature of addiction to anything, from gambling, to food, to drugs and alcohol. How do we solve all these stress problems? By applying Principle number two: Locate the resentment and drop it in the present moment. If we can locate our resentment in every present intimidation, and let it pass, we discover to our amazement that our fears, fetishes, phobias and guilt, in fact all those faults we have hated in ourselves and others, begin to disappear.
Please freeze-frame this point: Resentment is the root cause of all the suffering in your life, bad decisions, even many diseases. Being upset makes us suggestible, gullible, and submissive to cruel authority. We grow up as permanent victims, and tyrants and manipulators see to it that their quarry never outgrow their secret hostilities by piling on cruelty upon cruelty, terror upon terror, and confusion upon confusion.
Incredibly, very often the victim of secret, suppressed rage feels love and warmth towards his violator, and truly believes that his slavery is a loving service. This is because the hate he feels automatically produces guilt, which automatically creates a powerful need for him to "make up" for that guilt—with false love. An entire nation can be controlled by this hate-love phenomenon. Consider the nation of Iran. Do you really believe that the late Ayatollah Khomeini's followers truly loved him? Of course not, they hated him. They had religion forced upon them when they were children, in a society that has no tolerance for a different view. The result is rage and conformity—and a strange loyalty to serve the violator, even to the death.
Resentment is the establishing cause of all past traumas, and a reinforcing cause of them in the present. That is why so many of us never get well. At the same time, however, it gives great hope for a cure to those willing to engage in a little introspection. There is no need to look into the past to find the cause of our problems; we can gauge our pasts by carefully observing how we relate to people, places, and things in the present.
You see, objects that were present in the scene of any cruel, traumatic event become associated with the person who hurt us, and can have the same effect upon us as the person did. Example: You may not like the color red; for some unknown reason red irritates you. Or you could like it too much. But there's no need to look deeper (although there is a deeper root cause) because the reactions you are now experiencing are, for all practical purposes, the root. Just notice the irritation, and see if you can locate the resentment that underlies it. As you observe it, it disappears. Sometime later, the memory of the originating incident will surface all by itself, and you will have a flash of understanding about it—and then it is gone, along with your problem.
One man I counseled felt irritable in the presence of balloons, especially red ones. One of the few times his father played with him, it turns out, he gave his son some red balloons. However, his father played with him in a cold, indifferent, hypocritical way; he was impatient and didn't really want to play with his son, but did so out of obligation. Sensing his father's hypocrisy and coldness, the boy resented this, knowing it wasn't real love. That trauma affected him throughout his life and was associated in his mind with balloons. Of course, that was only one of hundreds of traumas that can make up a person's life.
The key to overcoming resentment is very basic: We must learn to observe everything objectively, including personal conflicts, without becoming upset and thereby refueling the problem. This ability to confront problems without becoming upset or emotionally caught up with them is an essential and time-honored discipline, necessary for our mental, emotional, and even physical health and well-being.



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Jun 9, 2013
Middle TN. area
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Everybody debates with themselves mike,maybe not out loud,but they still do it.Only a fool doesnt ask himself questions.

"Only a fool doesn't ask himself questions."... I must be a fool or I just know everything there is to know. Damn, maybe I'm a genius and just don't know it? Wait... I just used a question mark. I'm not a fool... Thanks Red, I feel better now.


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2013
Middle TN. area
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Metal Detecting
Nah limitool,youre no fool.I know a fool when I see one:occasion14:

Well thanks Red. But if you followed me around at times and paid attention you'd have to shake your head in amazement I've lived this long. EXAMPLE: Had my pool almost completely drained last week with just a few puddles left. Jumped down inside pool to move sump pump to lowest spot and then push broom remaining water to it. Welllllll... I pulled on the pump, hose and extension cord to move about 10' across pool and when I sat it down I watched the electrical connection (pump plug & ext. cord) slowly slide down into pool and land right in the shallow water. And yes... it lite me UP. Always wondered if the GFI worked. It does!!!! Worse yet I saw "it" coming in slow motion... and was RIGHT. I might not be a fool but I could be the poster boy for dumb.


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Mar 21, 2010
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I learned at an early age that another person's reactions are a mirror image of your actions. Frank...- 111-1 profilecracked.jpg

Aug 20, 2009
New Hampshire
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Garret Master hunter Cx Plus
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Welllllll... I pulled on the pump, hose and extension cord to move about 10' across pool and when I sat it down I watched the electrical connection (pump plug & ext. cord) slowly slide down into pool and land right in the shallow water.

Nah,that not being a fool,thats called being in a hurry to get something done and screwing up.:laughing7:


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Jul 1, 2012
In da bush
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Here's a classic Zen story that I read when I was young that helped shape my understanding of "Good or bad."

There once was a simple farmer who lived and struggled alongside his neighbours and friends, trying to exist and fulfil a peaceful life.
One day news arrived from far away, that his old loving father had died.
His neighbours gathered to grieve, but the farmer simply said, “Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?”

In time relatives brought a very fine horse of great cost and fine breeding, left to the farmer by his father.
All the villagers and neighbours gathered in delight with him to celebrate his good fortune, but he just said, “Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?”

One day the horse escaped into the hills and when all the farmer’s neighbours sympathized with the old man over his bad luck, the farmer replied, “Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?”

A week later the horse returned with a herd of wild horses from the hills and this time the neighbours congratulated the farmer on his good luck.
His reply was, “Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?”

Then, when the farmer’s son was attempting to tame one of the wild horses, he fell off its back and broke his leg. Everyone thought this very bad luck.
Not the farmer, whose only reaction was, “Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?”

Some weeks later the army marched into the village and conscripted every able-bodied youth they found there. When they saw the farmer’s son with his broken leg they let him off.
Now was that good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?

Now, how does this apply to people?
Well, I've been hanging around this egomaniac for a couple of years. He yells at his family, says the rudest things to everyone he meets, and pushes my buttons greater than anyone I've ever known.
Most would call him "Bad or mean."
However, he has been a great teacher. My ego has diminished big time from humbling myself and not taking what he says or does personal.
There's something to learn from every being on this planet......Whether they're kind or mean.
I've found that by looking at my own dark side, I could actually see the light!
If humanity is one conscious mind, then how different is a mean person from a kind one?
If one suffers, we ALL suffer!
One expression I've been saying for years......I wouldn't call it good or bad. It just IS what it IS.


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Nov 21, 2013
Mountain Home, Idaho
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I've been reading this thread and although I've kinda 'scanned' some of the longer posts, I believe I've gleaned what is being said. I've been 'stressed' my entire life. But not from being mistreated, threatened, etc. Almost all of my stress has been from worrying; and most of my worries have been ever so small. My dad never tried to 'hurry' me unless it was something important that needed to be done immediately. But, he always told me that to have some free time for myself, I should always do things that needed to be done as soon as possible. By doing my chores immediately, I could then relax and do what ever I wanted to do. I guess I have made it such a habit that it's caused me to be 'stressed' continually. Most of the jobs in my life have been ones that needed to be done quickly, though correctly. I've worked in machine shops where doing the job correctly was imperative, yet doing them quickly. I was self employed for a number of years and tried to get the work done as quickly as possible because most of the time, there were more customers wanting work done as soon as possible. Even when work was slack, I always worried then that I might not be able to earn enough to pay the bills. I guess I'm just a worrier. When I retired in 2004, I swore that I would slow down and stop worrying so much. I'm still trying to slow down and stop worrying. As long as I have it on my mind to go slow, I'm ok. If I don't have it on my mind, I find myself hurrying to just go into the kitchen to get a glass of water. It's been almost 10 years since I retired and still have trouble slowing down and worrying about inconsequential things.
A man I did a lot of work for, seemed to be one of those people that didn't let too much bother them. He was very successful in his business. I went into an office where he was well known one Monday morning. The first thing that I learned was he had pulled into a little restaurant about 10 p.m., opened his car door, put a .38 caliber revolver to his head, and pulled the trigger. He was killed instantly. Supposedly, he was distraught over some of the stores that he had remodeled and spent quite a bit of money on, was not improving the way he thought they would. I said that I would have thought I have would killed myself before that man would have. Suicide is something that is not part of my way of thinking. I've lived through the deaths of most of my friends and family; even the death of one daughter and my wife. During all those stressful times, suicide was never an option for me. I've never thought it solved anything and only hurt the loved ones who are left behind.
One of the boys that lived about 3 houses down the street from us, and my son played with quite often, wrecked the family van. He went home, got his dad's .45, and went out into the backyard. There were 3 lounge chairs under a tree that the family enjoyed sitting in during the evenings and on weekends. He sat down in one of them and shot himself in the head. He was about 17 years old. He wasn't one that I would have considered suicidal either.
One never knows about other people. We can only try to watch out for ourselves. As for what goes through our minds? I never thought about 'receiving' thoughts. I haven't really thought about where they come from. Yes, I know a lot come from radio/tv/reading/other people. But as for original thoughts, I haven't the slightest idea except that maybe they come from ourselves; our own minds.

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Gold Member
May 11, 2011
Western Mass.
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XP Deus
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As hard as it might be for most to realize,we can not have an Original thought.

GOD Bless


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Gold Member
Mar 21, 2010
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XLT , surfmaster PI , HAYS 2Box , VIBRA-TECTOR
Nah,that not being a fool,that's called being in a hurry to get something done and screwing up.:laughing7:

I learned early in life that it is much easier to take your time and fix it right the first time than have to clean up your mistakes and fix it right the second, or third time. Just a thought, directed at no one in particular.
Frank...- hand print-2_edited-5.jpg


Gold Member
Mar 21, 2010
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XLT , surfmaster PI , HAYS 2Box , VIBRA-TECTOR
As hard as it might be for most to realize,we can not have an Original thought.

GOD Bless


Maybe not original to man, but to ourselves, our group, etc it can be. You see if not presented before, who truly knows what is original. I have thought up many inventions and not acted on that thought only to see it in production years later. Example, I was probably the first person to have on his car, delay windshield wipers and a fully automatic alarm system that could detect a person 1" from his vehicle & it turned on and off automatically. Just an original thought. lol
111-1 profile.jpg Frank...-

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