hey kugar...a little advice needed


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Nov 1, 2011
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early this morning my wife and I went for a short hunt up on a ridge where there was a logging camp in late 1800s.We werent there for more than 10 mins.when I saw it...a full grown mountain lion about 100 yards above us watching us.
My wife saw me draw my side arm and looked where I was looking and saw it too.She freaked and started sort of crying...it was walking towards us.
We dont use headphones...I am always carrying...but dam...I kinda freaked too.

I waved my garret and yelled at it while we started backing down the trail.The dam thing followed us but never got really any closer.This went on for 10 minutes untill we got to my truck.
When I started the truck it turned and just kinda walked back up the hill into the woods.
My wife swears she is never going into the forest hunting again.I cant bear that.
1)did we do the right thing?
2)what can we do to limit the danger(I have to tell her something)
3)is there a time of year that is more of a danger?
4)I didnt fire a warning shot from the 45 but was ready to

thanks Kugar...we both still a little shook all these hours later..ps...we in the big bear area...so cal.


Sounds like you and your wife had quite an ordeal. Most predators are reluctant to follow humans unless they guarding a kill or maybe your lion was once in captivity and therefore not afraid of you two. Sometimes animals that are not hunted have less fear of humans.

I think it's kruger, but looking at a lion will usually work.
They prefer attacking from behind. So, when out in lion country always have your head on a swivel ( and a hat with eyes on the back helps)

took me awhile to get over seeing one in the woods,id rather see a bear myself.i did not have a gun,glad you did.the hat with eyes on the back is true.

They have offspring this time of year..protective , more territorial as well!

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thx gang for any advice...this threatens to end forest hunting with my wife...that would be tragic.I talked her into gun safety class today and already have a nice little 38 for her.That just might save the program I hope.

Your in his house, remember that. Mountain lions in my opinion are the most proficient, determined, confident, silent killers out there. That one screwed up and let you see him. Next time you might not be so lucky. Be careful brother, cougars are no joke. A pistol will do you no good, believe me. If you plan on risking it then carry a semi auto shotgun loaded with coyote loads. Spread pattern is just wide enough that you might take him down when he's about 20 yards from you. Semi auto only because he won't give you enough time to cycle the next round. Good luck.

Don't put yourself in a dangerous position. .it's not worth it!

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bigfoot1, this site says you did all the right things, made yourself big IE wave Md, keep
your stare on,didnt turn your back,slow an steady separation most importantly you kept
a cool head, stay safe, keep your eyes open

more info
Safety in Encounters with Mountain Lions

and if one ever jumps you and you make him miss the first time. get him in a full nelson and you have him.

From what you say it sounds more like the cat was escorting you out of his territory and possible would had have you for dinner if you hadn't left. It let you walk back to your truck and didn't get closer or attack and when you started the truck it left. Almost like it wanted to make sure you were leaving. But I'm guessing.

We have had all sorts of wild life in our yard, passing thru, and I'm waiting for the day a big cat pays us a visit. The odd part is we live in a city of 100,000 people! Last week a bob cat was spotted a town over from us, so I may see one sooner than I think! Bob cats show up mountain lions can 't be far behind!

I live in lion country but Kugar has more experience with them than I do. I think you done good. Sounds to me like that cat was curious and had one of those days where he said what the hey, I'm gonna check them out. Like I said, I live in lion country and have never seen one. I've seen the tracks and the kills, but never face to face with one. I am pretty sure they have watched me and thought it not worth the effort. So tell the missus she is one of the rare few to see a mountain lion in the wild. She'll probably never get that opportunity again. Which she's probably pretty happy about.

We practice shoot shovel and shut up in the Great State of California.

Same thing happens in Oregon. Been quite a few killed in this area and only a few locals know about it. Kids killed one in their yard. The dog had it up a tree all night.

no way I'm shootin this cat unless I had to.I'm not what most would call a tree hugger but I have respect for the critters in my woods.I have no problem if I was hunting to feed my family or protect them...I was hoping for a cool trick,a guy up here told me to carry a handheld air horn along with my gun.I guess they are just too loud for em.He says it works for bears too.even says to just fire it off once inna while just in case.

Wifey update.She went into town and bought us each an airhorn.like for boaters..I guess I havent lost my favorite hunting buddy afterall..:occasion14:

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Great to hear Bigfoot, all is well in your world, now get out there and do some MD'ing! GL. HH!

most wildlife avoid me I think my fat content is too high for them

LOL!Ya dragged me out of my cave!!! :laughing7: Sorry I am a bit late.................where to start?.....I want to say first off,Calif. likely by all accounts presently has more lions per square mile than any other state(Black Bears as well),and I have done LOTS of lion work in that very area of which you speak.Problem is that lions have lost the fear of man in Cali.I am not saying they are out mass killing because that is far from true,but where you have two huge populations(People and wildlife)the two will sometimes collide,which is happening more and more here.New regulations recently passed down are further limiting "control",of lion issues.Until recently if deemed a Public threat(exhibiting unusual behavior or exhibiting aggressive behavior)certain lions were euthanized....well now an attack with bodily harm basically has to take place.This is very unfortunate...Under the old regs many fatalities were averted that will no be so now.Time will prove this....

Now.....consider your self fortunate in that you got to see a lion!!This is something that not a whole lot of people can claim.Lions are very stealthy and although anybody who has spent any amount of time in the woods has been watched by one they are not usually seen!Once they have been seen and they know it,the "gig",is generally "up",lions operate on stealth and surprise.They generally will not attack from the from for this reason(felines as a whole are this way....the reason people in the jungles where there are tigers where masks on the backs of their heads)This is not to say that one will not lay in wait until the opportunity does present itself for an attack.Most of the time they are content to just watch but ...especially younger un experienced lions who are hungry will...attack.Honestly the best prevention is a dog,dogs will alert you to them far before you will have any inkling.As far as a fire arm.....although I would rather have one and not need it than need it and not have it...usually the initial impact of an attack is so forceful that you are generally killed immediately or at least knocked unconscious.Leaving the area like you did and keeping the cat in sight was for sure the thing to do.As for your wife,I will not tell you that an attack is out of question but truthfully it is not highly likely...rather remote actually.People in this state do need to know though that we are in for some really nasty wildlife run ins in the future.Un educated regulation is ruling and we are on a collision course!!!


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