Musketball help

Well there is no photo.. but the small ones could be Buck shot as part of a "Buck and ball" load.

Do they look like this?


musket balls.gif
Sorry about forgetting to post the picture. So what would the small one be buckshot of?

Sometimes a musket ball was loaded with the addition of several small shot like those and fired together for extra damage and spread.

So do you think these are from the Civil War era? Is the ball on the left an actual musketball or buckshot?

You don't have any size reference in your photo but they appear small and are probably Buck from a Buck and ball load(civil war era) concidering the history of the site that you gave. They could just be buckshot pellets from a hunter.. can't be positive but the oxidation makes them look old...but I don't know the soil conditions where you are either.
I would focus on that area..and you will probably find larger caliber musket balls.

Thanks again gatorboy! I will try to get another pic up soon with something to scale them to. I really appreciate the information.

I would say thAt the one on the left is almost as big as the large one in your hand. The smaller one looks to be a bit bigger then the small ones in your hand. But again I will get a scaled picture up soon.

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