Hmmm. Not sure how I feel about this... how about you all?

You gotta live with you- we don't.

You have to do what's right in your world, and take what happens, good or bad, as a result of your choices.

Good luck in receiving an adult conversation about ethical or legal issues. I've tried and failed.

As to #1, stealing/theft/larceny is the taking of someone else’s property without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property. In this situation, there is clearly a taking of property. However, every other element of this offense is arguable but not really that solid. I think I would be able to get you off if you were charged. The property can be argued to have been abandoned, so (a) it was no longer someone else's property, and (b) the original owner's abandonment is evidence of their consent that someone else could take the property. In most cases I can imagine, you could at least introduce doubt that your intent was to take it to another location such as the parks dept to find the true owner and ultimately give it back, so (c) there was no intent to permanently keep the property.

I guess the bottom line is that I don't think there's a legal issue here. Better to focus on the ethics of the question.

First off, I would be a lttle cautious about sticking my hand in a pocket only to stick myself with a needle. Secondly, I would search the pockets and see if there were important things like wallet, I.D., personal stuff. If any of the afore mentioned was recovered, I would try to reunite it with the owner....

skippy --here in Florida where I live ...shooting roosting turkeys is illegal ,and while legal -- ground swatting quail is poor sportsmanship , as is keeping bass taken off spawning beds * in many folks point of view -- ( I personally do none of the 3) ... frisking kids left behind jacket / coat at a park for "finds" and then putting them on the fence is a personal call .. I would simply put it on the fence but that is me ...I do not take candy from babies either..

Because I love playing the Devil's Advocate.....

What is the difference between finding a coin in the dirt, and finding money in a jacket?

Both were lost by someone.. right?

Would it be OK if the jacket were buried ?

Would it not be OK if the coin was a surface find?

Just trying to understand the basis for the objection?

Because I love playing the Devil's Advocate.....

What is the difference between finding a coin in the dirt, and finding money in a jacket?

Both were lost by someone.. right?

Would it be OK if the jacket were buried ?

Would it not be OK if the coin was a surface find?

Just trying to understand the basis for the objection?

Good point OWK.
If it was buried, people would be voting banner on the condition of the cloth when it was dug from its grave. I guess it matters how long it was lost?
I would probably hang it on the fence for someone else to steal. [emoji25]

Were it me?... depends on the surroundings.

In a tot-lot, I would probably hang the jacket up, without frisking it, just for fear of others watching me... It would make me feel like a shmuck to be seen rummaging through it...But if I knew not a soul was around, I aint gonna lie..I would give the pockets a quick fondling.

Of-course I search the pockets for ID - So I can return it if possible.
If I find anything valuable, I take it with me. Leaving the coat there.
I go back to my car, grab paper and pen - leave note with my contact number in the same pocket.
If they call and describe what they lost, they get it back, if no one calls I keep it.

Everyone wins, except the person that would have stole the items and not looked for the actual owner.

In a tot-lot, I would probably hang the jacket up, without frisking it, just for fear of others watching me... It would make me feel like a shmuck to be seen rummaging through it...But if I knew not a soul was around, I aint gonna lie..I would give the pockets a quick fondling.

This pretty much sums my ethical code for this exact scenario.

What is the difference between finding a coin in the dirt, and finding money in a jacket?

Both were lost by someone.. right?

Would it be OK if the jacket were buried ?

Would it not be OK if the coin was a surface find?

Just trying to understand the basis for the objection?

This was my first thought as well. I will assume not many people wanted to drop the coins and rings and watches MDers find so when does the ethics switch get turned off? Surface jacket not ok...underground ok? That would mean depth controls our ethical code? lol I better go toss some surface coins back for Karma sake. I'm screwed.

A guy once told me that if he finds wallets he will take the cash and return the wallet. A finders fee he said. Never took anything else and because he knew the pain of having to go get new ID's and cards etc etc.

I figured that sounds pretty decent. Puts me in the middle grey area ethically.

I do know if I found 10K in cash in a brown paper bag in a dumpster....I would not be the guy on the news who returned it.

That's the best one I've read!!:thumbsup:
Of-course I search the pockets for ID - So I can return it if possible.
If I find anything valuable, I take it with me. Leaving the coat there.
I go back to my car, grab paper and pen - leave note with my contact number in the same pocket.
If they call and describe what they lost, they get it back, if no one calls I keep it.

Everyone wins, except the person that would have stole the items and not looked for the actual owner.

It's okay Jamie....we won't pick on ya this time!!:hello:
Good luck in receiving an adult conversation about ethical or legal issues. I've tried and failed.

As to #1, stealing/theft/larceny is the taking of someone else’s property without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property. In this situation, there is clearly a taking of property. However, every other element of this offense is arguable but not really that solid. I think I would be able to get you off if you were charged. The property can be argued to have been abandoned, so (a) it was no longer someone else's property, and (b) the original owner's abandonment is evidence of their consent that someone else could take the property. In most cases I can imagine, you could at least introduce doubt that your intent was to take it to another location such as the parks dept to find the true owner and ultimately give it back, so (c) there was no intent to permanently keep the property.

I guess the bottom line is that I don't think there's a legal issue here. Better to focus on the ethics of the question.

Of-course I search the pockets for ID - So I can return it if possible.
If I find anything valuable, I take it with me. Leaving the coat there.
I go back to my car, grab paper and pen - leave note with my contact number in the same pocket.
If they call and describe what they lost, they get it back, if no one calls I keep it.

Everyone wins, except the person that would have stole the items and not looked for the actual owner.
But, what about the value of the jacket itself? Say its worth $50 bucks..ya gonna leave it there? Or a note on a fence saying "describe the jacket"? Interesting thread...

Like anything else I find, If I can determine with any degree of certainty who lost it, I'll return it. If I can't, it's mine to do with as I please. In the case of a jacket, I'd first check for any I.D, If nothing, I might take it to the governing authority for that area, (park and rec dept, school office, lifeguard station, police station, etc.) Hanging it on a fence, to me, is just asking someone else to take it. If there's anything of value in the pockets, I'd get a receipt with that noted in writing. If nobody claims it after the official waiting period, I guess it would be mine. I might also just take it home and list it on Craig's list as a found item. It would probably depend on whether I would want to keep it in the end or not, should it go unclaimed. If it was something I had no interest in, I'd just turn it in and forget about it.

in the ground --older long term lost item normally --( thus most likely owner no longer looking for it) -- on surface --newer lost item , possible owner looking for it / likely to return for it * - possible accused of theft if you take it...that is why "in the ground stuff" that you dig is A ok with detectorist to keep..

I'd just look for ID. Then contact. Don't care about money that much, damn.

I would lay the jacket on like a table because thw person will soon relize they left there jaclet there and come back for it. So lay it somewhere obvious

Ethics = doing the right thing when no one is watching..

Ethics is ability (or study) to realize what is the right or wrong thing in the first place.

Simple right or wrong...does not matter who is watching.

I cannot help but notice you did not leave an answer as to what you would do? :laughing7:

Since I hit the beaches early I usually find lots of beach towels which I save for rags in the garage. Not for washing the car cause of sand. I once scored a nice Coleman cooler of beer. Kept that.:thumbsup: As for clothing I don't touch that as it's lost and not abandoned.

Once while detecting a swim area with brother-in-law he threw a pair of levies shorts at me that someone left in the water. In a pocket was a twenty dollar bill. He still swears I robbed it from him.

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