excalibur issues


Sr. Member
Jan 6, 2011
here is the turn of events.

I had to send my excl 1000 to minelab in June for a knob replacement, the threshold knob was broken, it could be turned clockwise around easily.

then I got it back, it was fixed and worked for a couple of hunts.

then suddenly I start getting iron signals anywhere I go, lots of iron signals, whereever I swing there is always iron apparently, the threshold disappears and is replaced by that annoying sound. However when there is a real target then I get a normal signal.

then I lost the yellow cover somewhere, I understand that mentioning it is probably irrelevant but anyway, today I went out without the yellow cover for the first time and the detector is extremely unstable in fresh water. It keeps producing all kinds of signals without targets in sight, even in the air. Turning the detector off and turning it back on sometimes solves the problem for a couple of minutes. The issue is especially serious when I change the direction of the swings. Most false signals are low signals, like there is large thin foil somewhere

what could this be ?

The factory knobs were always a problem. It's best to get an aftermarket set that have set screws to hold them onto the posts. As for your instability problem, make sure your battery connection is very clean, silicon lubed, and tight. If you have a backup battery (you should), swap them out and try it again.

What your describing could be a battery issue, check the voltages on your battery, make sure it is fully charged... A failing battery is very uinstable and will give you lots of false signals... Do you have another battery you can check it with or know someone with an excal you can test your battery on.....?

Do you have a coil cover on?

What your describing could be a battery issue, check the voltages on your battery, make sure it is fully charged... A failing battery is very uinstable and will give you lots of false signals... Do you have another battery you can check it with or know someone with an excal you can test your battery on.....?

Do you have a coil cover on?


I dont have a backup battery, I'm currently using a battery pack I bought off ebay 2.5 years ago, its possible that it has reached the limit of its lifetime.

also I dont have a new cover yet, I ordered one and waiting for it to be delivered.

Since you don't have a coil cover, that isn't the problem. Sometimes highly mineralized sand or soil can get between the coil and the cover causing falsing. I would start by getting a alkaline battery pod to use as a backup for a rechargeable battery. That will be a good way to determine if the detector is the problem or your rechargeable battery. Also, this way you can run the rechargeable until it actually needs to be recharged instead of giving it a partial. I find the batteries last longer this way.

went out with it today, here is the thing, falsing occurs when I touch the bottom of a fresh water lake with the coil, still dont have a cover

isnt it strange..

Check your COIL for cracks and leaks.

GM has good point look for hairline crack or coil separating at seam...

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what if I find a leak or a crack ?

is it coil replacement time then ?

what if I find a leak or a crack ?

is it coil replacement time then ?

Yes usually as it will eventually rust. One of mine had a hairline crack, i stood it up on side so it was on side with crack on bottom and let it set for 2 weeks then epoxied it.

It work fine for about 4 months, then 1 day I took it hunting and nothing happen when I turned it on, tried diff coil and sovereign gt worked fine, coil had gone...

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could it be reason why my excalibur always gives iron signals ? also in the air ? that something is rusting inside the coil ? whereever I swing, the treshold always changes to iron signal.

how much do u think minelab may charge for a coil replacement ?


300.00 plus

If you can't find what the issue is your going to need to send it in to be checked out or for repair. If you send a stock coil with it that you bought used they can put it on for you, otherwise you will be charged for new coil.

If your excal is out of warranty you could consider a custom coil, but you will need to have someone else put it on...

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Try turning down the Sensitivity and see if it is still going crazy. If it is it is probably time to send it in. Also another test shake it real quick and see if it goes crazy or changes. Kind of a test to see if the coil is broken inside.

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