Fire Ant invasion

Gasoline is against the law to use, and now it is expensive to use a gallon per acre.
Is it poison?, yes if you drink it. In moderation on the ground it is not dangerous, that is where it came from. If anyone thinks it is, prove it, in moderation.
The same thing happened with the chlordane ban, and many other pesticides that were taken off the market, all falsely accused of being a hazard, never proved, not one case. A TV newsman started that ball rolling and lots people got on that band wagon. Lot of people that wanted pesticides with residual off the market, because it lasted and theirs only lasted a few years..
Chlordane was used directly on people in a powder form for years before it was banned. Not a single case of injury was brought before congress.
One example of pollution, is our cemeteries and burial of people and embalming
fluid, many gallons used per acre. That's not counting the disease's they had. Does the earth purify? I think so, but understand me, I say in moderation.
All the wizard ant killers are not solving the ant problem, they are spreading and increasing in numbers. All the tons of stuff they are selling is just like their BS. If they say they can control them, I'll buy it today, and shortly they will swarm and it starts over.
Bait is expensive and they are pushing it, it works as a control. Scalding water does too,
pesticide, and pesticide granules works as a control. You cannot count on neighbors making an effort to control, may not be a neighbor they be a mile or two away and ants that mate, fly. I have gone over this before and I am sure many of you know what I am talking about, I am not trying to sell anything. Gnewt

We may be able to 'keep them in check' in our yards, but they are all over the country here, (thousands of acres of rural land), & I can't see any way to control their spread, short of aerial spraying.


Th echeapest way to get rid of FireAnts is a $2 box of Grits!!
It works every time.

Produce Guy said:
Th echeapest way to get rid of FireAnts is a $2 box of Grits!!
It works every time.

Welcome, Produce guy, we have thousands of hills of ants on 50 acres, so that would add up in cost.
They are covering the whole country her in OK, the Gov is doing nothing to control their spread that I have seen, I have
to grow vegetables in five gal buckets, & spray around the bottom to keep them at bay.
This is truly a plague of 'Biblical proportions', they are shorting out electrical systems, getting into camper trailers that are
left unattended for awhile, on the move northward.


This Texas Two Step, what foot do ya start with, the right or the left ;D? Homemade fire cracker with long fuse stuffed down center of mound as far as a 5 ft. cane pole will go, often does the trick, light the fuse and run like h*ll, cause when that sucka blows, ants sail everywhere......NGE

Another thought :icon_sunny:. Where these ants originated......... was there any natural predators? Just thinkin' out loud........NGE

Wow! Fossis...

50 acres with "thousands of ant hills'?

My gosh!

Is the property usable, at all?

That really does sound bad!

Good luck,

just-geese said:
I hit a couple spots today with carburator cleaner, froze the little suckers out LOL

We kill them in various ways, but the ones remaining just move a few inches & keep multipling,
I spent $70.00 last summer keeping them under control just around my small garden & two large lawns.


notgittinenny ( treasures ) said:
Another thought :icon_sunny:. Where these ants originated......... was there any natural predators? Just thinkin' out loud........NGE

I'me not sure what natural predators they had in Argentina, but here only the Armadillo's dig into some hills.


rmptr said:
Wow! Fossis...

50 acres with "thousands of ant hills'?

My gosh!

Is the property usable, at all?

That really does sound bad!

Good luck,

Maybe not thousands, but several hundreds, it is used for a hay meadow in the summer, & you can only see the hills that are near a road, or in an open place.
The ants are everywhere you go, under rocks, tree roots, house foundations, even high up in the mountains.
They eat the blooms off your vegetables, you have to keep a constant watch, & after a rain in the warmer months, they multiple even faster.
You can't even sit down on the ground, little kids have trouble playing outside, I even have to sweep a concrete pad before i change my oil.
The 'powers that be', don't seem overly concerned, (said we might have to quarantine the area), but are going to 'study the problem,' by that time they will be in Canada.


TEXAN Connection said:
The wild pigs are still a few yrs behind the ants

The pigs are here , "with a vengeance'', local hunters are killing, trapping, all they can, some have even chased ranchers into their vehicle's, rooting up hay meadows & pasture land,I've seen two large ones ran over on the hwy.


Just do what the Indians used to do, put a shovel full of soil off the one mound onto another. They will kill each other off..
Works I tried it in Texas with red ants.

Molly. (btw be ready to get the hell outta there though.)

Molly said:
Just do what the Indians used to do, put a shovel full of soil off the one mound onto another. They will kill each other off..
Works I tried it in Texas with red ants.

Molly. (btw be ready to get the hell outta there though.)

That sounds feasable, I will try that, thanks.


Anyone try to just soak the land they are on in the earlier year see if it slows them down. Cant dig well in muddy ground. Ants like dryer areas so if you keep your area a little more wet they might find a new home.


just-geese said:
limitedthoughts said:
Anyone try to just soak the land they are on in the earlier year see if it slows them down. Cant dig well in muddy ground. Ants like dryer areas so if you keep your area a little more wet they might find a new home.


No offense but have you ever been around these nasty things ? It does not matter to them if it's dry or wet. Most of the times you will see new mounds spring up after a hard rain

That's true, they seem to get worse after a rain.


I think if they didn't build somewhere else after a hard rain, they'd all drown.......

That's It! I have a solution now. Flood yer fields and when they build their antly bridges, torch 'em with a flamethrower ;D. I also have a solution for war in Afghanastan and Iraq. Put a ton of them hot lil buggers in bomblets and drop them in the Mts. and toss a few ant grenades into adobe hideouts, problem solved! :thumbsup:

Thank You J-G. I think I strained my brain on those two thoughts ;D

Soaking the land makes it worse. Ants know when its going to rain, they move their eggs up to the surface, so they are transported by the water.. Good way to spread them.

Alls I can say is its a darn good job they aint any bigger, otherwise we would be in for worse trouble.


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