How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?


Bronze Member
Mar 18, 2008
How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

Things That make me go Hmmmm.

I Been averaging about 3/4 of a million a year. If I did 20k a week I'd be at just over a million a year. I believe some of our regular posters are doing that already and some of the newbies and casual CRH's are doing a box a week but are kicking it up a notch.

Kinda like to get some numbers down here. What would be even better is if you,

1) Post est. number of coins searched weekly
2) City & or State you primarily do your hunting in.
3) What company or carrier are you boxes coming from?

I could put together a spread sheet to track this activity. to see where the hot spots are and where there might be virgin territory.

Seems like we should be able to figure something out. I also understand that not every CRH even knows about Tnet. but I'd like to attempt a Census of sorts. if anything the sheer numbers should give us an idea of what is going around out there. you know potential researching. and recycling other dumps. this could be beneficial to all of us.

I'll start
1) I know of one other guy using the same dumps and pickups as me.
Between us we search 30 boxes a week.
2) I hunt the Tri county area of Detroit Michigan
3) I know that most all my boxes are coming from Brinks in Detroit
(Brinks has 3 processing centers in Michigan. (Detroit, Lansing and Grand Rapids.))

Thanks in advance for participating. CRH Mojo :wink:

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Cat J

Hero Member
Dec 17, 2007
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Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

I hunt between $15,000 and $20,000 a week. That is 30,000 to 40,000 coins per week. I hunt in the tri state of Kentucky, Indiana and Ill. But I also pick up in other areas of the country. I got 4,000 coins out of Atlanta, 14,000 out of Florida, 10,000 out of St Louis, 10,000 out of Memphis, 10,000 out of Nashville, and 10,000 out of Memphis. All my local boxes are from Brinks. Actually the only boxes that I have gotten that were not Brinks was Florida, and Atlanta.



Hero Member
Aug 29, 2007
Fort Collins, Colorado
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I just follow my nose!...where the silver and gold goes!
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Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

I search though pounds of the things. Some of us work together in some areas to say, dump all on brinks, or dump all on Loomis etc when we have messaged each other when we figured out we were in the same district.

If the forum were just about hunting say wheat pennies or for buffalo nickels you would get a lot of response. some of the people on here are depended on the silver they find to help them though, they have tricks, things they know, things that work, some of them have spent months or even years building relationships in order to position them selves in the spots they are in. They are not going to risk that. Nor are they going to risk losing what they have worked so hard for by giving out things that may be a security risk as some of us have collections that are in the 5 and 6 figures range and dont exactly want people knowing where we live or risk having people follow us to our homes or businesses, there are a lot of lurkers and non posters who look on this site and will never say a word.

It only takes one mad man to find where someone is, figure out a bank they go to. wait for them to either dump or carry about boxes. follow them home, and then wait till they leave to raid there home. Or just take em out.
either way, its a risk no one wants to take, even though statistically being a coin dealer, jeweler etc is far more safe than being a convince store clerk when it comes to murder assault robbery and being shot. Its a good Idea to still play it safe.


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Cat J

Hero Member
Dec 17, 2007
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Whites DFX; Whites Sufe Master PI Pro
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

Well you may not get on a plane and go their area and order boxes but I would. I do a lot of traveling all over the US and other parts of the world.



Bronze Member
May 16, 2007
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Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

Silver Stripe said:
I could have swore I replied to this topic. :icon_jokercolor:
I thought I did too SS. Oh well. I'm not going to give out any of that information. That would be like telling the world all my good metal detecting spots. That just isn't going to happen. :tongue3:



Bronze Member
Mar 18, 2008
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

OK I can see that this is a very sensitive subject.

I guess I should have figured it would not be welcomed by all.

Jeweler Dave I appreciate and completely understand why you might object to participating. But I am not really asking for detailed information, like where yo live or do your banking. My 3 Questions were general I thought and not too detailed.

1) Post number of coins searched weekly. OK drop that one or give est. 1 box 2 box or less
2) City & or State you primarily do your hunting in. OK just the state
3) What company or carrier are you boxes coming from? Brinks, Loomus, fed. Etc. not specific bank.

I respect you and the Silvers but don't appreciate the crass remarks. Please respond with all due respect. As I believe I have been respectfull.

" Some of us work together in some areas to say, dump all on brinks, or dump all on Loomis etc when we have messaged each other when we figured out we were in the same district."[/color].......Not nice.....I get it..... I get Brinks Box's..... I have seen you post this several times But I'm pretty sure their not shipping your dumps to my part of the country. were you directing that comment at me?

"Some of the people on here are dependent on the silver they find to help them though, they have tricks, things they know, things that work, some of them have spent months or even years building relationships in order to position them selves in the spots they are in. They are not going to risk that. Nor are they going to risk losing what they have worked so hard for by giving out things that may be a security risk as some of us have collections that are in the 5 and 6 figures range and don't exactly want people knowing where we live or risk having people follow us to our homes or businesses" .......Agree. But why anyone would put a marker on their house on the map in their profile is crazy, always thought that was weird/dangerous??? Yes we should be carefull of how much personal information we post.

There are thousands of banks in the metropolis where I live. But if you live in a rural area I suppose a skulker could narrow it down and figure out where you are or be able to find you. Please be careful.

I guess it may have been an ill fated attempt to find virgin ground. or to organize territory. To become more knowledgeable and efficent for the good of all.

Does anyone have any positive thoughts on this? Or ideas that will protect everyones security and stll be able to make it a worthy effort? Or should I give it up.

I can certainly figure it out on my own as I have been doing CRH for years now without the aid of this site.

I guess I got caught up on the camaraderie I thought we shared.

CRH Mojo


Silver Member
Dec 19, 2006
Twin Cities, MN
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Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

Personally I'd actually rather not know and just assume its all virgin ground....even when I know its not. Keep's the hope alive.

But here's my answers

1) I search 226.5 halves/week on average in 2008
2) I search in the upper midwest primarily Minnesota and Wisconsin but occasionally venture further
3) I rarely do boxes so no armored carrier to speak of.

this year I haven't searched many halves.


Hero Member
Aug 29, 2007
Fort Collins, Colorado
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I just follow my nose!...where the silver and gold goes!
Minelab 5000, Goldmaster, and a few others
XRF spectrometer, Common sense.
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Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

I dont see where I am attacking you or saying anything negative to you, I just think the Idea is not such a good thing to share around for security reasons. I have known more than one Jeweler who has been robed by organized gangs that did there research. Its scary stuff.
Its ok to attack an Idea, its nothing personal, thats all I am doing.

I just know that some of the people on here would be easy targets to get too by motivated individuals. And I dont think everyone on here carries a gun, or even lives in a state where its ok to carry one concealed. Despite this, it does not mean that there is no risk. I just urge use of common sence.

Also, most fishermen wont tell you there best spots, Nor will gold prospectors, nor will metal detector guys, and neither would a CHR.


Silver Member
Dec 23, 2006
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All Treasure Hunting
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

coinmojo said:
Does anyone have any positive thoughts on this?

Mojo - My humble two cents............

Although I think it is a very good concept, you may may not get the response needed to accurately map out territories as intended. I've been in this forum for a long time now and alot folks keep this information tucked in so to speak.....for more reasons than one.

I also think Jeweler Dave made some valid points concerning security/ today's just never know. I don't think he was directing anything at you personally. He works with a fellow member who is in his general area to try to minimize efforts and maximize returns. If I were either of those two I would do the same under those circumstances. Again, in my opinion, it was not directed to you personally.

Don't let the negative feedback deter you. Yes, I do believe there is camaraderie amongst us. Personally, I don't like seeing the negative post that make someone feel deficient. I don't think that was their intention even though it may have come across that way. You know how it is when typing out a statement and making a statement in person....sometimes it comes across different when typing it.

For me, I have put alot of time and effort in putting a system together. I experiment with other things outside of this system that may take a couple of months to get a result so I would not want to divulge most of this in an open forum. I realize you were not asking for anyone's system....just thought I would share this because one person coming in could interrupt what you have going on and worked so hard to get to that point. I get alot of PM's asking how I can assist others in improving their returns and I make a sincere effort in attempting to help them accomplish that. You really need a 'feel' for what is going on around you/your area to do this. Sorry...rambling again....

Anyway, I feel it was a good concept with innocent intentions so keep posting and don't let any negativity bring you down. Keep plugging and I wish you all the luck Mojo.



Bronze Member
Mar 18, 2008
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

Thanks Dave And LJ

The two of you are very active on this forum and I was looking forward to your thoughts and input. Both have been very eloquent in your responces. Much appreciated. :thumbsup:

There are others who had/have responded with negative comments which I did not appreciate. There was no question of their intent on their responce. :icon_jokercolor:

LJ I know exactly what your saying about the written word versus the spoken word, face to face conversations. I have had issues with friend's and family when communicating in an email. things don't always come across the same Way when typing something vs discussing it in person. Any misconceptions can quickly be corrected face to face.

LJ "One person coming in could interrupt what you have going on and worked so hard to get to that point."

In recent months I've been to many of the banks I frequent and they are getting hammered by folks looking for coin. A census might show how 2 or 3 CRH's working a particular area could over saturate an area causing banks and institutions to impose punitive actions such as fee's and limits.

This is part of my intention, to stem this activity and keep it viable. a lot of newcomers to an area could hamper what ground you and lot of us have established.....

I began to review this entire forum last night and without any participation on this post was able to put together a snippet of activity around the country. One can glean information without asking for it, in about an hour of time.

There are super hunters in, Tennessee, Kentucky,Iowa,New York, California,Minnesota,Pittsburg,Washington & Michigan. most of these posters report there finds or numbers searched, either annually or day to day month to month. It may not seem like much but it's enough to tell me what I was looking for. I suppose if I spent more time pouring over the posts here I Could put together a pretty complete list......I guess if I do it that way I should be able to charge for it? LOL Visit my website www..........LOL

I would also note that some individuals use this forum to advertise business ventures with a link to their web site. On that site you will find a mailing address. Now I suppose a skulker might find that to be a "GOLDEN" opportunity. So when you talk about a security risk............

The information I was hoping to gather is already here, more than I was looking to gather in fact. It will take much longer for me to gather it that way and may still not be accurate. I figured a forum/post to involve us all would be beneficial to all. if I do it on my own it benefits me only.... Not a bad thing.

Thanks Again CRH Mojo


Bronze Member
May 16, 2007
Good 'Ol USA /
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Garrett Ace 250 of course
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

coinmojo said:
I respect you and the Silvers but don't appreciate the crass remarks. Please respond with all due respect. As I believe I have been respectfull.
That was very evident by the respectfull thread of yours that got pulled.
With that said, I don't have time for long replies but I do agree with pretty much everything that LJ and JD said in there last reply. Keep in mind that long before you signed up on this board your same proposal was posted. It was met with the same type of replies.

I would imagine that if someone looks at my Avatar they can take a wild guess what state I am from. That is all the information I want out there. I think others feel the same way. This is a forum with people that carry large sums of cash and probably have a good horde of silver. There is good reason not to give out a lot of information.

Other than this thread, I have enjoyed your others. Keep them coming.
HH, S_F :icon_jokercolor:


Full Member
Feb 25, 2008
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

Ditto to all comments here. Many more hunters now and less unseen coins turned in but the mystery remains the same. As Mulder would say " they're out there". Are we having fun or what!



Bronze Member
Mar 18, 2008
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

Silver_Fox said:
That was very evident by the respectfull thread of yours that got pulled.

Other than this thread, I have enjoyed your others. Keep them coming.
HH, S_F :icon_jokercolor:

Yea exactly how does that happen?

Anyways much nicer and more reasonable reply. Appreciate your input.

Always look forwad to everyones posts. including yours and have noticed you responding to many of my posts. That's why I was taken a by surprise by your initial responce, that also was also mysteriously removed. (again' how does that happen?)

Thanks CRH Mojo


Bronze Member
May 16, 2007
Good 'Ol USA /
Detector(s) used
Garrett Ace 250 of course
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

coinmojo said:
Silver_Fox said:
That was very evident by the respectfull thread of yours that got pulled.

Other than this thread, I have enjoyed your others. Keep them coming.
HH, S_F :icon_jokercolor:

Yea exactly how does that happen?

Anyways much nicer and more reasonable reply. Appreciate your input.

Always look forwad to everyones posts. including yours and have noticed you responding to many of my posts. That's why I was taken a by surprise by your initial responce, that also was also mysteriously removed. (again' how does that happen?)

Thanks CRH Mojo
If someone feels a post or reply is in bad taste, it can be reported to the moderators. It is their decision to delete it or not. I know, I had some of mine pulled before I became kinder and gentler...LOL
HH, S_F :icon_jokercolor:


Silver Member
Dec 23, 2006
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

Silver_Fox said:
coinmojo said:
Silver_Fox said:
That was very evident by the respectfull thread of yours that got pulled.

Other than this thread, I have enjoyed your others. Keep them coming.
HH, S_F :icon_jokercolor:

Yea exactly how does that happen?

Anyways much nicer and more reasonable reply. Appreciate your input.

Always look forwad to everyones posts. including yours and have noticed you responding to many of my posts. That's why I was taken a by surprise by your initial responce, that also was also mysteriously removed. (again' how does that happen?)

Thanks CRH Mojo
If someone feels a post or reply is in bad taste, it can be reported to the moderators. It is their decision to delete it or not. I know, I had some of mine pulled before I became kinder and gentler...LOL
HH, S_F :icon_jokercolor:

A post does not have to be reported to the moderators for it to be removed. The moderators read these posts and if they feel it needs to be pulled....they pull it.


Bronze Member
May 16, 2007
Good 'Ol USA /
Detector(s) used
Garrett Ace 250 of course
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

lejeuene said:
A post does not have to be reported to the moderators for it to be removed. The moderators read these posts and if they feel it needs to be pulled....they pull it.
So true. That is the other way they get pulled.
HH, S_F :icon_jokercolor:



Bronze Member
Mar 18, 2008
Re: How many Half Dollar coins do you Search?

So much for this attempt at unionization.

CRH Mojo

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