Hard to believe


Jr. Member
Jan 9, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
Here's why I find this particular treasure tale hard to believe, so bear with me...

You have a TV show documenting the weekly activities of the searchers in their quest. They have already dug to bedrock via the so-called "money pit", which is some 140-180 feet down. They used modern tools and earth-moving machines in which to do so. I'm not going to call this a hoax, because I do believe in the sincerity of the searchers; they really believe they are looking for something buried there.

The thing I find hard to believe is that supposedly either pirates or Templars or someone sailed all the way from Europe just to bury something that they had no intention of ever returning for, in a hole dug so deep it would be impossible to recover the items from if they did want them back, with that hole dug out - and straight down - with ordinary hand tools, when it would have been far easier to just bury the stuff next to some lord's castle in Normandy, with the participants swearing themselves to secrecy.

you forgot to mention that all of this was supposedly completed without being seen by anyone or left any physical evidence.


A Story...Worth...Telling!

One Day...The Canadian Revenue Agent...Questioned Dan Blankenship, as to how he managed to buy half of Oak Island and build such a nice home there, with not having a job for the last 50 years?

Well...Dan said...One day I was out Dousing and found this Leprechaun's Golden Pot...When out jumped the Leprechaun... Who said to me... He would grant me one wish if I would let him and his pot go.

The Revenue Agent said...How can you prove such an unbelievable story?

Dan answered...Well you see my island...Don't you?

Here's why I find this particular treasure tale hard to believe, so bear with me...

You have a TV show documenting the weekly activities of the searchers in their quest. They have already dug to bedrock via the so-called "money pit", which is some 140-180 feet down. They used modern tools and earth-moving machines in which to do so. I'm not going to call this a hoax, because I do believe in the sincerity of the searchers; they really believe they are looking for something buried there.

The thing I find hard to believe is that supposedly either pirates or Templars or someone sailed all the way from Europe just to bury something that they had no intention of ever returning for, in a hole dug so deep it would be impossible to recover the items from if they did want them back, with that hole dug out - and straight down - with ordinary hand tools, when it would have been far easier to just bury the stuff next to some lord's castle in Normandy, with the participants swearing themselves to secrecy.

Just as we don't know if anyone ever left a treasure, we don't know IF they did return and retrieve it or not. or if someone else found it.. I'd imagine if someone did leave something there they either planned to return or left clues for whoever they wanted to retrieve it at some point down the line... Lot of IF's in there I know....


Zoltan, King Louis XIII half brother, knew he would never ascend any higher than Duke of La Rochelle, the former Templar port where he lived dockside in several old Templar warehouses.
When the Seignuerial System was proclaimed for New France, Zoltan was determined to go there and create his own fiefdom and declare himself King of New France.
Through mail order from Melzi's Da Vinci Wonderous Machines shop located at Leonardo's Chateau du Clos Luce workshop in Amboise, France, Zoltan obtained the detailed blueprints for a steam powered flying machine.
Blacksmiths toiled over building the boiler and screws that operated the several wooden propellers, while carpenters and sailmakers created the single seat cabin, fuselage, wings, and steering apparatus.
For fuel, there were two old Templar warehouses filled with coconut coir.
After four months of construction, the flying machine was ready for the journey across the Atlantic.
Waiting for the boiler to heat the water into steam, Zoltan chalked upon the old Templar warehouse wall, "To Arcadia I Go".
Taking off and setting the course above the Atlantic was not a problem, but approaching New France, Zoltan realized he wasn't sure on how to land the flying machine.
Below him was a bay with several islands, in time he would name them all he mused as he turned off the boiler valve that ran the propellers.
That was a critical error, as the flying machine dropped from the sky, onto an island, causing the boiler to explode, coconut coir flying everywhere, creating the deep pit on Oak Island that many believe is filled with treasure. :wink:

Now so much extensive research has been conducted on OI it is very difficult to see why anyone ever thought treasure was buried there.

Most of the "fable" has shown to be either not true or not supported by any evidence.

The earliest reports have oak platforms only being present to 30 feet. There never was a readable code on the 90 ft stone. Chapel never found gold residue on his drill bit. The water in the pit comes from underground tunnels connected to the ocean. The structures at Smiths Cove are contemporary with the pit being found. The "boys" who found the treasure were actually men (one boy). There was no pulley left hanging on the on the oak tree.

The only "plausible" treasure story is the one told by the descendants that the original 3 finders found a small amount of treasure and everyone else has just been digging a deeper hole looking for more.

All the other "theories/fantasies/fables" presented over the 86 hours of TV episodes have no evidence to support any of them.

An amazing story in what can be done in pursuit of the rumor of treasure....

Now so much extensive research has been conducted on OI it is very difficult to see why anyone ever thought treasure was buried there.

Most of the "fable" has shown to be either not true or not supported by any evidence.

The earliest reports have oak platforms only being present to 30 feet. There never was a readable code on the 90 ft stone. Chapel never found gold residue on his drill bit. The water in the pit comes from underground tunnels connected to the ocean. The structures at Smiths Cove are contemporary with the pit being found. The "boys" who found the treasure were actually men (one boy). There was no pulley left hanging on the on the oak tree.

The only "plausible" treasure story is the one told by the descendants that the original 3 finders found a small amount of treasure and everyone else has just been digging a deeper hole looking for more.

All the other "theories/fantasies/fables" presented over the 86 hours of TV episodes have no evidence to support any of them.

An amazing story in what can be done in pursuit of the rumor of treasure....

I disagree... the 3 original finders of the sinkhole had nothing to show for their digging and nothing has ever been substantiated in terms of recovered treasure both then and now.

If they had found three chests of treasure full of gold and gems there would be record of it, not just some hearsay. This modern day home shopping network spot welded cross with a modern shank is proof that the present day relatives are liars....

Nothing has been found and the junk they have found on the island would not make my finds of the year box let alone be put in my safe.

I disagree... the 3 original finders of the sinkhole had nothing to show for their digging and nothing has ever been substantiated in terms of recovered treasure both then and now.
Yep... We will never know. The old ladies could of been telling the truth about the family legend but that does not make it true.. Their grandfather could of just made up the story...

As for the information coming out at the time. You would of had to been crazy back in the day to told about the treasure find. It would of been stolen from you for sure... There is evidence of 'sudden' wealth of the original finders who went on to be quite prosperous business men. But as I said that does not mean they found treasure...

I am not claiming the story is true just that it is the only 'plausible' treasure story that I have seen about OI.

An interesting read: https://www.oakislandcompendium.ca/...s-the-story-of-an-oak-island-familys-treasure

a long time ago, there wasn't nutin to do so they decided to create a hoax to beat all. they all got together and built huge walls and wooden roads . moved who knows how many tons of earth . then the covered it up all by hand . the lumber was all cut by hand . it took about ten years to complete then the covered it up and flooded it calling it smiths cove no machines just manpower for the sole reason of a hoax ...thats a fabulous amount of work for a hoax...don't you think ohhhh you say they came and got this treasure ? how did they get past all the booby traps without any machinery . look at the machinery they are using now and still cant figure it out. thats all i'm saying....

a long time ago, there wasn't nutin to do so they decided to create a hoax to beat all. they all got together and built huge walls and wooden roads . moved who knows how many tons of earth . then the covered it up all by hand . the lumber was all cut by hand . it took about ten years to complete then the covered it up and flooded it calling it smiths cove no machines just manpower for the sole reason of a hoax ...thats a fabulous amount of work for a hoax...don't you think ohhhh you say they came and got this treasure ? how did they get past all the booby traps without any machinery . look at the machinery they are using now and still cant figure it out. thats all i'm saying....
No one believes that the structures built in Smiths Cove were built for a hoax... But that does not mean they were built to hide treasure... There are many non treasure related reasons that Smith Cove may have been used for. ie J.Steeles naval stores theory for example...

As has been mention if the original 3 did find any type of treasure there would be reasons to keep it quite. As well as Samuel Ball who some think found wealth on the island besides just being a cabbage farmer... Also if the pit did have a back door that is how whoever placed it would have gotten it out and would not have needed machinery to do it. It would have been pretty easy to get too, which is the purpose of a back door...

As has been mention if the original 3 did find any type of treasure there would be reasons to keep it quite. As well as Samuel Ball who some think found wealth on the island besides just being a cabbage farmer... Also if the pit did have a back door that is how whoever placed it would have gotten it out and would not have needed machinery to do it. It would have been pretty easy to get too, which is the purpose of a back door...

There you go using common sense and logic again!

All I will say is this, you can't teach the blindfolded to see without them removing the blindfold. I gave up providing documented evidence to counter their speculations as they don't care to look at it.

Keep up the good fight!

There you go using common sense and logic again! ....

Curious why it isn't equally possible (ie.: 'common sense and logical') that .... perhaps ... nothing was ever found, nor was nothing ever there ? Why can't that be a possibility ?

If we start with the assumption that "there was (or 'is') a treasure", then sure.... we have to consider what you are saying, to be a possibility. But why are we starting with that premise ? What if there was simply nothing ever there to begin with ? The we don't need to dream up elaborate escapes, conspiracies, super-engineering feats, etc...

It would be a far better exercise to focus a search on where the Knights Templar may have hidden their vast wealth.

Oak Island= 0.00%

No one believes that the structures built in Smiths Cove were built for a hoax... But that does not mean they were built to hide treasure...

The only structures I see are from the different recovery attempts.

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I found my second gold coin on Charles Island, just off Silver Sands Beach in Connecticut. Does that mean there is treasure buried there? :skullflag:

I gave up providing documented evidence to counter their speculations as they don't care to look at it.
huh ? Which documentary evidence are you referring to? What documents are there that treasure existed? I have not seen any evidence of this. All I have seen you link to is modern stories about the pit..

As has been mention if the original 3 did find any type of treasure there would be reasons to keep it quite.

I don't know what version(s) of the story that you believe in, but in your opinion, did the original three "keep it quiet"?

just as they kept it a secret for awhile that they were digging the hole at all...Once it got to the point that they needed help only then did they let others in on it... Just as now, anyone who found it would be worried that the "state" would take it or a large part of it...Granted most in the last 75 years would want the recognition of being the one who found it more so then the treasure itself...

Been awhile since I have piped in on this subject / legend...

This legend should have been named "dog chasing its own tail pit"... OR... "The Dummy Pit".


Treasure was there... BUT...

Long ago found and removed.

Hence the "depression" as originally stated by numerous witnesses who originally found it.

No one has ever buried anything that deep... Not even the Egyptians.

Don't have to be Einstein to deduce that simplistic fact.

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