Minelab Explorer SE vs Whites DFX


Jr. Member
May 28, 2007
First let me tell a little about myself and what I plan to use these for. I've retired from one job already and am thinking about retiring for good in a year or two. That puts me in the early 60s. ;D

I suspect that I would mostly use these for searching in most of the usual places (beach, parks, etc) but I also want to dabble at nugget hunting along rivers and in non-water areas like one might find in AZ. I also have an interest in history and would like to take a stab and searching old towns and and such for relics.

I am a working Electrical Design Engineer and the technology of these is of academic interest as well (i.e. I like gadgets). I don't think I will have any problem with any learning curve for each, from a technical point of view. How they are best used, from a practical point of view, is something that my background won't help on. ;) However, I also think MD'ing will be good exercise in my retirement and it gives me a lot of things to do on trips.

I have also considered starting with one of the lower priced units like the Ace 250 but decided I don't really want to start there. I have done that before on other activities and have found over the years that I always tend to prefer to buy the best I can find at a specified limit. However I have also ruled out anything over $1500.

I will be purchasing one of these two (DFX or SE), in the coming days. I have read the specifications and like some things on both. Both seem like fine machines based on specs. I also like the many frequencies of the SE and the EPROM features of the DFX. I think having the ability to save tweaked settings might be useful. I think either would serve me well.

However, I think the pros and cons of each aren't covered in any of their specifications. I think those are best gained by talking to those that have actually used them.

So, from a practical point of view, what are the pros and cons of each?


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I have only used the Ex 11. I regard it as a deeper machine than the DFX and the best coin machine I have ever used. However, the weight and unbalanced nature of the Explorer (had to use a bungee cord)put me off on the Explorer. I suggest you actually try an Explorer SE for weight and balance because for some people this is really an issue.

You may want to take a look at the new Fisher F75 which has better balance.


Neither the DFX nor the Explorer would make a nugget hunting machine. They are more suited for relics, coins, & jewelry. About the only decent cross-over machine that can switch back and forth (with proper use of the controls) from coins to nuggets, is the MXT. But it excells in neither area. Ie.: there are better/deeper coin machines, and there are better/deeper nugget machines.

The reason that the two facets of the hobby don't mix well for a single machine, is that they are almost diametrically opposed goals: 99.99% of nuggets found in nature are pin-head sized nuggets. Rarely are any pea sized, for example. Nugget guys spend their day chasing teensy grain-of-rice sized nuggets. A machine designed to excell in finding those sized targets would drive you nuts in relic hunting, park, turf, beach, etc... Coin hunters want to disc. out staples, paper-clips, etc... whereas nugget guys WANT targets that sized. To make coil and electronics that switch back and forth between the goals is not an easy task. So as sensitive as a nugget machine may be to a grain-of-rice sized nugget (can get it down to several inches), yet they won't hear a coin beyond 6 or 7" perhaps. Likewise the coin machine (an SE for instance) may get a coin at 8 or 9", but be totally silent on the grain-of-rice sized nugget.

But if your question is just for coins/relics, go with the Explorer.

Mike I am glad you asked this question...do you want my top ten list of complaints from the mouths of explorer users??? if so let me know and I will post here for you...and remember explorer users these points are not debatable with me they came from the mouths of whining explorer users...so if you want just say so and i will write their dirty laundry list on this post..

As far as the dfx goes here are 10 reasons to buy>
1. pinpointing is dead accurate
2. The dfx is like a vacuum with coins (you do have to dig though) ;)
3. Depth readings are accurate.... :)
4. Programs are limitless
5. touch and go programs for the beginner
6. great on the beach as well as land...
7. whites customer service will bend over backwards to support you!
8. If you decide you don't like transferable warranty and great resale value
9. well balanced
10. Great assortment of coils which continues to grow with the new super 12 coil that just came out...

I would tend to say that in my area the DFX is the most versatile machine on jewelry and coins. And the Explorer SE and he EX series are killer on deep silver. I think both has their places.

Otherwise, on the gold nugget machine I would tend to agree with Tom_in_CA except that he forgot to mention the most sensitive small Gold machine on the market , the Gold Bug 2 by Fisher, which is what I use. And it can stand on it's own hunting for coins.

Ant said:
I would tend to say that in my area the DFX is the most versatile machine on jewelry and coins. And the Explorer SE and he EX series are killer on deep silver. I think both has their places.

Otherwise, on the gold nugget machine I would tend to agree with Tom_in_CA except that he forgot to mention the most sensitive small Gold machine on the market , the Gold Bug 2 by Fisher, which is what I use. And it can stand on it's own hunting for coins.

Ant you said it all that is exactly what I have found talking to several explorer users that have had both! Guess no one wants the top ten list ...it might be better that way! ;D

Hello Mike,
Many stand by the favorite machine of theirs. I use many and do it to learn all of them, (i.e. I like to play with menus.)
A good post in the Minelab forum compairs the SE to the DFX http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,88277.0.html
What was posted about using either for gold nuggets is true, it's best to buy a gold machine like a Tesoro Super Lobo or Whites gold detector.
I don't think you'd be impressed with any but the top of the line.

Good Luck,

And the winner is..... Whites DFX. I placed an order and it will be here Friday.

Now I'm going to have to find one for my wife. She isn't geekie like me and can't even use a remote control properly. So hers will have to be "turn on... turn off". Anything more complicated than that and she might as well be trying to operate a nuclear reactor. ;D She's always telling me, "I wish they made a cell phone that with only one button so that I could just turn it on and turn it off". I said, "how would you ever call anyone" and she replies "exactly!" ;)

Suggestions for a "turn on/turn off" machine? Ace 250 perhaps?

Thanks for the advice!

Mike the main thing will be getting out there and using it! Go where the people are! The dfx will do the rest. :) For your wife I would have her try your dfx a few times to make sure she likes detecting! It can be hard work digging sometimes....Start with your pre set programs, also if you get a chance I sent you an private message that may help. No doubt you chose a detector that will find coins like crazy...but you have to get out there and use it! Is Whites still offering the promotional $200 coupon for free accessorires??? If yes, remember small coil>trashy areas....large coil>>>open fields not trashy. Good luck!! 8)

And when you want to find the deep coins you can always get a SE

erikk said:
And when you want to find the deep coins you can always get a SE

Oh erikk it sounded like you said you wanted the top 10 whiners list from the Exploder users ;D...sure here you go>>

1.Way to heavy
2. Not well balanced
3. Steep learning curve
4. Poorly constructed
5. Pinpointing can be frustrating
6. Falsing in wet grass
7. Reading display screen can be a problem in sunlight
8. Changing coils cannot be done quickly due to cable being in rod
9. Depth readings not accurate<<<what a pleasant surprise! ;D
10. Costs way to much!

Remember these are all direct quotes from exploder users! All comments should be directed to them! ;D ;D ;D

I had my DFX for over 10 years. (It was crushed in a car accident last october). My ONLY complaint about the DFX - it isn't waterproof. It was by far, the best machine I've used. Accurate, customizable, great options, numerous coils, well balanced... I have nothing bad to say about that machine. And I definitely intend to get another one.

But the entire unit isn't submersible. Since I do most of my hunting at the beach (in the surf) and underwater (SCUBA), being submersible is important to me. As soon as they make a completely submersible DFX (which I have written to Whites requesting and asking about the possibility for) I'll get another one. Till then, I'll stay with my Excal

DFX-Gregg said:
erikk said:
And when you want to find the deep coins you can always get a SE

Oh erikk it sounded like you said you wanted the top 10 whiners list from the Exploder users ;D...sure here you go>>

1.Way to heavy
2. Not well balanced
3. Steep learning curve
4. Poorly constructed
5. Pinpointing can be frustrating

I agree but it still will get the coins that the DFX cant read.

6. Falsing in wet grass
7. Reading display screen can be a problem in sunlight
8. Changing coils cannot be done quickly due to cable being in rod
9. Depth readings not accurate<<<what a pleasant surprise! ;D
10. Costs way to much!

Remember these are all direct quotes from exploder users! All comments should be directed to them! ;D ;D ;D

spez401 said:
I had my DFX for over 10 years. (It was crushed in a car accident last october). My ONLY complaint about the DFX - it isn't waterproof. It was by far, the best machine I've used. Accurate, customizable, great options, numerous coils, well balanced... I have nothing bad to say about that machine. And I definitely intend to get another one.

But the entire unit isn't submersible. Since I do most of my hunting at the beach (in the surf) and underwater (SCUBA), being submersible is important to me. As soon as they make a completely submersible DFX (which I have written to Whites requesting and asking about the possibility for) I'll get another one. Till then, I'll stay with my Excal

How is the beach hunting going?

erikk said:
DFX-Gregg said:
erikk said:
And when you want to find the deep coins you can always get a SE

Oh erikk it sounded like you said you wanted the top 10 whiners list from the Exploder users ;D...sure here you go>>

1.Way to heavy
2. Not well balanced
3. Steep learning curve
4. Poorly constructed
5. Pinpointing can be frustrating

I agree but it still will get the coins that the DFX cant read.

6. Falsing in wet grass
7. Reading display screen can be a problem in sunlight
8. Changing coils cannot be done quickly due to cable being in rod
9. Depth readings not accurate<<<what a pleasant surprise! ;D
10. Costs way to much!

Remember these are all direct quotes from exploder users! All comments should be directed to them! ;D ;D ;D

At least you are honest Erikk! :)

Well all I know is that DFX guys routinely get their b*tt kicked in deep silver turf-searching here in my part of CA. They have been pitted against each other again and again and again over marked/flagged signals, and the DFX guys come away admitting they wouldn't have heard them, no matter what the settings. This has even been confirmed by a Whites dealer, who was very hard to convince (he just wouldn't believe that the DFX couldn't be made to match the Exp. for deep silver depth). He has no gone public with this admission, once you get past his techno-mumble. It was quite revealing when even this dealer admitted it.

Maybe the results would be different for diffent soils or high vs low conductors, but the soil here is pretty nasty (skews TIDs, etc...) so I can't imagine the results being better for the DFX in more neutral soils.

Tom_in_CA said:
Well all I know is that DFX guys routinely get their b*tt kicked in deep silver turf-searching here in my part of CA. They have been pitted against each other again and again and again over marked/flagged signals, and the DFX guys come away admitting they wouldn't have heard them, no matter what the settings. This has even been confirmed by a Whites dealer, who was very hard to convince (he just wouldn't believe that the DFX couldn't be made to match the Exp. for deep silver depth). He has no gone public with this admission, once you get past his techno-mumble. It was quite revealing when even this dealer admitted it.

Maybe the results would be different for diffent soils or high vs low conductors, but the soil here is pretty nasty (skews TIDs, etc...) so I can't imagine the results being better for the DFX in more neutral soils.

Not sure which detector you are using Tom...I guess an explorer? I think the hunts are misleading...in fact how many deep coins do you find? 70 to 80% of my finds honestly are 0.0 to 3.5 inches maybe 4.0....Even with the small coil on my dfx I have hit up to 7.5, larger stock easily 9.5..not sure I want to go any deeper...also for all the negative comments by explorer users....I will gladly accept the dfx is an inch or two lacking on depth ...but the other problems with the explorer cannot be hidden...have a good hunt... :)

unfortunately, I haven't been out much yet this year... too many projects around the house. I'm hoping to get out this weekend to the beaches, and I found an old swimming hole with a rope swing a few miles from my parent's place. gonna grab my scuba gear and my wetsuit (damn river water is too cold this time of year) and hit it in the next few weeks.

Ive hit the schoolyard near my house a few times and found a bunch of clad.

at the beach... so far ive found a couple bucks in clad so far this year, a ring and a few bracelets.

When I hit the dry sand, I miss my DFX... I had the 1400dd coil mounted most of the time... When I'd go into the surf, I'd bring excalibur, and occasionally my surfmaster pi. Since i mostly work the surf, my other 2 detectors tended to spend a lot of time hanging up in my workshop.


Well good luck when you do get out! :) Whites also recently came out with a new coil..the super 12. A little big for the trashy areas I work but mostly good reviews so far.

Greg You are overlooking one very important fact. I had a DFX and ran it for about a year 3-5 times a week. It was a clad magnet. My hunting partner also uses a DFX. I bought a EX-2 and figured I would give it a shot. Went to the same places we both had hammered with the DFX's and I started pulling more and much deeper coins. Down here in FL the digging isn't hard and I don't mind digging a foot or more if it means that there is silver at the bottom of the hole. The DFX was just too quirky for me and you had to keep on screwing with the adjustments to make it run stable. I can set a program in the EX-2 and run with it.
Is it heavy and un balanced-you bet. Do I use a swingy-thingy with my 12 and 15 inch WOT coil-you bet. I don't find it cheaply made and since I use a X-1 probe I can change coils in a minute or less, and I do frequently although I have another EX-2 that I keep handy with a 5 inch coil already mounted.
Both are good detectors but if you want deep, it is the Explorer every time. ;D ;D ;D ;D

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