My First Post with Pics


Jr. Member
Jul 26, 2008
Chatfield, MN
Hello, this is my first post. I am very happy I found this site! There seems to be alot of knowledgeable people on here. I have been rock hunting for many years and it was a dream of mine to possibly find some arrowheads someday. I don't know a whole lot and every time I went out, I looked hard. Well, I was looking for a needle in a haystack because I didn't know you had to search certain areas. About a month ago, a cornfield of my brother's went and flooded over since it borders an old river. My folks told me the bottom half of the field had alot of rocks and gravel/sand deposited in it as a result. I went to look and after about five or so hours of searching I found my first projectile points! I just found them last week and I also went the following day and located the three broken ones and a few items I think maybe scrapers or some sort of tool. I am getting better at identifying material that has been "worked". If anyone here can help me with telling me exactly what I found and maybe a time period...that would be great!! I've enclosed some scans. Any help would be appreciated. First pic is the points, 2nd isthe broken ones, 3rd is possible worked points and the 4th is some possible scrapers. I live in SE MN and these were found in NE IA, right near the MN/IA border. I would love to go out hunting with someone from my area too...anyone here from SE MN? Anyway, I look forward to reading posts and I love looking at everyone's pics. You all have some AMAZING FINDS!!! :thumbsup:


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Welcome Dan, Although I can't help with ID's, it looks like you have a great spot to look and those pieces look great.

Can't wait to see more of your finds from that spot.

Good luck & HH

Thanks! I am going back to my spot tomorrow with my twelve yr old daughter....I can't wait to see what I may find! I will post anything I come up with for sure. I am definitely gonna hit this spot hard (especially since I have finally found something!)


Welcome Dan, seems you've found yourself a good spot.

Good Luck, Look forward to seeing your finds.

Molly. :thumbsup:


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Great finds, Dan. I did not serve in the Military, I appreciate you doing so and I do like your avatar. Old Carlos was born here in Arkansas. What a shooter...d2

Thank you for the welcome Molly! By the way, do you have any info on identifying my finds? Any help would be great!!!


The only one of the artifacts you posted that can really be accurately dated would be the stemned point in the upper right. Given your location I would say it is a Durst Stemned point (part of the Lamoka point cluster/family). Stratigraphically they are always found above Raddatz side notched points and have been carbon dated at a number of Wisconsin and Minnesota sites as being around 3,000 years old. I don't recall off hand but the Minnesotans may have a different name for them, regardless, they are the same. Very nice find. :coffee2:

USMC1986 said:
Thank you for the welcome Molly! By the way, do you have any info on identifying my finds? Any help would be great!!!


I'm not familiar with points from your state, maybe the guys will give you a link to a good typology site.

Molly. :)

Didn't find any more points, the area is getting overgrown with weeds. My brother had it sprayed with round-up, so I'll go back this week-end to see if I can have better success. But, I did find these. First picture is what appears to be another broken piece of a knife or tool and maybe a scraper or some other tool in the same photo. The second picture I am not too sure about....maybe some sort of pottery? Any input from you all would be helpful. Well, that's all for now!



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nice start got to be some nice ones to come out of that area good luck with the hunt with daughter hope u both findsome goodys.

Went back yesterday and found this broken point. Getting much tougher to find anything now....



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Pickaway...I've thought about that ;D
Actually, my brother had the weeds sprayed with round-up and I thought they'd be knocked down by now but they are only just starting to wilt right now. I think I may have to wait until Fall when he works the field after harvest. I can't wait to see what may be lying in wait for me!!!! :thumbsup:

Semper Fi

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