Gold (and silver) future price indicator?

The one bit of info that isn't really talked about is his dumping airline stocks. The PPP (Payroll Protection Plan) was a short term effort to prop up a spiraling economy due to the shutdown. That money is gone and the money that was allocated is forgiven (money added to our debt) so long as companies kept jobs and didn't furlough employees adding to the massive unemployment. But with no obligation to continue to keep those propped up jobs, companies will be shedding those positions. The airlines have already stated that they expect to furlough employees in the fall as Trump's touted V-shaped recovery seems to be wishful thinking. When large industries such as airlines shed those jobs, it will hit the economy like a ton of bricks.

The one bit of info that isn't really talked about is his dumping airline stocks. The PPP (Payroll Protection Plan) was a short term effort to prop up a spiraling economy due to the shutdown. That money is gone and the money that was allocated is forgiven (money added to our debt) so long as companies kept jobs and didn't furlough employees adding to the massive unemployment. But with no obligation to continue to keep those propped up jobs, companies will be shedding those positions. The airlines have already stated that they expect to furlough employees in the fall as Trump's touted V-shaped recovery seems to be wishful thinking. When large industries such as airlines shed those jobs, it will hit the economy like a ton of bricks.

Hate to say "I told you so", but yeah, it is starting to play out as I described. Case in point Universal Studios in Florida - They are furloughing 800 employees that were kept on with the PPP. Their obligation to pay the employees while they took the government cheese is over. Just one company in a state who has one of the lowest UC weekly check amounts. But Johnnybravo says it's all good that the stock market is doing well. Some will eventually learn that Wall Street isn't Main Street. Expect to hear other large employers continue with the furloughs.

Wall street is doing great and setting all time records daily, cant argue with that.
Might as well make money where you can and perpetual bailouts are all that matters anymore so they will continue to pump it even bigger. All they have at this point is "stimulus", it needs to be endless and bailouts are a positive to the stock market. It feeds itself.

With wall street getting trillions and record corporate bonuses coming up it's a cream fest of dollars.
Main street is done for. Hope everyone is prepared!

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