Got New Outlaw 3 coil package on the way

Bill G

Full Member
Jan 8, 2006
I got the new Tesoro Outlaw 3 coil package on the way. I wanted a really light park and recreation machine and a back up unit. I have the AT Pro for heavy iron infested areas, fresh water areas and relic or old house sites and the Sand Shark for salt water beach's. I got rid of the Vaquero a few years back and sort of miss it a little. The outlaw has pretty much the same operational format and the retune feature (nice) and runs at 10.6KHz not 14.3 to 14.7 like the Vaquero and it does not have the super tune ability (to bad). But the price is right :icon_thumleft: for the Outlaw package with the 3 coils. Can't beat the coil covers and lower rods being included compared to the cost of getting another Vaquero and buying extra coils and lower rods. I hope I like it as much as I did my Vaquero and I have heard through the roomer mill that the Outlaw is a little smoother running than the Vaquero. I guess I will find out in a few days.
Happy Hunting To All, :occasion14:
Bill G

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I always liked the Tesoro`s... been using my Toltec II for 20 years and it runs @ 10.something KHz great/deep for jewelry and relic`s .Good luck with your new Outlaw !

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I love my Outlaw. The 3 coil package is a great deal and the best purchase and machine I've ever owned.

I love my Outlaw. The 3 coil package is a great deal and the best purchase and machine I've ever owned.

That's good news. I hear the outlaws performance is a little smoother over all and in iron trash than the Vaquero and the depth capabilities are not that much less about the same until you put the Vaquero in super tune mode giving it a little more depth (of course the ground conditions have to be right to support this). I like the retune feature and the toggle switch for the all metal modes over the Vaquero set up where you have to turn the disk knob down to all metal. I did like my Vaquero though and hope I like the Outlaw in the same way.
Happy Hunting, :occasion14:
Bill G

Hey Bill, I have an ATP aswell, and i love it but i need another I like the Cibola and the Outlaw for my second machine. What is better about the outlaw? I know that it has GB where as the Cibola doesnt...and the 3 coils would be nice. But i am mainly looking for a super light, super deep machine for open fields with little trash/iron. And i understand the Cibola will go very deep. I love the fact that both of these machines use 1 9v battery and have good battery life. Do you know of any other advantages of the outlaw. I don't think i would use the smaller coils since i will still use my ATP in the trashy or iron infested areas......thanks.

Hey Bill, I have an ATP aswell, and i love it but i need another I like the Cibola and the Outlaw for my second machine. What is better about the outlaw? I know that it has GB where as the Cibola doesnt...and the 3 coils would be nice. But i am mainly looking for a super light, super deep machine for open fields with little trash/iron. And i understand the Cibola will go very deep. I love the fact that both of these machines use 1 9v battery and have good battery life. Do you know of any other advantages of the outlaw. I don't think i would use the smaller coils since i will still use my ATP in the trashy or iron infested areas......thanks.

Nothing better just different features. For me the Outlaw was priced right with the 3 coils it had a manual GB and toggled between all metal motion and non motion metal modes, it also had the retune function. The Cibola & Vaquero did not have a few of these functions such as the retune function and the all metal motion and non motion toggle switch ( the Cibola & Vaquero go into threshold based all metal with the same knob that runs the disk and does not have non motion metal mode) I can leave my disk set and toggle back and fourth in the all metal modes with the Outlaw. Also according to Rusty at Tesoro the Outlaw ran a little smoother in iron trash and on trashy sites.(they spent a lot of time on it) The depth loss between the Outlaw and the Cibola & Vaquero is not all that much but the Cibola & Vaquero do go a little deeper in the right ground conditions according to the ones that know. I have not hunted with the Outlaw yet so I can only say what I have heard about depth form others and Tesoro. I have hunted with a Vaquero and they do pretty darn good.

For what your asking if super deep( may only be 1" to 1 1/2" more) is the key driver for making your decision the Cibola or Vaquero may be the way to go ( both detectors pretty much the same) I personally would go with the Vaquero over the Cibola due to it having the manual GB if money is not the issue. Also the Cibola & Vaquero run at around 14.5 KHz where the Outlaw runs at 10.6KHz
Happy Hunting, :occasion14:
Bill G

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You are going to love the Outlaw and retire the AT PRO once you start using the Outlaw. It is one fantastic machine and quite deep too since it has GB. Wait till you use that Zero motion pinpointing.

You are going to love the Outlaw and retire the AT PRO once you start using the Outlaw. It is one fantastic machine and quite deep too since it has GB. Wait till you use that Zero motion pinpointing.

Thank you sir, I will keep that in mind and you may be darn well right. If the Outlaw performs anything like my Vaquero that I had did (regretted getting rid of it great with the small coil) I will for sure be happy..:thumbsup:
Happy Hunting, :occasion14:
Bill G

I get great depth with the Outlaw. Super pinpointing and disc are outstanding on this machine. I'm use to having 3 machines for the last 5+ years so I'm also going to get the Tejon, AT Gold for shallow fresh water and then the Tiger Shark for fresh water diving next summer. Then I'm covered in every hunting condition.
So glad I tried out a Vaquero as that got me hooked on Tesoro's. I was about to buy an E-Trac as I got to borrow one for a week from a guy that was on holidays.
E-Trac = $1550
Outlaw, Tejon, Tiger Shark, AT Gold = $2475

Hey Roinzie.....What do u like so much about the Outtlaw over the Explorer and the 2500 that u previously hve owned? They are fairly high-tech machines compare to one that really isnt. Not that thats a bad thing....

Ronzie, where do you live in Southern Ontario. If you're close, we should meet up and you can try my Tejon. See what you think. I've got a farmer's field I'm working in Amherstburg that is giving up old silver coins (3 so far in about 5-6 hours of hunting). The Tejon would be in it's element there, and it would be cool to see the Outlaw in action.


I live in Milton Dan.
What I like about the Outlaw over the Explorer. Much lighter and easier to swing, picks up tiny thin gold chains that the Explorer couldn't, much better in trashy/iron invested areas, best pinpointing machine I've ever used. The only machine I've ever used that I could hunt without a pinpointer. When you dig a plug, it's in the hole every time. Not to one side or the other. Best discrimination machine I've ever used. I'm having no problem picking out goodies surrounded with iron because of the amazing recovery speed.
I'm not knocking the Explorer because I found some great finds with it and would proudly own machines from all the big companies. I used my Explorer for 5 1/2 years and knew it inside out. I read Andy Sabisch's book several times and high lighted the main parts that I could almost read it in my head. I would say it was the machine with the biggest learning curve for me. I ended up buying the Pro coil for it which was better than the stock SE coil.
It would get a little more depth than the Outlaw. But from what I've read about the Tejon from tests and owners, it would probably be deeper than the Explorer. I've personally never actually did that test so I can't say for sure.
As for the GTI 2500. Well my very first machine was a Garrett GTAx 1000 back in 1998. I was hooked and would say it was a really good starter machine. I think it was about 2 years later that the GTI 2500 came out and I was wanting it big time. Never looked at any other companies machines then. Then a few years later I bought one new. I paid $1000 and it came with a bunch of stuff (digger, pouch, couple of Charles Garrett's books, cap, coil cover, rain/dust cover).
Honestly I wasn't overly impressed. I was expecting a bigger step up from my GTAx 1000 and it wasn't. Right after I bought a gently used Explorer SE from a fellow club hunter as I was in a metal detecting club at the time. The Explorer was way better than the GTI. So at that time I considered myself a Minelab guy.
So 5 1/2 years later I was ready to move up to an E-Trac. I had already read and studied everything about it before I actually used one. I had met up with an older fellow and he showed me how to use it. It was easier going from knowing the Explorer to the E-Trac than not ever using a Minelab before. The guy was generous enough to offer me his E-Trac to use for a week when he went on holidays.
While out on a hunt with it during that week I ran into another detectorist who had a Tesoro Vaquero. We each set up our machines and let each other try each others. He was very interested in the E-Trac. I was completely blown away with the Vaquero. I was WOWED. I had never used a Tesoro before and can say I wasn't really interested in them. My mind was made up that Tesoro was dinosaur technology and wondered why anyone in their right mind would buy one.
That was the biggest mistake I ever made in metal detecting. How or why would anyone want a machine with no display, no depth meter, one tone????
Imo Tesoro makes you a better detectorist. It makes you think about every target and after a short time you really get to know just as much as a multi tone display machine. I'm not digging any more trash than my other machines and when I do half the time I guessed it was trash but still had to dig it.

After that day I decided against the E-Trac that I thought I wanted so bad. I never really liked the Explorer or E-Trac tones but I thought I was a Minelab guy.
I started looking into Tesoro and researched which machine would be best for me. I decided the first one would be the Outlaw. The 3 coil package was really attractive and the Tejon would be to hot (17.2 to 17.6 kHz) for the real trashy areas. Best decision and move I ever made. The Outlaw was a $1000 cheaper than the E-Trac. I was actually considering buying a Tejon at the same time but decided to go with the Outlaw for the rest of this season to get to know it instead of switching back and forth.
People have different opinions but there isn't much more the E-Trac can do that the Outlaw can't. Definitely not a $1000 worth. To me Tesoro gives you the best bang for your buck by far.

How many times have you found a small coin deeper than 10"?
My test garden in my back yard is different than most peoples. I don't dig a normal hole. I use a square shovel and dig a 4 sided big plug and pull the plug out so it's like a cement block. One big solid piece. It helps when it was really dry when I did this. The Outlaw can pick up a quarter at 11", a dime at 9" in my dry backyard.
If I lived in the Outback and nugget hunted then I could see spending the money on a machine. I'd probably go with a Minelab GPX 5000. But I'd also would want to hear how the new Garrett ATX does in comparison.

I ended up selling both my Garrett's and Minelab back in July and have absolutely no regrets. Over the winter I'm getting a Tejon and an AT Gold, then by late May I'll pick up a Tiger Shark for diving.

That's a bit far to get together. I was hoping you were really south like me.

It's funny about the GTI2500. I had the GTA1000 too, but a bit earlier than you. I too thought the GTI2500 would be an awesome machine, "top of the line" so to speak. What a major disappointment that was. I gave it an honest effort, but I ended up hating that thing. The only Minelab I had was a Sovereign GT. That's the only machine I hated more than the GTI. Talk about a tank!! Wow!

One day I'll have to try an Outlaw. I'm loving my Vaquero, so I would expect that I would love the Outlaw too. I may end up swapping my Tejon for one, I'll see. I found out that that field I've been hitting will soon be inaccessable. The old granny that lives there is selling it at a farm auction this Saturday. It might be the end of the road for that site, which means I don't have a real need for the Tejon anymore.


Congrats on the Tesoro Outlaw purchase. The non motion pinpoint is really great for sites that have a lot of metal in the ground. 3 coils... very tempting.

Thanks alot Ronzie for the info...I think i might go with an Outlaw. But wouldnt mind having a Tejon also. The Tejon must be an awesome machine. Possibly one of the deepest machines out there. But after more research i think the outlaw is alot more machine than the cibola. Thanks alot for the info.....

If would give an update on the outlaw, I'm looking at this one very hard. Just getting back into detecting and have the silver umax and a QXT. Trying to justify a new one, would it be that much better.

I live in Milton Dan.
What I like about the Outlaw over the Explorer. Much lighter and easier to swing, picks up tiny thin gold chains that the Explorer couldn't, much better in trashy/iron invested areas, best pinpointing machine I've ever used. The only machine I've ever used that I could hunt without a pinpointer. When you dig a plug, it's in the hole every time. Not to one side or the other. Best discrimination machine I've ever used. I'm having no problem picking out goodies surrounded with iron because of the amazing recovery speed.
I'm not knocking the Explorer because I found some great finds with it and would proudly own machines from all the big companies. I used my Explorer for 5 1/2 years and knew it inside out. I read Andy Sabisch's book several times and high lighted the main parts that I could almost read it in my head. I would say it was the machine with the biggest learning curve for me. I ended up buying the Pro coil for it which was better than the stock SE coil.
It would get a little more depth than the Outlaw. But from what I've read about the Tejon from tests and owners, it would probably be deeper than the Explorer. I've personally never actually did that test so I can't say for sure.
As for the GTI 2500. Well my very first machine was a Garrett GTAx 1000 back in 1998. I was hooked and would say it was a really good starter machine. I think it was about 2 years later that the GTI 2500 came out and I was wanting it big time. Never looked at any other companies machines then. Then a few years later I bought one new. I paid $1000 and it came with a bunch of stuff (digger, pouch, couple of Charles Garrett's books, cap, coil cover, rain/dust cover).
Honestly I wasn't overly impressed. I was expecting a bigger step up from my GTAx 1000 and it wasn't. Right after I bought a gently used Explorer SE from a fellow club hunter as I was in a metal detecting club at the time. The Explorer was way better than the GTI. So at that time I considered myself a Minelab guy.
So 5 1/2 years later I was ready to move up to an E-Trac. I had already read and studied everything about it before I actually used one. I had met up with an older fellow and he showed me how to use it. It was easier going from knowing the Explorer to the E-Trac than not ever using a Minelab before. The guy was generous enough to offer me his E-Trac to use for a week when he went on holidays.
While out on a hunt with it during that week I ran into another detectorist who had a Tesoro Vaquero. We each set up our machines and let each other try each others. He was very interested in the E-Trac. I was completely blown away with the Vaquero. I was WOWED. I had never used a Tesoro before and can say I wasn't really interested in them. My mind was made up that Tesoro was dinosaur technology and wondered why anyone in their right mind would buy one.
That was the biggest mistake I ever made in metal detecting. How or why would anyone want a machine with no display, no depth meter, one tone????
Imo Tesoro makes you a better detectorist. It makes you think about every target and after a short time you really get to know just as much as a multi tone display machine. I'm not digging any more trash than my other machines and when I do half the time I guessed it was trash but still had to dig it.

After that day I decided against the E-Trac that I thought I wanted so bad. I never really liked the Explorer or E-Trac tones but I thought I was a Minelab guy.
I started looking into Tesoro and researched which machine would be best for me. I decided the first one would be the Outlaw. The 3 coil package was really attractive and the Tejon would be to hot (17.2 to 17.6 kHz) for the real trashy areas. Best decision and move I ever made. The Outlaw was a $1000 cheaper than the E-Trac. I was actually considering buying a Tejon at the same time but decided to go with the Outlaw for the rest of this season to get to know it instead of switching back and forth.
People have different opinions but there isn't much more the E-Trac can do that the Outlaw can't. Definitely not a $1000 worth. To me Tesoro gives you the best bang for your buck by far.

How many times have you found a small coin deeper than 10"?
My test garden in my back yard is different than most peoples. I don't dig a normal hole. I use a square shovel and dig a 4 sided big plug and pull the plug out so it's like a cement block. One big solid piece. It helps when it was really dry when I did this. The Outlaw can pick up a quarter at 11", a dime at 9" in my dry backyard.
If I lived in the Outback and nugget hunted then I could see spending the money on a machine. I'd probably go with a Minelab GPX 5000. But I'd also would want to hear how the new Garrett ATX does in comparison.

I ended up selling both my Garrett's and Minelab back in July and have absolutely no regrets. Over the winter I'm getting a Tejon and an AT Gold, then by late May I'll pick up a Tiger Shark for diving.


Your train of thought about the Outlaw and Tesoro is where I am at :icon_thumright: after all these years of detecting with different high dollar top end detectors. That is also why I got the Tesoro Outlaw on the way to me. (I do really like my AT Pro ) and I really liked my Vaquero that I had and sold (mistake looking back). I think the Outlaw will be smoother in trash and iron trash sites than the Vaquero was. I like the retune and toggle operated threshold all metal & non motion metal function being on a toggle switch better. Unlike the Vaquero where you put it in threshold motion with the disk knob being turned all the way counterclockwise.

Sounds like your getting good performance & decent depth out of your Outlaw. I hope to do the same with mine.
Happy Hunting, :occasion14:
Bill G

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If would give an update on the outlaw, I'm looking at this one very hard. Just getting back into detecting and have the silver umax and a QXT. Trying to justify a new one, would it be that much better.

It would be a step up. Plus if you got the Outlaw 3 coil package, the coils will work on your UMax as well.

Like Ronzie, I love my Outlaw w/ the three coils. I've hunted with others with different machines, I've always held my own. Even with the large coil the Outlaw is light enough to swing all day.

I don't have an Outlaw yet, but I do have a variety of Tesoros including the Eldorado µmax, a Bandido II µmax, Cortes and Deleon just to name a few. They're all light and fun to use, but my main point without getting into the super this or wonderful that argument is one can do a great deal of fun and successful digging with any of the models and not go broke in the process. Am I prejudiced, well maybe a little.

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