Hello everyone.

Rotten Ricky

Feb 28, 2017
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have no experience with a Forum! I`m old! I`m a retired cop, and I specialized in Crime Scene Processing. For what it`s worth, I am, or was, a "Court Qualified Crime Scene Expert". I`d say that my best skill was getting into the heads of the people that hopefully left evidence at a scene. That, and finding their hiding spots for valuables, i.e., drugs, etc. I`ve always felt that if anything was in fact hidden on, or under Oak Island, it would`ve been stashed somewhere that was relatively easy for the original hider to eventually retrieve it. My best guess is under the man made "Swamp", and it wouldn`t be very deep. Wherever the original sea floor would`ve been at that time. If not the swamp, then why did they bother to create it in the first place? If not there, then I suspect it would`ve been buried somewhere else on the Island, and not real deep either. I believe the "Money Pit" was a monumental diversion. If so, it worked very well. It`s also very possible that the treasure hoard was hidden on another of the many nearby Islands, but who knows? Those are pretty much my thoughts on this, and I hope they aren`t too stupid. I`m pretty sure all this has been said before, but I figured it was worth a shot to write this.

1st - Welcome Aboard! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forums: Select Your Area.... and selecting location information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country).
2nd - Thank for your service to our country as a LEO.
3rd - You might browse our Treasure Legends > Oak Island Forum...

Welcome from MARYLAND ROTTEN RICKY !!!! Detective work will pay off treasure hunting

Welcome to TNet from Nick in CT! :icon_thumright:

Welcome to the forum from Massachusetts!

I enjoyed reading your detailed analysis and thoughts on Oak Island.

Welcome from Quebec
Love your Tnet name

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