Group hunt Sunday morning


Sr. Member
Mar 18, 2008
Cape May, NJ
Detector(s) used
Minelab ETRAC
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello all, I'm new to the site and looking for some md buddies. I live in Ambler and have access to alot more private historical property then I could ever cover by myself. Also found a local bottle dump with hundreds of old bottles that are continualey brought to the surface every time it rains thanks to a small creek that because of urban runoff over flows its banks every time it rains. If anybody would like to join me some time just send me an email. Thanks everyone, Ryan

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

Hey Ryan I'm outside the Coatesville area. Not to to far from you. I hunt with a couple guys. We always welcome new blood. Weather is starting to warm up finally so it's time to start checking places out.


Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

Hey Brian, I dont mind rain or cold, as long as my detector's beepin. I've got alot of finds that maybe you guys could hel me identify? Is there a typical area you like to hit?

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

Hey Ryan,
I'm near Phoenixville. I'll hunt anything and anywhere. I have a few spots, mostly parks and a few fields. Last time I was in Ambler was for the cabaret. I used to see a lot of bands there. Let me know if you have something planned. I'd be glad to swing by. My wife also detects. We usually hunt on weekends but have a long weekend at the end of the month (28th-31st).

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

Hey Mr.Digit, I have a very flexible schedule due to getting hurt at work recently. Currently I've been hunting right across the street from me at a home that was built by Mr. Farmer,one of the people who received an original land grants from William Penn a few hundred years ago. It has since seen three different mills on the property with the last one shuting down sometime just before 1900. I just started working a new area where Washington's troops camped for a few days and had a few skirmishes with the British usually refered to as the battle of Germantown. I found a very interesting button there last week that I'm having trouble identifying. I have another property that I haven't had a chance to get to, just got permission, that I think will be very promising. This one also contains a few out buildings and a very old and somewhat over grown cemetary. I'm usually available weekends too and weekdays as long as I know a few days in advance. Weather doesn't bother me at all, as long as the ground isn't frozen I usually go. If you would like, just let me know when you would like to go out and we can set something up and cover some ground. If any of the above properties stand out or sound like they might be of interesting to you let me know or I still have about six others I haven't gotten a chance to get to yet. Or if you have some spots out your way that you would rather hit just let me know. Hope to hear from you soon, Ryan

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

My hubby and I hunt too and would love to join in sometime on a weekend. PM me if you decide to get a small group together!

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

I'm in if anybody wants to get together. I live just outside Coatesville also. Brian... You been getting out much lately?

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

Yeah that's a great idea to get a little group together. I've got some good properties down here that I mentioned above or if someone has a place they would like to hunt I game. I think I should be able to get out most of the day on the 30th and any time after 2:30 on the 31st. If everybody would like to meet here in the Ft. Washington area, I would recomend we head over to the area of the battle of Germantown. I have one area in mind over there that should turn up some good rev. war relics, and it has the three old dumps and we would be within walking distance to the area where the great Ambler train wreck occurred. The dump area is so littered with old glass and bottles that you cant walk through the area without breaking glass. This site/area has more than enough ground for a good number of us to hunt for a while without bumping into each other constantly. Should we try to get this organized with who's gonna come and when we should meet?

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

Anybody ever tried to start a southeastern pa area md/treasure hunting club together?

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

A club would be pretty cool. The closest one I know of is in Lancaster. AHHHH the old Caberet, lots of good times there back in the day.
I am definatley intrested. Aaron, been out a few times not a whole lot though.
Been scoping out some Rev. war spots myself. Need to get my but down there to hunt down someone to ask permission. It's all farmland.


Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

im from Wilmington DE, just south of you. ive been out with a few guys from this site in the past. if you want to get a hunt in give me a holler!

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

The Lancaster club is a bit far for me during the week. I do want to go to their open hunt. There are quite a few people less than an hour apart. Could be the makings of a cool club. Our area does have a lot of history. If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to post them. Not trying to steal your thread here Ryan but I think we could have a lot of fun with this group of people. Ideas anyone?

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

We do have an awful lot of history crammed into a small area in this part of the state. Don't worry about thread stealing thing DIG, were gettin some good ideas comin out here. If we became an organized club with some type of identification and referances from property owners that would vouch for our reputation as decent honest people that don't leave people's lawn looking like a B-52 test sight after we leave. I volunteer at the local historical society which provides me with a lot leads, and it helps when introducing yourself to a property owner to be able to say "I'm also a member of the Ft. W :thumbsup:ashington Historical Society". I just became a member of this site yesterday but does anyone have any idea of how many people on this site that live in this area might be interested in joining a local md/treaure hunting club? 5, 15, 2743? Imagine the efficiancy we could bring to a site with a good number of people with different equipment and different skill levels and methods, after two members finish up their two different zones, they could switch and rework each others zones they just finished. A lot of possibilities working with an organized group to make sure we could have a very high recovery rate. Not to mention the amount of knowledge we could share with each other. I really think thats a great idea! I know I'm new here and hope I'm not stepping on anyones toes here, if so I appoligize. Anybody have any ideas on how we could pull this of? If anybody has any ideas or suggestions please post, lets try and see if we can do this!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

I am interested. I have wanted to join a club. I think you have some great ideas Ryan. I was also thinking about joining my historical society. I did a bit of work searching for a site with their help. Let me know what everyone thinks about getting a club started.

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

Yeah, could be a great thing. How do we get the word out and get things organized?

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

I was hoping for a few responses but we could just PM a few locals and run it by them. I don't think it has to be anything big or even formal. Plenty of time for that. Just getting a few fun people together for a couple hunts could be a start. I haven't been to Ft. Washington too recently. I was stationed at McNeil and Honeywell. Is there a good breakfast spot not too far off the TP? I remember a few gas stations and a tudor looking place to get a roast beef. There are a few people from Delco, a couple from Montco, a couple in Chesterco. I also know of a few in Berks and northern DE. I'll start to PM a few after work (I logged out for lunch). Maybe we can draw enough interest.

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

I completly agree with the informal for now part, would just be nice to get some people together with a common interest to share ideas, knowledge skills and have some fun diggin holes in the ground together. I'm not a greedy or jealous person at all and would love to share my spots with others, I just love to see great recoveries pulled out of the ground no matter who does the pullin lol. I've only been member for about two days now and don't know a lot of members yet. There is a place right here in Ambler called Nick's Grille that serves breakfast but insn't open till 8am and is closed Saturdays. That's a great idea though to have a little breakfast and get to know one another a bit then hit the field.

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

I recently joined this group if anyone is interested. I hunted Rosetree Park with them last week and had a good time. I wouldn't mind joining another group too if you guys start something I'm game. Will be gone for the next week but keep me informed. Here is the link to the club I joined. They are looking for new members.

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

I would be interested in joining a group. If anybody gets something together, I'm in.

Re: Need mding buddy, just outside philly, Ambler

I've done some volunteer archaeology work in the past at Ridley Park. I like the club idea. The Historical Society's are probably one of the best sources of info out there. I think my biggest problem with things are getting the gumption to ask permission. I don't want to just walk up to someones door. That's where a club could really help, for me maybe give me courage :o.
Name the place and time and I will do my darnest to be there......w/fresh batteries.


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