I Have a Good Idea.

You do know that implying possibly "all" charities are rip offs is a ridiculous statement don't you? And even if this were true does that mean that this one would have to follow suit? If you don't like the idea why is it that you feel the need to reply to the thread? It always amazes me that some people just can't resist to say something negative. Thankfully there's a lot of positive people out there that don't bother listening to them. Nothing good would ever happen if they did
You know that very little of the money collected goes were it would help almost none … The most of the money is all pocked by the ones that organize and run the charity's………….. It never works out like it should……….. My need to reply is that i would like to save some here from being made fools of and not waste there time & money...

You know that very little of the money collected goes were it would help almost none … The most of the money is all pocked by the ones that organize and run the charity's………….. It never works out like it should……….. My need to reply is that i would like to save some here from being made fools of and not waste there time & money...

Speaking of all charities in these general terms isn't really fair. There certainly some charities out there that put the money where it belongs. Lots of the better charities that do the right thing are smaller and on the local levels. And if trying to help people makes us fools.... Well that's a pretty sad view of things. In my opinion doing nothing is what "fools" do. I respect your opinion I just disagree with it. Making a blanket statement about charities and saying that all of the organizers are crooks is a pretty sad thing to say. Do you really believe that all charities are this way? It's damn sad if you do. And I'm pretty sure most of us are adults and can decide on our own if we'd like to donate our time or money to a charity that we believe in. The one thing that I will say is that we should all do some research and really try to understand where our money is going and how the charity is set up. Do you think donating food is foolish? That's a charitable act. Do you believe donating money to local food pantries to buy food locally for the people that need it is a fools act. If so I must be the biggest fool on earth. But I will continue to do so.

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So you believe in it i do not why do you get so upset and call names ? You do not like ones to not agree with your ideas or thoughts… Higgy … Said do with this idea what you wish so i did and you got your self all worked up about it.

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So you believe in it i do not why do you get so upset and call names ? You do not like ones to not agree with your ideas or thoughts

I just told you that I respect your opinion. I just disagree with it. It seems as though you don't want to hear what I have to say. And I'm not sure why you think I'm upset? Because I expressed to you my opinion? And I don't recall calling you names. If you're referring to me using the word "fool" I used it in a general statement. I have no idea what you do. And it has zero effect on what I do. As I said before I have never understood why people reply to posts with the sole intention of shooting down an idea. Trying to convince somebody that charitable acts is foolish? Listen I don't expect people to agree all the time. I just don't understand why some people need to put their effort into shooting down somebody's ideas. The guy threw out an idea about trying to help people by donating some change that we find detecting. What's wrong with that? I just try to be supportive when somebody is attempting to do something good. It's hard for me to wrap my head around somebody being anything but supportive. But I do understand that there's lots of people out there that try to find a negative in everything rather than praising someone for trying to do something nice.
I apologize if you thought I was calling you names and getting upset. I'm not upset at all. I'm really happy that there's people on here that believe in trying to help others and don't have a cynical view about every single charity out there. All the best, Abe

So you believe in it i do not why do you get so upset and call names ? You do not like ones to not agree with your ideas or thoughts… Higgy … Said do with this idea what you wish so i did and you got your self all worked up about it.

I'm not all worked up brother. I just chuckle at your "scrappiness" sometimes. You certainly nailed the personality of your avatar. No, I'm not offended in the least bit, in fact I revere your devil's advocate approach most of the time. You certainly do not pull any punches, and that's okay by me. We're cool.

I'm not all worked up brother. I just chuckle at your "scrappiness" sometimes. You certainly nailed the personality of your avatar. No, I'm not offended in the least bit, in fact I revere your devil's advocate approach most of the time. You certainly do not pull any punches, and that's okay by me. We're cool.

He's talking to me bro. And I guess he thinks I'm worked up because I disagree with him. I just know that not "all" charities are as he says they are. I also know that if you have a good idea there's always a way to make it work. Oh yeah, I'm also passionate about helping people and animals. Sometimes that passion gets mistaken for "all worked up".

I'm not all worked up brother. I just chuckle at your "scrappiness" sometimes. You certainly nailed the personality of your avatar. No, I'm not offended in the least bit, in fact I revere your devil's advocate approach most of the time. You certainly do not pull any punches, and that's okay by me. We're cool.
Well Higgy you know when one gets up in age … We see things a lot different than the young kids do …….. We have seen to much in our life time … And from what i have seen with chairtys …. They are not to be trusted...

Well Higgy you know when one gets up in age … We see things a lot different than the young kids do …….. We have seen to much in our life time … And from what i have seen with chairtys …. They are not to be trusted...

Well if its any comfort, I do agree with you, but you have to believe that there are charitable organizations that could theoretically help us, right? The Shriners, Lions, Elks, and the Rotary Club to name a few.

Also, I might be a decent idea to give them to the Scouts on both sides of the gender fence. That way they would have the manpower, er, boy/girl power to roll coins and all that! Heck, the Boy Scouts would probably get the nod from me, because they don't sell cookies. This way, the Den Leader could drive the kids around town - right to your doorstep to collect! Gosh, now thinking THAT would be effortless on our part!

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