More Harm the Good.


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2012
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Awe the wonderful world we live in.... So easy for one to share..what an awesome tool... But unfortunately like everything often the bad out weighs the potential... Anyway so after about 7 hours of sleep and beining awoken by a loud thunder and some hail/rain mix that lasted for a few minutes and now back to partly cloudy sunny ..Odd little system... Anyway I always watching golds vids by others and just surfin...I happened upon this video I have been aware of his channel for awhile but ultimitatly found it Laughable..Supposedly a jack of all trades..Wich I soon realized that meant he just half assed everything and was no doubt better in his mind then he actually was.... Well I took a peek at one of most recent vids and found myself thinking once again what a complete joke..but alas unfortunately the long term damage done by him is ever present. The things this guys says is a total Farce...Ignorant pollution and worse he spreads is ignorance at the expense of others. But anyway no doubt we all have a right to speak and share ideas.. But some personal accountability would be nice.. Wouldn't it?? Oh well all to often in his vids and some other Prospecting vids of others: these people mislead misinform and straight lie some just think just doining it once in awhile makes them experts... To feed their egos or pocketbooks.. All at our exspense.. These are true snakes in the grass... More often then not it is the people regurgitating the most advice on "HOW TO" who actually have the least experience!!!!!
I wouldn't watch more then the first 2 minutes.. Oh well ..

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ok now for the weather report,

looks like they are discharging onto a gravel bar/ dry channel. The 49ers are in a very exposed area they have numerous members and run theese ops constantly.....perfect group to bust if what they were doing was actually illegal:headbang:easy target for a citation if there was one to give. More proof against the hibanking permit propaganda. When done properly 100% lawful dig on boys.

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I ain't talkin about Laws. How I hope that aint the only leg your standing on? There are plenty of things that are LAW that I just don't do. Anyway Laws are manipulated bought ect ect. I am speaking of personal responsibility. G.W there are plenty of ways that I can exploit laws and for me this is the problem. For me just because I can do something doesn't neccesarly give me the right to do it. Anyway for years I have flown under the radar.. My style of prospecting leaves little impact and ultimately their is always a stopping point with hand tools. . Anyway for my finiacial needs and such it suits me. Though everyone is different in their needs and motives. But I also believe that if ultimately if we want to correct some of these problems we can not treat the smpytoms but instead treat the disease. And I feel this boils down to just education/and individual responsibility! responsible mining goes way beyond just filling in your holes! At least I think so? Its not about busting any one. I just simply was wondering if what they were doing was practical? And to be honest I still don't see it as a useful tool. Honesty it just seems to me that there are a whole lot of (DR. OZ) type of people influencing prospecting/mining..

I guess some people need to criticize others to make themselves feel better.

i rather critize then exploit. critism casues thought encourages growth an many other postive outcomes

Hydraulic mining is legal. That isn't hydraulic mining but even if it was it's still possible to hydraulic in California and every other state. Although they are obviously amateur and inefficient I'm wondering what the specific objection is?

Dirt in the water? Water in the dirt? :laughing7:

I guess some people need to criticize others to make themselves feel better.
If Charles Manson were never criticized, where would you be or the rest of the bunnies, it’s called constructive criticism for a reason, just some people get butt hurt over the dumbest of comments

Ok, I see that now, its the higher dry side of the creek that they are discharging into.
Still that's a ton of people working that area, how are they going to split that up? Fights over nuggets? LOL

Marshall I could care less about your judgement of what others do to prospect and recover gold. I was actually addressing Neotokoyos comments as he asked and I gave him the correct answer. I can not wrap my head around your attitude of "to each his own". You constantly dog what you perceive as very part time prospectors...and use the amount of time they dig to quantify if they should be allowed to do so. So, is it "to each his own except what I don't like?"By law they are allowed to do what is shown in the any comments by anyone negative against what they are doing is merely judgemental and opinion. If a bunch of retirees want to join a club or two camp all summer and dig a little more power to them.Would you rather they sit at some retirement community or just stay home and collect their pension?There are millions of people who have worked hard to support families and be a positive part of our society. I have met thousands of them when I was in Alaska and Montana...the one common theme is that they wish they got to adventure more at a younger age. Victor you are no elite person who deserves more of a chance or opportunity than anyone else. If you have the right to scrape cracks so does everyone else...If you want to stop at hand tools thats your perogative. If people want to dredge or hi-bank and they are in an area where their rights havn't been illegally stripped then let them dig. The amount of material moved by the current small scale mining community is un-noticable compared to what has been done in our areas historically. It takes a trained and interested eye to make sense of the tailings piles and digs that most of us come across. Ol' Ma' Nature is doing just fine taking it back.You are too harsh on these people that are really not hurting anyone. And, are actually the kinds of people who you want on your side.They vote and they want to dig too. Keep in mind that if you dig with chisels ,crack rocks ,disturb any surface above the waterline you are breaking the park regulations. in ASRA and sell ANY of the gold you recover it is unlawful..." no commercial collecting" any of that gold you collected in the boundaries ASRA on the M.F.A. did you put it back due to your righteousness? Cause if you sold any to make your wage you are committing an unlawful act.....The new 49ers are not.... ( you used to be able to dredge and can still powersluice in ASRA. Although not technically hands and pans the regs. are very restrictive. as in many cases enforcement is not consistent) If you want to split hairs most of your activities are forbidden in ASRA so its not really fair for you to call out other prospectors. Everything should be judged in context and your not being very fair. I know you work the North Fork a lot and areas of the Middle Fork. I avoid ASRA because I don't want to deal with the hassle or break rules to dig the way I like. Besides there are numerous open areas with paying color. And I'm one of those jerks who has a claim to go to. Factually our counties abound with prospecting opportunities. Someone with your amount of free time knowledge and dedication really doesn't have much to complain about....Well..."TO EACH HIS OWN":dontknow:

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back in the days , (miss my youth) when the buzzard was around, i watch his show if-n I wasn't out prospecting, and this subject matter here reminded me of a particular episode. He was picking away with his finger at some vertical shale bedrock and suddenly a small nugget appeared bout the size of a pinky nail, Boy ole Buzzard did the John Huston Dance (confirmed my suspicion salting)
having been a member for a couple of years prior, and not many claims in the book for the central sierras area here in crazyfornia, everything was up north or down south, my buddy and I would head out on weekends and this spot he mention on his show was one we hit a few times, long walk in, anyway; the next season we head in only to find a gold rush of people tearing the place apart looking for that elusive gold, being a small creek people undercut trees, move the banks back a few feet. Just tore into the place. Towards the end of summer we saw three forest circus employees taking note of the place, and sure enough, this claim was pulled from the book, the nearest road blocked off with boulders, and three rows of six foot high berms. sad that even on this site there are some self-serving pray on the naive and uninformed, but most do try to help in direction , alternatives and cost of making something that works, Goodyguy gets a thumbs up for posting some creativity functional low cost equipment,

Self serving???? People need almost zero inspiration to be slobs...I know what Marshall is getting at. I don't understand why he feels so personally harmed, when he gets to go out numerous times weekly and live the life that he claims is what he wants yet, seems to be claiming he is severely oppressed and held back...I just don't get it.Funny thing about the annecdote 2cmoreau brings up in regards to the Buzzard. Kinda makes a point to what Victor is saying. Wouldn't a video of a salted nugget find and a publicly named location be a poor way to introduce any newbie to prospecting, making it look more easy than it is....and the outcome a bunch of people prospecting in an unethical way causing a withdrawl (legal IDK what does Barry say on that) Again the facts the 49ers video shows zero illegal and unethical mining practices. They are not in a remote area ...relatively that is. If someone wanted to nail them they are right there being very open.I have no desire to work around that many people.I also love to build and use equipment and miss dredging A LOT....MM likes to dig his way and is actually way less under anyone's thumb than he relates. Too bad he feels that way.Sniping and cracking is an excellent niche and can be lucrative and is enjoyable because of the chase and rewards. Fact is the mining industries bread and butter is not from sniping its the medium to big outfits.I found way more gold dredging daily...yes Victor I have done it to make a wage....lost my regular job lived off my dredge all summer until the ban(and beyond8-))..making well above cost....but, there was inconsistency...not good for wives and kids. I was still able to pay bills stay out of debt and not cancel my wedding that was already planned. Victor knows of the woes of sniping for a living the need to be extremely mobile and always on the hunt for paying gold. Its slow and methodical and gets pretty slim pickins sometimes.I would have to take 3 oz plus a month to take care of my family I have a son who's 7 years out from college I want him to have the chances I didn't. 3 oz is doable but not with hand tools only....or is it Victor? You know who can recover more than 3oz a month Dave Mckraken...maybe some don't want to hear it...anyone who knows his back story knows that's true and he is not out there to just mine the miners. He loves gold prospecting and sharing it with others..if he wanted to make his main living off of the retail side he would of focused on that rather then being down at the water showing folks different ways to work different deposits.There is modern small scale prospecting it is an industry people need gear from the smallest to biggest there are gonna be builders, sellers, promoters and yes snake oil sales man.....yet at the end of the day a fool and his money soon part no fault of the person ready to take it.Thats called capitalism. You always have the choice and the opportunity to take the wheel and steer the ship how you want....the thing about it is the successful people like Dave Mack rise to the top and are noticed because they are unique and live by their reputation...if he was any kind of devil in this industry he wouldn't be what is going to happen to the GPAA now that their soul is pretty much gone.It is maintained by chapters of regular Joes which I think is great and will be its only chance to remain.

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