
Sr. Member
Jul 15, 2007
berks county, pa.
Detector(s) used
Excalibur II 1000, Xterra-70 x3, Garret ace 250,
Ok I know a lot of the good folks on here and even some of the bad have quit smoking. How did you cope with the habit and the want after the need had passed.
On Dec. 19 I got laid off for a few weeks while the plant does some maintance work.
On Dec. 20 we woke up saying no more and neither one of us has had a cigarette since. The need did not take long to pass. We ate the candy and cookies and everything else in sight for the first week. We did our little argueing and getting ticked with each other. All that is done now.
It is just the habit or I always did this with a smoke in my mouth thing that is really trying our patience right now.
HOW did you survive this time.

That is my biggest problem. I just had a smoke. But knowing I was not going to be able to afford 2 packs a day for me and another for her on unemployment, Made it real easy for me and she just went along and said if I could quit she would also.
Three weeks in now. No way are we going to just have a smoke.

I've quit several times, the longest was 6 years. Went back to smoking during my divorce 19 years ago, it was either that, or crack. Recently I stopped for just over a month, stress made me go right back again. One day I do hope to quit, but I honestly love the taste of tobacco.

Oh how I like the taste and want to have one. But thinking that I have saved over $18 a day since Dec 20 is really a big boost.
Now I just have to figure out how to stop reaching for the pack in my shirt pocket, because it is not there and is not going to be.

mtntrekr2 said:
Oh how I like the taste and want to have one. But thinking that I have saved over $18 a day since Dec 20 is really a big boost.
Now I just have to figure out how to stop reaching for the pack in my shirt pocket, because it is not there and is not going to be.

Good on you Joe :icon_thumleft:

Yes sir, I dipped skoal for 30 years and quit about 3 years ago. The nicorrette gum kept me from freakin out on a rampage for about a year and then I quit that too, now I chew ALOT of gum. Man the thought of a dip sound good, but I know if I had one the torture would start all over to quit again. It's will power dude, good luck with it and think of the money you save, not only that the government is making you a criminal, soon you won't be able to smoke in your own house or car.
Again ,, good luck

Not sure if I am more of a criminal now because I quit paying all those taxes on smokes. Only problem is what is Sam going to tax when he is not getting his income from smokers.

Hello, Joe, Congratulations on you and your wife's decisions to quit smoking. I never did smoke so I can't say I
know personally how hard it is to quit, but from what I've seen and read, I know it is a tough job to stay with the
decision to quit. But like you say, you are saving a lot of money and you both are much better off without the
smokes so if you persevere, you will eventually not miss them. A couple years ago Montana jim started a group
on here to kick the habit, called something like 'The Great American Smokeout.' There are several people here
that are in the group. They had their second or third anniversary a few months back (don't remember just when
it was) It would probably help you if you checked with him and joined the group. It would help to give you a
little more encouragement to stick with it, knowing there are others trying it , also. I think it also helps to make
to make it a more positive commitment, being with a group who are all working toward the same goal.
Again, Congrats to you both and more power to you and wishing you all the best. :thumbsup: :coffee2:


mtntrekr2 said:
Oh how I like the taste and want to have one. But thinking that I have saved over $18 a day since Dec 20 is really a big boost.
Now I just have to figure out how to stop reaching for the pack in my shirt pocket, because it is not there and is not going to be.
See that picture you use for an avatar? Have a copy made, encased in plastic so that even if it gets wet it will keep, and put it in the pocket where you used to keep your smokes. Let it remind you of the two best reasons you quit . . . their futures.

Been a week today for me :hello2: and it has not been easy. I decided to quit when my husband Civilman did. We've been using the patch to help with the cravings. I've caught myself reaching for my cigarettes so many times, but instead I grab a dumdum lollipop or a piece of gum...needless to say I've been through a lot of them. Instead of a cigarette hanging out of my mouth I now have a lollipop stick. Put a pack of gum or tictacs in the pocket that you used to keep your cigarettes. I find taking deep breaths when I want a cigarette really helps me too. Good luck to you and your wife, I hope it gets easier for you :icon_thumleft:

Smoking is likened to a heroine addiction here is how that goes with both addictions you have clinical withdrawals if you can anticipate them you will know what to do. First you get through your first month you have cravings for a full week then you have urges right about 2 then 4 weeks. around 6 months you will want to smoke and as long as you let yourself know that one is not just one its is a pure monkey on your back. After 6mos you will think you have fully licked it then at about a year you will have a whopper of a craving beat that one and you are home free. From that point on know that you are not talking yourself into just one you are talking yourself into years of addiction that you will quit again and will have to endure that level of craving and insanity again.
I have quit a few times I call each time a success (quit7 years 4years 2 years and the last so far 6 years) As you know one leads to more and then you are back smoking. So when you go to buy that one pack of cigarettes don't buy any unless you can pay for a full years worth of cigarettes because that is what you are starting on. So do the math go to the ATM and take that amount of cash out and try to secure a deal for a years worth. That alone will turn me out the door and off to harbor freight to buy toys to keep me busy.
The current cost of smokes is usually enough to make you make a logical choice and take your money and put it back in your pocket.

Start exercizing walk bike metal detect anything that you will not injure yourself doing you over do it and injure you will be pressured into smoking again. Exercize what you want to do to get your lymphatic system pumping all those toxins out your system the more of the toxins you remove the less likely you are to return to smokes because you will feel so differntly you will just not want that again. Take vitamins etc you are going to feel great and really enjoy your life more.

You can remain smoke free if you go do things that you use to not be able to enjoy without going for a smoke. Go to the movies watch the entire feature. Go to the library spend an hour browsing the books secure a hobby. I found that when I played guitar I not only didn't smoke but time passed by my hands were busy and I got better at guitar. I wish I had better news but that is the nature of addiction you're going to want a smoke from time to time and as long as you can understand the work you have accomplished getting to this point and the pain you will have to endure again should you get just one smoke you will be on the better side of this terrible addiction. I would rather chew sugar free gum eat cough drops anything but go back to smoking. Also some of us use to smoke only when we went outside well you might just miss the outdoors so put yourself a radio out side where you use to smoke and still go outside only take a stick of gum with you and do something with your hands while outside, try wood carving with a pocket knife wash your car sweep the drive you do something beneficial you will feel better.

You quit smoking you are my hero :hello2: :headbang: Thank you for taking that first step.

Just think $20 a week take that same amount & put it in a jar where you can see it & watch it grow. Think of the new detector you can get with that money (after your back at work of course) Or maybe a silver dollar from e bay each week to add to your collection.

Quit in 2002, last cig at the door of the hospital and I ended up with a quad bypass and both carotids opened, cleaned and sewed back together.

I had heard how hard it was to quit, so I decided I really did want to quit. For the first month or so I carried an open package of cigs (Pall Mall non filter was my thing) in my shirt pocket, determined that I was NOT going to smoke. I also had a full carton of the same cigarettes on a small shelf in the kitchen for almost a year. Threw the opened pack out at the end of the first full month without smoking. After nine or ten months, I decided I could discard the carton.

Within seven or eight years I quit reaching for my shirt pocket when I was distracted and doing something I always did while smoking. I still had the occasional urge to smoke. Now, with CHF and COPD, I no longer even think about having a cigarette.

You really need to WANT to quit. And you should want to for you and your family's sakes. From 3 packs a day to zero, overnight, after 42 years behind the smoke.

So far we have been able to stick with it. No smokes in over a month.
I got a call to return to work next week. I am going to do my best to stay with it then. I know it will be harder but I have to prevail.

mtntrekr2 said:
So far we have been able to stick with it. No smokes in over a month.
I got a call to return to work next week. I am going to do my best to stay with it then. I know it will be harder but I have to prevail.
(You are still my hero treat yourself to an herb garden it will make your food really peppy.) You are doing great just remember one smoke is never one it is thousands of smokes and you will have to negotiate all that pain of quitting again that is what keeps me from going to that one smoke is recalling the pain of withdrawall and all the inconvience that goes along with smoking then quitting.

Avoid smokers and don't think you can be around them when they are smoking tell them you need to remain pure if they don't understand they are not your friend to start with. When you quit smoking you tend to change your associations because you can't afford to be around smokers you have too much to loose. But we still can go outside and enjoy the outdoors on break. A good dude said that life is really about questions leading into better questions where we finally arise at a decent answer, one of the questions I like to use is WHAT CAN I DO TO GET THINGS DONE AND ENJOY THE PROCESS? When I go for a walk I use walking poles helps me go the distance where my bad back would normally gove out. I listen to a mp3 player and have water ready for when I am done. When I drive I have classical music playing this tends to sooth me and prevents road rage so I tend to meditate a bit prior to driving and realize that I have to FORGIVE them as much as they forgave me when I have made errors we all make mistakes and need one another to be patient. If you think a person is being slow try riding your bike then you will have an appreciation of how fast a car is at 25mph

mtntrekr2 said:
Oh how I like the taste and want to have one. But thinking that I have saved over $18 a day since Dec 20 is really a big boost.
Now I just have to figure out how to stop reaching for the pack in my shirt pocket, because it is not there and is not going to be.
Dear Joe;
After my dad quit smoking, he took a 2 X 4 and planed it down to where it was exactly the same size as a pack of Pall Mall reds. He then took some enamel paint that I used to paint models with and proceeded to make an exact duplicate of the Pall Mall red cigarette package. He then carried it around in his shirt pocket, with his Zippo in his right front pants pocket. He had quit smoking for some 24 years prior to his passing, yet right up till the day he went, he carried around his battered old Zippo and that block of wood.
Your friend;

I think I have found a solution to my pocket problem. I have a few empty packs in my locker at work. I am going to use them to hold the hard candy I have been sucking on. This way when I reach for my pocket I can at least find something and not look like a primal ape beating on his chest.
No more puffing.

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