Long Range Locators Work!


Sr. Member
Aug 16, 2018
Central Florida
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Garrett At Pro
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Metal Detecting
I wrote an article on scintillation crystals and their relationship to multiwave oscillators and gave it to my dad to give Carl Anderson for his newsletter. Never got published as far as I know but that could of been cause my dad was an ass and never gave it to him lol. He liked getting information from people but he didn't like sharing.

Some people claim they're not reacting to radiation fields but Orgone energy instead. But those people also wear pyramids on their heads.

Hillbilly Prince

Silver Member
Aug 9, 2018
SW Missouri
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Well I must eat crow because the post I made a few weeks ago about the German scientist recruited into Werner Von Braun and US Gov't's Operation Paperclip during WW2 really did exist. His name is Armin Bickel and his inventions are referenced by certain builders of LRL devices. Although I can't locate any patents bearing his name I accept I may not have searched in the right places. I submitted an Open Records request to the Gov and they confirmed his property tax records. Here is a link to the newspaper column that profiled him when he retired from rocketry and turned to building metal detectors in the 70's.


article begins on the right hand side of page 1h

Were those commercial metal detectors?
Anyway, since we are talking about the goverment is it possible Bickel's work for them was kept out of the publuc's knowledge. Perhaps he was not allowed to patent his creations. If you want to take the conspiracy road.
I wonder...has anyone attempted to go the CIA route and use remote viewing to find treasure? Just a thought ;)
Wanted to add this: Why LRL's? To locate what?
Also, until something is shown to work consistently I dare say you will have a hard row to hoe selling the thing.
I really have no dog in the hunt.

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Sr. Member
Aug 16, 2018
Central Florida
Detector(s) used
Garrett At Pro
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Bickel never built metal detectors as we know them. He built scintillation counters. They measure the gamma reflection of an object. The denser the object the higher the output vs background radiation. I've heard of several experiments where gamma bombardment was used to research whether it could be used for defense purposes such as the detection of mines and hidden bunkers. Never actually confirmed any of it though. Bickel's devices are still used today for geographical surveys.


Jr. Member
Aug 13, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
Lol when Gaspard sent me the link to this thread I had to laugh my ass off. What Spar here is doing is called projection. That is also what he's doing to Carl Moreland. Projecting his set ethics onto Carl as if they were his own. He done it a lot in the years I've known him. He has a hard time accepting he had barely any input into the TFR project. Most of his testing was done locating targets he already knew the location of. So let set some records straight.

1 - I created and designed the entire TFR rods series except 2 grams of Uraninite and Herkimer diamonds added to the power load later. That was Spars sole contribution. Well useless you consider "Can you make a bigger rod...I don't how big just bigger" a contribution. The rods he sells now are complete intellectual property theft. And the handles are copies of my version 2 with the version 3 passthrough jack added. There was a reason those were scrapped quickly. The rods I used styling cues from are fully disclosed and credited.

2 - The TFR-2 box and the Target Discrimator(which is actually a signal attenuator not a discriminator) were invented by William Jensen but his prototypes were unusable with the rods and a the TFR-2 was a fire hazard due to the battery wiring. The had to be redesigned from scratch by me to be usable. Only Mr. Jensens Hieronymus amplifier and air coil bait chamber remained as part of the final design. I charged Spar $500 to provide a wiring diagram(in colored pencil so he could follow the wires) and a master box to make his clones from since it was beyond his skills otherwise. I asked for a percentage of the sales and when he refused I told him the plans would be provided as open source and he agreed. Due to the simplified wiring and the fact I couldn't use any type of solid state controls the TFR-2 it had one flaw. When the pot was at full power the connection led would drop below current and turn off. Spar "fixed" this by removing the power connection from the pot. Of course it still works perfectly with it disconnected. Isn't science great...Pseudo that is.

I also designed the TFR-4 Voltage box, the TFR Ghost Eliminator and a thing with crystals in a copper tube which I don't think was ever named. Although Spar considers himself the inventor and designer of the boxes since he choose where the components fit into the face.

The original crystal charging was also done by William Jenson using tuned Tesla coils errrr Scalar Wave generator. Spar didn't like paying him so he came up with making a coil(of thhn wire) and using a multifunction generator. Can't imagine the THD those pure frequencies have lol.

I also made the dial template for the boxes and told him not to put exact measurements on it due to the almost %25 in linear variance the cheap Chinese pots have. Plus he's used audio taper along with linear and claims they're still exact. Magic I guess.

All of the TFR boxes can be built in about an hour providing you have elementary school electronics skill and cost about $15 to $25 in parts. Not sure how anyone could consider the boxes I gave Gaspard(Frenchie) to be clones when they're all my designs in the first place. The voltage box I gave him outputs 40v, something none of TFR series can do and Spar doesn't even carry a DDS generator. The TFR clones Spar builds are limited to amount of 9v batteries he can put in them. Nor has he realized when you fill a box full of liquid nail it's shrinkage rate pull apart any cold soldered joints. This is main problem he has with the boxes after building them although he's tried to blame everyone else including me and William Jenson.

3 - I don't sell any rods with power loads just empty shells for people to resell and to construct your own custom rod so why would I need feedback? The people I sell to are required to provide their own resources with their rod sale. It states exactly that on my website. So that was very poor strawman. And considering he's spent over 6 hours on my website and 4 on just just the power load page in the last year I guess it's the only place he can new info. He didn't even know how to build a power load until he met me. Plus I have about 20 years more dowsing experience than him and I don't even like doing it. But one of my hobbies is metaphysics and it's roll in the human psyche so I still attend a lot of dowsing club meetings and other paranormal events.

I have all the emails, texts and receipts from Spar from the beginning to back up every single thing I wrote. Spar has tried everything in his ability to hide that he was and is just a salesman. Even resorting to attempting to sand the serial numbers off the rods.

He should blow a few gaskets after this lol. Let the entertainment begin. Sorry for the wall o' text.

Harold "Remy" Dolph Owner of Darke Machina machine shop.

So if we are to believe all of this rhetoric of yours on here Mr.Darke then please answer this most important question: If you are the real inventor and designer of all of the TFR-Rods and the electronic boxes ( and not really just a hired sub-contractor) who was given designs and boxes already in progress to connect the dots and get some of the electronics all functioning properly) then why is there not any evidence whatsoever on your website of you yourself demonstrating the equipment actually working in the field? Where is your proof that you even have a clue on how any of this equipment is even functioning at finding actual targets in the field? How come you don't even have one submitted customer testimonial for any of your cloned TFR-Rods and electronic boxes you are selling on your website confirming that they are doing anything at all?
Anyone with just a little ounce of common sense can see the red flag here and what's wrong with this picture.
Yes you were hired by my company to work out the bugs on some of our "already designed" electronic boxes- specifically Bill Jensens prototype to the now re-designed TFR-2.( Which by the way you never got working correctly even with all your incredible electronic experience) Yes you did connect the dots on the electronics for the TFR-4 box. Yes you did machine out the already designed TFR-4 ( my idea and on the TFR-4 rod to begin with) and correct some of the weights and measurements "THAT WERE GIVEN TO YOU BY ME ALREADY BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO WAY TO TEST THE EQUIPMENT FOR YOURSELF IN THE FIELD TO SEE IF YOUR INPUT IS EVEN MAKING A DIFFERENCE OR NOT"
So please stop twisting the truth around here just because you are mad that you were let go by my company because you are not a team player and not a person that can be trusted.
I challenge anyone on here to ask Mr. Darke ( real name Harold Dolph) to provide just one shred of evidence that his equipment really works and any customer backed-up proof of this because after all- if he really is speaking the truth here and he is the real creative genius behind the TFR-Rods then wouldn't he have plenty of customer testimonials and real field demonstration videos showing his products working? He should have at least something as proof besides just his mouth and rants wouldn't you think now?
See for yourself the real truth of what Im saying here, just go to his website at www.darkemachina.com and see of you can find any of this evidence I am mentioning here besides just all of his "endless rants" of how he was done wrong by the TFR-Rods company and on and on about he was unfairly treated and non-stop criticism of me and my company.
If you can survive that rollercoaster ride of ranting and childish temper tantrums he's got on there
then I invite you to just go to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCESDoyJ2sDldWVfpyHPucjg and see all the evidence necessary showing the TFR-Rods working in the field and demonstration after demonstration and no shortage of actual customer testimonials backing up our claims on the genuine TFR-Rods working.
Because after all isn't just talk really cheap in the end and actual proof worth much more?

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Jr. Member
Aug 13, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Except in the case of Spar and myself there are only my designs based on Jensons prototypes. Which were based on Thomas Galen Hieronymus' inventions. I of course was careful not to draw anything in India ink.:icon_thumleft: If he hadn't of attacked me for giving Gaspard the other boxes and making his usual absurd claims I wouldn't even of bothered. The boxes are and always have been a free open source project. The rod mechanics he had copies made of however are not. Even that wouldn't of been so bad but he's still using the pictures of my rods to make people think that's what they're still receiving. I get complaints from people wanting me to fix their crooked caps, the giant gap the bottom of the handle or replace the handle so it will spin. I was helping them out but even with the $25 trade in I have for older handles I lose money every time I help them out since I can't reuse any pieces of his copy handles. So now I have to charge them full price and of course they're pissed because they can't understand that I didn't build the rod they have.

Kinda funny you mention "religious" men. The main page of my site describes dowsing(LRLs included) as a religious experience to some. Although it's more of a cult mentality.

Funny you are mentioning having to fix my handles as I should post on here the postal receipts of just how many of your messed up stiff friction handles I couldn't use and had to mail back to you for correction as I refused to mail these handles out to customers. But then again, how could you even confirm that the handles I paid you to machine when you used to work for me were even spinning correctly when you cannot ever test out the equipment for yourself to assure "quality control" on your work?
Reminds me of the old saying" how stupid logic can be".
P.S. FYI yes there are still a few pictures of your older machined rods ( with my power-load ingredients I gave you to install) on the website but not to worry, these will be coming down soon. But does it really even matter if those pics are there considering how I paid you in advance to machine the parts for me? When you pay for something to be made doesn't that belong to you then to use as you want? How does it still belong to you if I paid you for it already?
So how does those pre-paid rods make them your property when you were simply hired to make the parts with my ingredients?


Sr. Member
Aug 16, 2018
Central Florida
Detector(s) used
Garrett At Pro
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Blah Blah Blah Blah. Give it up Spar. Everyone knows you're a fraud with a fifth grade education. And wow you posted my real name. Exciting except I made full disclosure on my very first post here. Thanks for the free advertising though. Amazing you're still spouting nonsense. Your dowsing skill equal mine when I was 10. Everyone can just check the Idaho business page for your "company". But since you want to still claim I was an employee I'm requesting you provided the 1099 for services or I will have to file that you refuse to provide the required tax forms with the IRS.


Jr. Member
Aug 13, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Ummm, ok... if you say so.

Tellyawhut CL... You sound like a Big Time Treasure Hunter who knows how to run an LRL. How about I'll video YOU using an LRL, and trying to find a gold bar. Then both you & I can completely agree on what the video actually shows.

Another Carl Moreland convenient cop-out but no supplied evidence to back up his claims against all the LRL's.

And regarding your famous gold bar test: please do not insult my intelligence now with that bogus test of yours that you never paid the actual LRL users that did find it in the field.
Your whole agenda now for over 15 years against the LRL's has been exposed time and time again Carl,you need to just stop this farce of yours because its old and tiring already.


Jr. Member
Aug 13, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
No kidding. Wow. What a tirade.
Gotta say, dowsing rod salesmen can be entertaining if nothing else. And usually nothing else.

Truth hurts now doesn't it Carl?
We are still all patiently waiting for your hard evidence backing up your claims against the LRL's.
Just one short 5 min demonstration video where you are showing that even just one of those 30 LRL's you have taken apart in your garage is doing absolutely nothing on your famous 10 ounce gold bar sitting on your coffee table.
I have this sinking feeling that we are all going to be waiting for a very long time for this evidence of yours to show up.


Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
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*yawn* he's back, responding to 6-month-old posts. Spar, yer really on the ball old boy.


Sr. Member
Aug 16, 2018
Central Florida
Detector(s) used
Garrett At Pro
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
*yawn* he's back, responding to 6-month-old posts. Spar, yer really on the ball old boy.

Lol That's about how long it takes him to read a post.

And Spar I know it's hard for you remember things correctly but I allowed you to name the rod not the power load. If you're claiming it's the power load that makes it a TFR then only my original magnetic field units are TFR-1s since that was the load when I allowed you to name the rod and that if you named it the name belonged to me which you agreed to. And except for the herkimers the only things you added were the items I told you about.


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Mar 23, 2007
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.... some LRL's really do work.....

Truth hurts now doesn't it Carl?
We are still all patiently waiting for your hard evidence backing up your claims against the LRL's.

Wait, something is fundamentally wrong here: Why is it his obligations to show they DON'T work ? Isn't it the claimant's obligation to show they DO work ? Seems to me that you've shifted the burden-of-proof.

And I'd say he's done a pretty good job at showing they don't work. And sure, you can explain-away his findings. You can dispute his methods, blah blah. That's fine. But just saying : The burden of proof ultimately falls on the claimant's shoulders. Sorry :(


Sr. Member
Aug 16, 2018
Central Florida
Detector(s) used
Garrett At Pro
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Wait, something is fundamentally wrong here: Why is it his obligations to show they DON'T work ? Isn't it the claimant's obligation to show they DO work ? Seems to me that you've shifted the burden-of-proof.

And I'd say he's done a pretty good job at showing they don't work. And sure, you can explain-away his findings. You can dispute his methods, blah blah. That's fine. But just saying : The burden of proof ultimately falls on the claimant's shoulders. Sorry :(

He can't even explain his involvement or the function of with the LRLs he sells. Which is understandable since they were just my dowsing rods and are now poorly made copies. But since he's now claiming he invented and designed all the units you'd think he'd have a better understanding of them. But then considering we emailed each other over 500 times and exchanged 18569 texts since 2012 he'd be able to post a single one that backs up his story lol.


Staff member
Jul 27, 2006
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Minelab_Equinox_ 800 Minelab_CTX-3030 Minelab_Excal_1000 Minelab_Sovereign_GT Minelab_Safari Minelab_ETrac Whites_Beach_Hunter_ID Fisher_1235_X
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Contactlight and Darke, keep your argument off the forum, you want to argue take it to private messenger.


Staff member
Jul 27, 2006
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Minelab_Equinox_ 800 Minelab_CTX-3030 Minelab_Excal_1000 Minelab_Sovereign_GT Minelab_Safari Minelab_ETrac Whites_Beach_Hunter_ID Fisher_1235_X
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Bronze Member
Mar 19, 2003
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Not to mention that you are retired and being paid the big money by several metal detector manufacturers to keep the mission going.

Now that you've driven Tesoro out of business, Minelab is running scared. They've tripled my fee to bring you down. I just hope my employer doesn't find out.

Spar, you have quite the imagination.


Staff member
Jul 27, 2006
Detector(s) used
Minelab_Equinox_ 800 Minelab_CTX-3030 Minelab_Excal_1000 Minelab_Sovereign_GT Minelab_Safari Minelab_ETrac Whites_Beach_Hunter_ID Fisher_1235_X
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Contactlight, consider this a warning, end your attack on Carl or lose the right to post, your violating our rules.

Dell Winders

Sr. Member
Jan 18, 2012
Haines City, FL
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All Treasure Hunting
I had the honor and privileged of working with Ron Eagle De Andre, and Wags Waggoner, on several occasions in the Superstition mountains of Arizona. It was a highlight of my career. as a Treasure Hunter, The Apaches, treated me like a king. I am forever grateful. Dell


Dell Winders

Sr. Member
Jan 18, 2012
Haines City, FL
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
This is a true story: Professional Treasure Hunter/Salvor Art Hartman, (retired) used an L-Rod type LRL of his own making to locate, and recover Treasure on Florida's East Coast. Two Pentagon Scientist came to his home in Ft.Pierce, Fl to investigate the device's potential for detecting Explosives.
Art provided them with a Gold Disc recovered from a Spanish Shipwreck, and suggested they hide it in the County dump. Twice they buried the Gold among the junk at the dump and called Art on his cell phone to come and try to find the Gold among the tons of rubbish. Both times he located and retrieved the Gold Disc in less than 20 minutes.
Later, Art received an official letter from one of the Scientist, stating that he didn't believe what he saw. The Pentagon sent Art a check for $1,000 for expenses to travel to McDill AFB (Tampa) for a day of DB testing the LRL device on Explosives, which Art had no previous experience.
From what I understand, his success rate in detecting Explosives with the device was only 83%. Not good enough to meet stringent US government standards.

Art Hartman (deceased) was a long time friend. He recovered millions of dollars in sunken Spanish treasure on the Florida East coast. His secret for success was an LRL that used 2 L-Rods. I remember one occasion we were filling 5 gallon buckets all day with Spanish silver coins. We were recovering at Corrigan's beach just 30 feet from shore. Dell


WITNESS: I was not a believer in the device until I witnessed Art employ it successfully. Here is a photo of us around 2004


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Dell Winders

Sr. Member
Jan 18, 2012
Haines City, FL
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
A Jewelry maker in Hiddenite, NC, reported finding a 50 pound chunk of Aqua Marine, at 9 feet deep while searching for Emerald with a Dell Systems Omnitron MFD. The MFD (LRL) is programmed with a sub-harmonic frequency for the chemical element Beryllium. Emerald, Aquamarine and Golden Beryl, are all members of the Beryl family of Gemstones and all will be detected without distinction using the same frequency. Dell

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