Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough


Bronze Member
Feb 27, 2004
lake mary florida
Detector(s) used
Chasing Dory ROV,Swellpro Splash 2 pro waterproof drone,Swellpro Spry+ wa,Wesmar SHD700SS Side Scan Sonar,U/W Mac 1 Turbo Aquasound by American Electronics,Fisher 1280x,Aquasound UW md,Aqua pulse AQ1B
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

You can keep your Bluebeards and your Blackbeards. The most successful pirate of all time controlled a fleet of more than 1,500 ships and upwards of 80,000 sailors -- and she did it all without the help of facial hair.

When a Chinese pirate captain named Cheng married a beautiful prostitute in 1801, he wasn't just getting the girl of his dreams; he was making the best financial investment of his career. His new bride, known to history as Cheng I Sao, or "Wife of Cheng," agreed to the marriage on one condition -- that she would share equally in his power and would be given the opportunity to help him secure more wealth.

Sounded like a deal to Cheng, and for the next six years, the husband and wife teamed up to grow their piracy business along the coast of the South China Sea, as far south as Malaysia. But then, in 1807, Cheng passed away. Instead of stepping aside like a "proper" widow, Cheng I Sao promptly took the reins.

Thinking outside the treasure box

Although clearly ahead of her time, Cheng I Sao was shrewd enough to realize that the pirate masses weren't likely as enlightened. So, her first act as leader was to make her husband's second-in-command, Chang Pao, official captain of the fleet.

While Chang Pao led the men into battle, Cheng I Sao focused her attention on business, military strategy, and the enormous task of governing a growing body of ruffians. In the years following her husband's death, she steadily brought more and more outlaws under the banner of her Red Flag Fleet.

In fact, Cheng I Sao was eventually responsible for nearly all the piracy in the region and her fleet exceeded the size of many countries' navies. She also expanded the scope of the business, branching out from simple attack-and-pillage jobs to protection schemes, blackmail, and extortion. Cheng I Sao's reach also extended to the mainland, where she set up an extensive spy network and developed economic ties with farmers who would supply her men with food.

If Cheng I Sao's business practices were exemplary, then her system of pirate law was nothing short of revolutionary. The code of conduct she wrote for her men prescribed much harsher punishments than previous pirate laws had. A disobeyed order was cause for beheading (as was stealing from the common plunder), and deserters stood to lose their ears.

Ironically, Cheng I Sao's most famous laws applied to the taking of female prisoners. Ugly women were returned to shore, free of charge. Attractive captives were auctioned off to the crew, unless a pirate personally purchased the captive, in which case they were considered married. Of course, if that pirate cheated on his new bride, Cheng I Sao had him killed.

The not-so-bitter end

Murder, thievery, and intricate crime syndicates will eventually garner the full attention of the law, and Cheng I Sao certainly had the authorities on her tail. But, here again, she proved more successful than her male counterparts.

Cheng I Sao repelled attack after attack by both the Chinese navy and the many Portuguese and British bounty hunters brought in to help capture her. Then, in 1810, the Chinese government tried a different tactic -- they offered her universal pirate amnesty in exchange for peace.

Cheng I Sao jumped at the opportunity and headed for the negotiating table. There, the pirate queen arranged what was, all told, a killer deal. Fewer than 400 of her men received any punishment, and a mere 126 were executed. The remaining pirates got to keep their booty and were offered military jobs.

As for Cheng I Sao, she retired with her loot and her new husband (former righthand man, Chang Pao) and opened a gambling house. She died peacefully in 1844, a 69-year-old grandmother.

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

That story rocked John! Thanks for sharing it.

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

Whats interesting is that China didnt allow the showing of the latest pirates of the carribean movie since there was a chinaman depicted in the movie.They said that they didnt want the Chinese to think that there was any real pirates from china in past history.

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

Her rules and laws sounds fair to me!! I guess I was just born a little too late. Ya think??


Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

Women! ;D

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

Fisheye and forum members...
I am sorry I disrupted and hijacked this thread. It was not my intention. I am off shore 5-7 days a week and have no social life to speak of. Yes, since Pegleg's expo I do feel these (or most) folks are my family. Humor should not be repremanded but encouraged, I have seen quite a bit of harmless joking in other posts without such a big deal made.
I will watch my comments from now, no matter how trivial.

Fisheye...I was a great story by the way!


Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

Cornelius said:
Diverlynn . There is nothing wrong with your posts . A little humor never hurts . So you don't have to apologize for anything . Keep on posting as you do . Cornelius

I concur ;D

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

HI LYN: I personally am guilty of this myself, in fact almost consistently.

I agree with SWR on the copyrighted articles, but as for levity I disagree with some of the people that are posting against it. It has an important place in here.

I read the data in here and listen carefully to many posters, but I am not here to simply read data as in a museum, for that I can just search the net or actually go to a museum. I am here for information, listening to personal experiences, and learning to know the individual posting. this specifically includes levity. Levity lowers the personal ego bars and lets each know the other more intimately creating more confidence.

I do agree that if it goes to serious flirting, they should go to PM. I saw nothing improper in Lyn's posts nor their answers, just good natured bantering???

One of the things that is making TN popular is the informality in here. Heaven forbid that we have to be formal, on that date I am out of here.

Final personal opinion, "smooch Lyn, yer my gal"! (If.n I were only 60 or 70 again ------ sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

This all started by one person trying to play moderator and making a sarcastic remark directed to one of the members....the person that made the sarcastic remark later one stated here that he did in fact had a personal problem with that member based on something that happen in the past....In other words he was trying to create a fight and he did.......

I think we are a big family and there is nothing wrong with joking around....its obvious it didn't buther the moderators since the posts are still here....

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

Diver Lyn, where would the world be without your ray of sunshine in it? You keep right on talking and smiling and joking the way you do. Even my Rusty was drawn to you at the Expo. You are a special person. Please don't change or apologize.

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

HI Chagy, no, no smooch for you, " but" maybe the long overdue story on Morgan's Loot from Panama.

Can I post it in here without the intimate, critical details?

You really must develop Patience mi amigo, it has only been two years.

Sheesh, this modern generation ----.. It has been sitting there for how long ?Now you want it yesterday.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. It "is" in sea & pirate stories no?

P.P.s. As promised, the story and details are YOUR"S, shall we share the story but not the details?

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

Real de Tayopa said:
HI Chagy, no, no smooch for you, " but" maybe the long overdue story on Morgan's Loot from Panama.

Can I post it in here without the intimate, critical details?

You really must develop Patience mi amigo, it has only been two years.

Sheesh, this modern generation ----.. It has been sitting there for how long ?Now you want it yesterday.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. It "is" in sea & pirate stories no?

P.P.s. As promised, the story and details are YOUR"S, shall we share the story but not the details?


That is fine with me...I think it will make a great post......Who ever has done some reaserch on Morgan knows that after Morgan raid Panama he left stranded some of his crew and the left bihind crew made it to Jamaica before he did....

His flagship has been found and will be salvage soon........I cant talk about it yet, but you will see it in the news soon...

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

Great Story
Ain't that just like a woman to be cutting things off though?

Hi Lyn :-*

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

This is really funny about Chinese Pirates.
I have a LARGE model of a Chinese Pirate ship that is said to have been made in the later 1800's or early 1900's.
The flag is different.
It is a RED X with a red dash on each side of the X like so-X-.
I will try and post a photo later today.
It has 6 cannons-3 on each side.
My uncle was in China during WW II and he brought it home with him so I know it came from China.
It is in great shape considering its age.
It is over 14" long and over 16" tall.
This one of the Ship models that I plan to RAFFLE to help raise funds for the 2008 EXPO.
Peg Leg

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

HI Pegger: Your father was in China in ww-2? So was I, I was at ---oops err sheehs, you made me blow it pegger, I have just blown any chance with Lyn because of you , I HATE YOU!! sigh. Hehhe.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Most successful pirate was beautiful and tough

There is still some hope because it was my UNCLE and not my Father.
He was a PBY pilot and received the Navy Flying Cross.
I really cannot believe that you were in China during this time unless you were a very small child.
How is that?

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