FLO visit today xx


Silver Member
Apr 18, 2022
🥇 Banner finds
We have had an amazing winter detecting in the fields just outside the village, so today we took 75 items into the local museum for logging on the database, and 155 Roman coins.

We picked up the finds we dropped off in November, so thought you maybe interested to see the Official IDs…


Upvote 22
We know what a few of the mysterious things are now.
It's great to have such detailed information on the finds.
Better than what have going for us over here.

"That's why they invented the...
What is it forum"🤣

We know what a few of the mysterious things are now.
It's great to have such detailed information on the finds.
Better than what have going for us over here.

"That's why they invented the...
What is it forum"🤣
Yes indeed. We are now going to get nice photos (taken with Himself’s proper camera) of each of the finds from this batch and the last one, and do one of those photo albums that you can do on line, with description alongside the picture. We thought it’s probably the best way to show the Landowner what we have found.

One day I’d love to do a display for the Castle, but that may have to wait till I retire 😆xx

We know what a few of the mysterious things are now.
It's great to have such detailed information on the finds.
Better than what have going for us over here.

"That's why they invented the...
What is it forum"🤣
So true Pepper. 👍

That is SO cool that the museum does that. Does it cost anything for that service?
Am I right in thinking that the museum (or someone else?) gets first shot at buying any relics that you find, if they want them, and are supposed to pay a fair price for them?
That’s what I’ve always heard anyways.
I can’t even imagine trying to set a price on your one of a kind gold coin!
Thanks for the great post. 👍

That is SO cool that the museum does that. Does it cost anything for that service?
Am I right in thinking that the museum (or someone else?) gets first shot at buying any relics that you find, if they want them, and are supposed to pay a fair price for them?
That’s what I’ve always heard anyways.
I can’t even imagine trying to set a price on your one of a kind gold coin!
Thanks for the great post. 👍
the UK has a scheme called called PAS so there is a data base.. each county has a FLO (Finds Liason Officer) who you can take your finds to, they then check, photo, weigh, measure ID them and add to the database. All free.

There are laws about what is classified as Treasure… so none of the above is “Treasure” so i get every thing back ! xx


the UK has a scheme called called PAS so there is a data base.. each county has a FLO (Finds Liason Officer) who you can take your finds to, they then check, photo, weigh, measure ID them and add to the database. All free.

There are laws about what is classified as Treasure… so none of the above is “Treasure” so i get every thing back ! xx

Your system there makes sense to me! Many over here in the US think otherwise. Thanks for sharing your finds as always!!

Yes indeed. We are now going to get nice photos (taken with Himself’s proper camera) of each of the finds from this batch and the last one, and do one of those photo albums that you can do on line, with description alongside the picture. We thought it’s probably the best way to show the Landowner what we have found.

One day I’d love to do a display for the Castle, but that may have to wait till I retire 😆xx
Well I hope you invite "Himself" as a guest speaker, I'm sure he could pull a good crowd through the gates.
I hear there's ample parking in the neighbouring car park where they hold events.

Well I hope you invite "Himself" as a guest speaker, I'm sure he could pull a good crowd through the gates.
I hear there's ample parking in the neighbouring car park where they hold events.
Himself.. Speak… 🤔 hmm i think not, altho he got a bit carried away today and started talking at the FLO meeting… he only stopped when he experienced some unexpected shin pain!!! 😆 xx

Isnt it tho…!… and Not one single use of the word Thingy!!! 😆… xx
I think they use “brooch” as the catch all instead of “thingy”.

Seriously though, very cool finds and very cool that they identify everything and give you such nice info on them.

the UK has a scheme called called PAS so there is a data base.. each county has a FLO (Finds Liason Officer) who you can take your finds to, they then check, photo, weigh, measure ID them and add to the database. All free.

There are laws about what is classified as Treasure… so none of the above is “Treasure” so i get every thing back ! xx

We have something similar here in the states but it’s not FLO. It’s “GTE”, (government takes everything), and it’s not a scheme, but a scam. 🤪
Thanks for that video above. 👍

Well done for doing the right thing & Recording them.
I think the 'Mount' needs checking, to me it closely resembles a Saxon/Viking Stirrup Mount Terminal.
The 'Brooch' looks more Saxon to me not Roman.
Otherwise pretty spot on.

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