Silver Member
Sep 9, 2012
Nebraska City, Nebraska
Primary Interest:
Can you see the CRESCENT MOON? this is monument of a C.S.A. officer involved also with the K.G.C. during and after the war. He may have also had a hand in the Johnson's Island failed K.G.C. prison break. He was also part of the siege of Atlanta and Dalton's retreat.
Thanks, L.C. Baker

Untitledcresent moon.jpg

In 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska Territory was officially formed, and it was shortly after thereafter that we have documentation of Masonic meetings within the territory that now comprises Nebraska. On May 28, 1856, the Grand Lodge of Missouri issued a charter to Giddings Lodge # 156 at Nebraska City. It was one of the 3 lodges that would become the Grand Lodge of Nebraska. In September 1857, Masters and Wardens from those three lodges assembled and organized the Grand Lodge of
Nebraska. Nebraska Lodge # 184 then became Nebraska Lodge # 1 and Giddings Lodge was renamed Western Star Lodge # 2.
It is my strong belief that In Jesse James case it is more likely that he was raised in a Monitor type Lodge. A meeting of Freemasons in the field or elsewhere. Someplace not in the Lodge, but under the stars, It is not having your name on a list that gets you through the doors and into a meeting........ It was not a new concept, those type of covert Masonic meetings and initiations had been happening for a long long time.

"The establishment of military lodges had been a fairly common occurrence during the 18th Century, particularly in
the British Army. Lodges were chartered by the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and assigned to a
particular regiment. Consequently, the individual Masons in any particular regiment could hold Masonic meetings and
initiate, pass, and raise candidates from that regiment. Moreover, they could meet wherever that regiment happened to
be stationed, whether it be in North America, India, or in Europe. During the American Revolution, several colonial
Grand Lodges chartered military lodges that accompanied units of the Continental Army on their campaigns. After the
Revolution, however, these military lodges surrendered their charters to the Grand Lodges that had issued them.
From the beginning of the 19
th Century American Grand Lodges did not generally approve of issuing charters or
dispensations to military units. Since nearly every unit was stationed in a place where a state Grand Lodge was already
in existence, the thought was that it would be improper for a lodge, say chartered by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania,
to meet at a military post in Texas, where another Grand Lodge was sovereign. Given the fact that blue-uniformed
Masons from Nebraska would probably not be welcome at a lodge meeting in Mississippi, the Grand Lodge of
Nebraska decided to buck the tradition and issue a dispensation. Monitor Lodge was issued a dispensation in July 1863"

They would have us believe " It had a highly successful, if brief, existence, initiating, passing, and
raising brethren assigned to Union Army", BUT considering the First Nebraska was called up and raised by Julius Sterling Morton.........I would say it is highly likely that they may have been raising a Freemason or two for the Confederate army and Quantrill as well.


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Can you see the CRESCENT MOON? this is monument of a C.S.A. officer involved also with the K.G.C. during and after the war. He may have also had a hand in the Johnson's Island failed K.G.C. prison break. He was also part of the siege of Atlanta and Dalton's retreat.
Thanks, L.C. Baker

View attachment 835067
Brethren of the Lasting Faith...

pretty cool post My Grand fathers Grand father left a lot of Mason artifacts Robes papers to my Father who passed in the 70s I still have all of it in boxes in my basement. Some cool stuff but Im not a believer of this big treasure theory!!

pretty cool post My Grand fathers Grand father left a lot of Mason artifacts Robes papers to my Father who passed in the 70s I still have all of it in boxes in my basement. Some cool stuff but Im not a believer of this big treasure theory!!

I knew nothing about any big treasure until I found the proof carved on the side of an old beech tree. How those carvings survived for over 150 years still have me puzzled. I did not know anyone had the knowledge to carve something so small with so much information for so many years of wear and tear. Information in just two square inches, give the size of the treasure, compass reading, distance, depth of the treasure, what the treasure was contained in and how much in dollars. It is simply amazing. If I had not worked it all out by myself and proved it all, I would not believe it either. But it is the truth, there are large treasures of the KGC and a lot of them. The reason for a second Civil War that never was to happen after the old ones died off.

Can you see the CRESCENT MOON? this is monument of a C.S.A. officer involved also with the K.G.C. during and after the war. He may have also had a hand in the Johnson's Island failed K.G.C. prison break. He was also part of the siege of Atlanta and Dalton's retreat.
Thanks, L.C. Baker

View attachment 835067
Did he start a Bank or INSURANCE Company like WOW after the Confederate War...?

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Did he start a Bank or INSURANCE Company like WOW after the Confederate War...?

Yes he did, a couple of banks one of which is still in operation in Nebraska City, and the other went out of business in Ordway Colorado. Not to mention the largest oil strike on record in Kansas. ...and yes it is still pumping out oil to this day. Several people have died over the years trying to get their hands on that money! It was also used as collateral to get a fella off of a murder charge in the form of a quick claim deed written to a certain Colorado Sherriff. Crazy stuff, all documented!


pretty cool post My Grand fathers Grand father left a lot of Mason artifacts Robes papers to my Father who passed in the 70s I still have all of it in boxes in my basement. Some cool stuff but Im not a believer of this big treasure theory!!

If you were closer I believe I could make you a believer that they still do exist. My Father and I are both Freemasons and I have an uncle that is 32nd degree Shriner. Before us, there were no others in our family.


32nd Degree Scottish Rite, AND Shriner, like I... HA! I read somewhere that Master Masons of the 3rd Degree, can now petition for "Shrine"; being "old school", I disagree.

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Scottish Rite has MUCH to offer; Degrees 1-3 are in French (like Order of the Royal Secret); Degrees 4-32 has much ESOTERIC Wisdom (why I went THAT "route", first). York Rite is a continuation of Blue Lodge Masonry to Royal Arch Degree (4-7)… BEEN THERE! Degrees 8-10: Masonic Knights Templar (never joined). INDEPENDENT studies was for ME! AMD (Allied Masonic Degrees) was good, as I did several presentations from my IS, and ended up being Sovereign Master. I then shut local AMD down, as no one else wanted to do presentations, just RITUALS... BS!

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SOME degrees of the Allied Masonic Degrees MAY have KGC/OAK "influences", dunno. THEY don't make sense to me.

SOME degrees of the Allied Masonic Degrees MAY have KGC/OAK "influences", dunno. THEY don't make sense to me.

I believe the similarity that you are starting to notice between the two is that they both contain "Albert Pike" influences because he is the man responsible for the rituals and rights of both societies. A common denominator between the two secret societies, as was Lewis Cass and other very influential Freemasons who were also K.G.C.

Franklin Pierce.jpg

I believe the similarity that you are starting to notice between the two is that they both contain "Albert Pike" influences because he is the man responsible for the rituals and rights of both societies. A common denominator between the two secret societies, as was Lewis Cass and other very influential Freemasons who were also K.G.C.

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It is true that A Pike consolidated and standardized Masonic ritual, however, he did more to damage Freemasonry’s ancient history making the recovery of that history a very difficult task.
IMO, he also did damage by aligning nearly every esoteric belief system with Freemasonry, I am suprised that there is not a link with sprites and fairy’s, or maybe there is somewhere in the last chapters of “Morals and Dogma”

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