Help please, need advice, what would you do if this happened to your child??

Goes, I'm truly sorry your child went hungry. I"m even sorrier that ADULTS stood by and allowed that to happen.

I seem to remember a similar letter home from the school a year or two ago, regarding 'end of year accounting', or something along those lines. Essentially, it read that no chedks would be accepted after a certain date, and that no charges would be allowed (for those with zero balance, I guess that meant hunger). I didn't do anything about it, but now I will. The same situation occurs in my local school district, and it's absolutely wrong, if it allows a child to go hungry. I spend WAY TOO DAMNED MUCH on taxes for a child in school to go hungry. Children from financially disadvantaged homes are allowed free/reduced rate why should ANYONE miss a meal?

I'm truly sorry for what your family has experienced. Maybe everyone here should inquire at their local school district for any similar rules.

Damn I'm pissed!

I would go ballistic if it happened to my children. at the school they attend, if the child doesn't have money on account, they give the child crackers and milk and send a note home, to do what they did is reprehensible and then to try and pass the buck is unbelievable. It's truly amazing what a little bad press will do


OK, that was way wrong! I am so sorry, I would be beside myself. So let's look at this. The principal says it's not his fault, separate department. >:( Cafeteria. like right, why even talk to them, they are just keeping their minimum wage jobs by following the rules. So who is the principals boss? Then who is his boss? And his? By the time I was done I would have talked to EVERY "Government" agency. You should eventually end up with the White House. Every wrung of the ladder you climb, if you do not get a change of policy in writting, keep asking for their supervisor, someone will pay attention, trust me.

GO FOR IT! That is just wrong for any child to go hungry. Too sad! :'(

I agree with the above posts. Do NOT let it go. Good idea to write to everyone you can think of, as mentoned by roswellborn and others. Make their life interesting for a while. No excuse to let a child go hungry.

Not like there is a food shortage on the school lunch line. I would have been livid over this situation if it was my child. Bunch of incompetents, the whole bunch of them, from the principle down. I would definitely write a letter to the school board. Probably would make a personal appearance and hand the letter the the head of the school board so he could see all the folks who will be hearing about this incident. I might even contat the local TV news station. That would get their attention if it showed up on the 6 o'clock news.

Hope it never happens again, to you child or any child.

Ray S

Since you're getting the runaround, ask your child who the person was who turned them down and took the lunch away. Then approach THAT person, WITH the principal and cafeteria people in tow. Pin them all down at once. Wouldn't hurt to have some backup (media, attorney).

Get everybody in the same room at the same time. Case closed, or lots of explaining to be done.

Yes, rules should be changed. When the funds on-hand run out, the child should be furnished a meal and the parents notified. Taking food from a child is absolutely not acceptable. First, they don't understand. Second, that leaves them hungry and confused.

And we wonder why we have stress... as kids and adults.


As pissed as everyone else here.Make this such a media event that it will never happen again.Post names and addresses here.We got the time to loaf here we got the time to write letters from all over the country to embarass hell out of everyone involved.
Please do not say "Oh,well" and let this go away.

I agree with everyone else. Make a big fuss, to everyone you can think of. And your wife is right, your son was neglected!!

In our district, kids get a pb&j with a drink in a case like this. They have a stack of them ready to go. If I'm remembering correctly, my mother recently told me that in the district I grew up in, they now provide a FREE breakfast and lunch to every child. That way no one goes hungry. Things just run a lot easier over all. The kids like the food, and it's reasonable nutrition wise. it actually seems like a great idea to me. (She works in the childcare field and has friends of all ages, that's how she knows the kids like it.)

It's amazing in this day and age that they can't at least send an email when an accounts get low. Or an automated call. Or both. They sure do call here when your kid is absent. It's been a few years for me, but I seem to recall having the same stupid problem with the cafeteria account.

Hang in there and good luck!

You have to voice your disapproval and there are policies(good or bad) when concerning school lunches. Parents have to check that out. A local school here has it when the unfortunate kids do not have money to eat, they get a peanut butter sandwhich or something like that. Some schools are different.

I think the schools have a problem they do know where the accts. stand they can send a note home with the kids say the week before friendly reminder meal charges are due the following week!

But a lunch worker that takes food tray from a child should be fired

School here they dont let you have report card til all is payed! and the next year no lunches til you pay for what is owed from the last year, my daughter owed 40 cents on one of the kids and she could not pay and get the multi kid discount til it was paid! And she cant get full discount because one of the 3 goes to a different school (special ed program) and he cant get aid cause the other 2 different school, and the schools across town from each other. Sorry!

But the lady ran down the hall to tell her about the lunches so alot of people heard she owed but NOT the amt.

Still steaming over this and we all missed another PO point.Took the kid's food tray and banished him hungry.
What did they do with his tray of food?....Flipped it in the dumpster cause they couldn't put it back once it had been served.
Two kids starved that day because of ignorance and waste.
Please go public with this and ask our help to keep it in the public eye.



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Post the name of the school here and the address.
I'll bet we can barrage them with so much mail they change the policy just on GP.

With everything else they expound on about no tolerance policies and such why don't we establish one of our own.
No child turned away hungry.
(I thought it was already in place in most schools anyway)
Our tax dollars already pay for it.
So show us the money Mr. Principal.

I must agree with all of the above...
Don't let this go,
Take it to the news papers and the local TV stations if you can get them interested.

If we did this to one of our own kids we would be charged with neglect and the kid would be taken by the State. Why are these idiots treated any different.

So lets all jump in here and make a really big stink.


Yep! Give us names and addresses, and I'll be writing tomorrow.

No child left behind - but let them go hungry.

What is this world coming to, really?

I'd personally like to find a place to put that $2.00, and it isn't in the cafeteria worker's hand, either.

Let me take a WAG - the cafeteria worker was just doing their job?

And, for whoever said it - you are right - they had to have thrown that lunch away (legally).

Look out schools - your jobs depend on our tax dollars and our kids.



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The word "Law suit" will get the attention of the principal. Don't accept an apology.
Get the best attorney you can find and sue their paints off. And DON'T sent your child back to that school.
I agree with another poster, if this had happened to one of mine, I'd probably be in jail.

That worker would not be returning next Year.

here if your not paid up by the end of the school year,
they hold your Report Card, or Diploma untill your paid in full.
no big deal.

Besides that I'm sure somone in the kitchen could have fronted the money
if it was so important to keep things even.

at this point it's over & it's hard to get justice in schools,
most that will happen is they change the policy after the fact.
and even though it won't happen, I'd make a Real nightmare out of Myself
and insist the kid get a Public apoligy in front of all his class mates,
and as said at the beginning. the workers resignation.

The e-mail I just sen the principal. Man this really dose burn my but!

It has recentley come to my attention that your school cafeteria took a childs food tray away because they were short on funds. Not only did they send the child away hungry, they humiliated a chid in front of his peers. I find this horrid and unacceptable.

I found this on your main page.

Van Wert City Schools Belief Statement

All students can learn given appropriate and challenging learning environments. Students learn in different ways. Students share the responsibility and accountability for their learning. Students should have a safe, comfortable environment that is conducive to learning. Home and school are partners to ensure educational success. Parents share in the teaching responsibility by reinforcing learning at home. Staff is committed to on-going professional development. Staff adjusts the learning environment to meet the individual needs of all students. Staff establishes high expectations for academic achievement and social behavior. Staff is committed to meeting the needs of the identified special needs students

So you believe a proper learning environment means sending a child away hungry, humiliated, and confused? Shame, shame, shame on you and you staff. No child should be treated like this.

Embarassed for you.

Nice Sis! I will be sending a letter today as well. Perhaps we can get their attention and make them rethink this policy. We can't undo what has already happened but surely we can make them think twice before doing it again!

After discussing this with my wife, she thought of two other problems that may or may not have been addressed.

1). Taking the tray away from a child is embarrassing and maybe form of child abuse because she is
withholding food and nutrition from a child. This is dispicable and maybe we should call Children and
Youth Services on the cafeteria worker.

2). I don't think you ever mentioned any health problems that your son has. If you child is a diabetic (or has
other health problems where a constant food supply is needed) and the food was withheld, that could
have resulted in a very serious situation for him and you.

The e-mail I just sen the principal. Man this really dose burn my but!

It has recentley come to my attention that your school cafeteria took a childs food tray away because they were short on funds. Not only did they send the child away hungry, they humiliated a chid in front of his peers. I find this horrid and unacceptable.

I found this on your main page.

Van Wert City Schools Belief Statement

All students can learn given appropriate and challenging learning environments. Students learn in different ways. Students share the responsibility and accountability for their learning. Students should have a safe, comfortable environment that is conducive to learning. Home and school are partners to ensure educational success. Parents share in the teaching responsibility by reinforcing learning at home. Staff is committed to on-going professional development. Staff adjusts the learning environment to meet the individual needs of all students. Staff establishes high expectations for academic achievement and social behavior. Staff is committed to meeting the needs of the identified special needs students

So you believe a proper learning environment means sending a child away hungry, humiliated, and confused? Shame, shame, shame on you and you staff. No child should be treated like this.

Embarassed for you.
thank you for taking time to contact them!

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