Hey All


Jr. Member
Apr 27, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Made an intro thread in the new member section but this is probably where Ill spend most of my time. Been lurking and reading this section daily since 2008, CRHing for a little under a year, finally thought I should register.

Learned how to CRH by reading the forum. Key word READING. In my time lurking Ive always thought some of you were way too nice to those who failed to read the beginners guide and would ask a question that some other newbie asked the day before. Kept the forum cluttered with nonsense IMO. Those who ask silly questions are probably those who will be too lazy to do the leg work and develop a dumping plan and bother developing relationships with their banks.

Ive had some good finds and recovered a lot of silver. Sitting at 316 40%s, 135 90%s and 49 dimes. Hoping to double if not triple those finds in the next year and looking to hit 100oz but June 8 (my one year anniversary)

Happy hunting all

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Nice to have you contributing. I am always reluctant to post too much here - keep competition away! What area are you in? HH! - JJ

I agree the n00bs gotta put in the work just like the rest of us. I started CRH based solely on an idea I had that it would be a good way to find silver, I had no idea anyone else was even doing it until I stumbled across some forums including this one

Hi - good golly that's a lot of 90% halves! I've been doing this awhile, I didn't know they were still out there!

welcome aboard, where are you from? (general state)


Hi - good golly that's a lot of 90% halves! I've been doing this awhile, I didn't know they were still out there!

Had some good boxes, Two boxes in December had 11 Walkers and 16 Walkers respectively, so that helps. Been through almost 165 boxes and get a decent amount of 64s. Walkers are actually outpacing my Ben finds!

Go Terps!

Hell yea!

Welcome Terp! Fellow MD hunter and Terp fan. This forum was great for me to read when I first started hunting in December. As someone mentioned, it doesn't look like you need much help, pretty impressive totals. Keep it up!

You were class of 08?

Kinda, had credits to graduate but stayed to do extra credits and get a double degree. So technically spring 09.

Welcome Terp! Fellow MD hunter and Terp fan. This forum was great for me to read when I first started hunting in December. As someone mentioned, it doesn't look like you need much help, pretty impressive totals. Keep it up!

Thanks. Yea Im pretty much up and running other than a hiccup in my supply. Kinda just thought it was about time to register, share some finds and talk to all you DC area guys Ive seen on here lately.

Hey Terp08. I'm a UMD grad as well. I graduated in 2009 with a degree in Economics.

Nice, I started out pre-med in microbiology/neurophysiology and got to sophomore year and between honors orgo, honors micro and my calc class decided I was going to be miserable if i continued in the field for the next few years. Switched to double major in gov&politics and criminal justice. Never looked back.

Shame UMD became so un-fun between when we started and graduated.

Ive had some good finds and recovered a lot of silver. Sitting at 316 40%s, 135 90%s and 49 dimes. Hoping to double if not triple those finds in the next year and looking to hit 100oz but June 8 (my one year anniversary)

If my math is correct, that's 95-point-something ounces total. You have a month left to get 5 ounces, definitely doable. Good luck!

those two boxes with the walkers you say were in December huh, confirms my theory about christmas time being the right time to hunt!

If my math is correct, that's 95-point-something ounces total. You have a month left to get 5 ounces, definitely doable. Good luck!

I came up with 99ish. went by .0723oz for dimes, .1479oz for 40% and .3617 for 90%. Not sure.

I hope to pull at least 5 ounces this month and then post a pic of the hoard on my one year anniversary!

those two boxes with the walkers you say were in December huh, confirms my theory about christmas time being the right time to hunt!

I had my best 2 boxes in early January, over 30 keepers each. I totally agree with you on people cashing in around the holidays and judging from others finds it seems to hold very true. Sad part is boxes from the bank didnt come in the week before and week after those walker boxes....Thats 4 potentially loaded boxes that went elsewhere :(

Do people tend to cash in half dollars during the holidays?

From reading the forum for ~2 years I would say yes. After this past year I fully intend on ordering as many boxes as I can afford for the months of december and january even if I have to "spend" gas to go out of my way dumping everyday.

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