Frustration with my Nox!

Not just this thread but a combination of several problems mentioned in prior posts, are what I am referring to. It is great that dealers and ML will repair and replace, but the fact that the product needs such frequent support is what is discouraging. Other brands that I have used in the past have been pretty much problem free even after rough treatment.

What detector brand forum doesn't have problem postings? Look at the thread traffic here vs. other models and it is not surprising you are going to hear a lot more individual examples of issues just due to the sheer number of Equinoxes on the street but the relative percentage of issues seems normal if not low. Look, I don't need to see another equinox user detecting in the field or beach next to me, so I really am not incentivized to convince you to get one, but your logic really kind of escapes me.

It will likely be some time before you see another multi f machine out there at this price point (ML will likely focus on a higher end CTX-like variant with Multi IQ) and other manufacturers are either blocked by ML's patents or their limited development resources/capabilities. Whites has apparently given up on multi f, for example.

OTOH - if you felt you really needed an upgrade to multi f, then no need to wait. It seems to me that you are more satisfied with whatever you have than are actually concerned about equinox reluability or getting multi f, so it makes sense to stay put regardless of whether or not Equinox was the most reliable detector in the world.

Why do you want a multifrequency machine?

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V is right. Almost like not flying because a few planes have crashed. If they didn't offer a warranty I could see but the ratio of happy, trouble free customers def. outweights the unhappy.

Just wondering if you ever adjusted the pitch? I did as a mistake and it made the machine a pain in the ass to hunt with. I recommend checking the pitch and changing it to 0 if it’s been adjusted. (Don’t change it in gold mode)

Thanks for all your input guys. So another update. The owner rang me earlier today, I made it pretty clear I was less than pleased with how things have gone. He was very apologetic and admitted I should have been better informed as to what was happening. Anyways I calmed down and have agreed he send me a new head unit. I have already had a new coil so basically I now have a new machine. I'm pretty ok with that. I will be trying it out on the beach this weekend. I will let you know how it goes. Wish me luck guys!

Thanks for all your input guys. So another update. The owner rang me earlier today, I made it pretty clear I was less than pleased with how things have gone. He was very apologetic and admitted I should have been better informed as to what was happening. Anyways I calmed down and have agreed he send me a new head unit. I have already had a new coil so basically I now have a new machine. I'm pretty ok with that. I will be trying it out on the beach this weekend. I will let you know how it goes. Wish me luck guys!

I bet you're in good shape with the new control housing.

Need a wet salt machine that is light weight, durable, and capable of adequate discrimination, especially regarding mineralized soil and hot rocks.

So an update guys. My new head unit arrived this morning, I charged it up and have just got back from a couple of hours on my local beach. It works perfectly! It is like using a different machine. No more falsing, I had the sensitivity up to 22 on wet sand and it was still stable. With the other machine anything above 14 was unusable. I am getting sounds I've never heard before, sometimes a target tone would end with a scratchy sound, something the other machine didn't do. Hope that's normal. Anyways it's safe to say the first one was definitely faulty. I have finally got myself an Equinox!
Thanks for all your help and advice guys.

This is awesome to hear! Hope theres many great targets in your future.

So an update guys. My new head unit arrived this morning, I charged it up and have just got back from a couple of hours on my local beach. It works perfectly! It is like using a different machine. No more falsing, I had the sensitivity up to 22 on wet sand and it was still stable. With the other machine anything above 14 was unusable. I am getting sounds I've never heard before, sometimes a target tone would end with a scratchy sound, something the other machine didn't do. Hope that's normal. Anyways it's safe to say the first one was definitely faulty. I have finally got myself an Equinox!
Thanks for all your help and advice guys.

Good news. Sorry your dealer put you through the ringer. Hope they learn from this bungle so it doesn't happen to someone else.

Had a 3 hour hunt yesterday on a detected out beach. Was amazed how many small(some really small) items the Nox was finding. No exciting finds but the photo shows what it was picking up. I'm sure if there was a ring or fine gold chain the Nox would find it. Still need to figure out what to dig and what to leave but really pleased with this machine so far. TN.jpg

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Happy to read you got the components replaced and it’s working out. I’m having a 600 delivered tomorrow so I’ll be looking for anything out of the ordinary. This thread really helps. Thanks and good luck with the Equinox!

Happy to read you got the components replaced and it’s working out. I’m having a 600 delivered tomorrow so I’ll be looking for anything out of the ordinary. This thread really helps. Thanks and good luck with the Equinox!

Thanks buddy and the same to you, i'm sure you will love the Nox. Like any new detector it takes a while to learn but there is a lot of great advice from guys here. I guess I was just unlucky with a faulty machine but i'm already loving the new one. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Hi guys I have had 3 or 4 land hunts with my new 600, found plenty of coins so no complaints there.

But beach hunting is entirely different! Just got back from my 4th beach hunt. To sum it up i'm getting loads of signals. The problem is they very rarely result in a find. The numbers either keep changing wildly or sometimes when I do get a good signal and dig the signal seems to disappear? Today I dug several signals, isolated them in the scoop, dunked my scoop in the water, looked in the scoop, nothing! That must have happened 20 times. I am so frustrated right now. I ground balance and noise cancel every time yet each hunt ends up the same way. Tried beach 1 and 2, no difference. I must be doing something wrong?

A couple things; Noise Canx for sure, Auto Ground Balance only if you have a lot of Mineralization, always use Tracking Ground Balance if you're in Beach 2 Mode either wet sand or under water.

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