My LRL Projects: UPDATE


Silver Member
Nov 14, 2011
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All Treasure Hunting
Still working on my LRL projects. Had a few setbacks with rotten weather and got sick for two weeks with the flu and a bad cold, not to mention many other issues I have to deal with. Makes it hard to think straight sometimes. Anyway, things are going pretty good and I really feel like I have a solid locator. I just need to get everything packaged up and weather-proofed in a nice container. So hopefully this should happen in the next day or two. Then I need to order a few sets of parts so that could take another week or so.

Things are coming along. I have most of the parts and the rest should be here in a few days.

I am building two different types of locators. One is more dowsing and will be a lower price. I should have everything pretty much ready to go when the final parts arrive. Should be early this coming week.

I can build a locator for you. I have two different styles. Don't waste your money on the ebay stuff.

I definitely like the frequency machine better, but the other device is more of a dowsing amplifier that uses a witness--anything that will fit in the resonance chamber. I don't do the map dowsing, but this should work much better than a mental witness if you are skilled at maps.

I've decided not to use the amplifier with the frequency machine. It's just not needed and that makes for less parts, less confusion, lower power consumption, and lower cost. Also plan to include my Light Rod L-rod which I like way better than two L-rods.

Anyone wants to know I built two different control boxes on a swivel handle. One was super light , the other was pretty much a copy of one that sells for $1100 or $1200 on ebay. Talk about a waste of time even building the thing. Even the super light one was awkward and neither one worked for pointing at targets from a distance. You can use this type of device for the box-in method but that requires a lot of walking and that's still not nearly as good as holding an L-rod in your working hand and the transmitter in the other. And when I say "not nearly" I mean it's a whole world away, like holding your arm in a vise. So that's why I say the control box on the swivel handle is something you should stay away from. And why pay that much? I bet that guy can't even use one. Like the Jackson Browne song, "It's who you look like, not who you are." And another one of his, "Say a prayer for the Pretender."

I start with a frequency generator and do some modifications to it. Then I add the frame, the antenna, battery, etc. and the case.

The Light Rod L-rod is flimsy, lightweight, and not all that well made. It's what I use. I like it better than any rod I've used including the thousand dollar plus ones. I built heavier ones but they don't work like this one. The solid handle works a lot better in windy conditions than any swivel handle rod. Also other features are added to the rod but I won't disclose them.

I'm not going into it now,but some of my research has involved the work of Dr. Konstantin Meyl and his Scalar Wave Technology dated 1990. BTW, a few years ago MIT came up with wireless energy transfer callled "WiTricity" which is remarkably similar to Meyl's work. While radio waves look like the waves created from throwing a stone in the water--a series of ripples or rings that radiate out in all directions--the scalar waves look more like the flux lines off a magnet or more like the lines that connect two magnets at a distance. The lines only form with a receiver that is in resonance with the transmitter so little energy is wasted. This is how the MFD (Molecular Frequency Discriminator--a misnomer) systems are able to link with distant targets--something the EE skeptics claim is impossible with such low power. They claim the signal only travels inches. I admit I never knew the physics of how this is possible, I said the skeptics were misapplying radio theory and that's exactly what they have been doing. They are all silent on this now. All except one skeptic in disguise named Art who has admitted he can't use an MFD, something about his meds.

I am just asking the question that any informed consumer would should ask the dealer....You will answer none of them..If I only want to search a small area with a depth of 30 feet I need to know this...I already have one that goes 200 feet deep and a distance of 8 miles....Yes....I am skeptical about you..Art

How do you keep the locator from pointing at the nearest jewelry store or bank?

Some kind of filter or something?

I don't know of any way to filter out large items. If you are searching for small items, first off it is not easy to isolate them, but what you would do is to adjust the filter system until the target is nulled out. Assuming you have it calibrated for the conditions for that time you can get an approximate weight of the target. And it's only approximate because one of the main factors is the amount of surface area of the target. Flour gold has a lot of surface area and the particles have a combined resonant effect. So it's also a factor of how large the target appears. So a target that weighs out at a half ounce but covers a six foot area you can pretty much assume it is not a desirable target.

Ok, so you tune it to find a small size portion of gold.

How to you keep it from pointing at someone nearby?

I've seen pictures of people using locators and they were wearing gold, while hunting for gold.

I was wondering how you get it to eliminate signatures nearby and only look for the gold that is buried.

Since you are building it, there should be some sort of a filter right? Something has to eliminate the 'casual' gold from the buried gold I would think.

If you don't have that size nulled out, yes it is possible to pick up someone walking by. But rememeber the discriminate signal line is what you work with. If they walk by you won't be detecting them on the next pass. Don't believe the hype about super long distances. Maybe for a large ore vein, but small targets might only be a hundred yards. Yes, there is a certain amount of filtering you can tune into the device and if you want there are other filters you can build or buy. Indeed, that is what the mods I make are directed towards. It doesn't work completely but ground probes will mainly pick up buried or on the surface items. If an item is resting on something that insulates it from the ground you will have a hard time catching it with the ground probes.

How do you keep the locator from pointing at the nearest jewelry store or bank?
It this thing works like all the other old technology you are walking around the device to find signals
You should know that there is a bank or jewelry stone within range ....When you find the signal just don’t follow it....
How to you keep it from pointing at someone nearby?
When the rods cross you can most of the time see where the line is going.
I've seen pictures of people using locators and they were wearing gold, while hunting for gold.
I always have my wedding band on and find that it does not read as a signal line...Art

I guess I've got to see this working up close to help me better understand the technology.

If the coil on the end of my detector picks up things at 6 feet away, why doesn't it pick up the control box, batteries in the box, my watch... and so on.
(I'm talking about a 2box unit)

I guess I don't fully understand the technology of it all.

I think Mike does not know what the public wants either.That’s why I recommend that every one have hands on demonstration before they buy..

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Assuming you have it calibrated for the conditions for that time you can get an approximate weight of the target. And it's only approximate because one of the main factors is the amount of surface area of the target.
I guess you have never got a signal from a gold vein or a box of gold coins...the device will lock onto to the hottest spots of gold veins and the hottest coin in the box
Flour gold has a lot of surface area and the particles have a combined resonant effect.
No..flour gold is almost pure..If you are getting a lot of it you need to use a freq. up or down a little
So it's also a factor of how large the target appears. So a target that weighs out at a half ounce but covers a six foot area you can pretty much assume it is not a desirable target.
Gee...You can not determine that until you have traced the signal line to it’s source and then you have to know how to dowse to determine that when using a Frequency Generator

I'm not going into it now,but some of my research has involved the work of Dr. Konstantin Meyl and his Scalar Wave Technology dated 1990. BTW, a few years ago MIT came up with wireless energy transfer callled "WiTricity" which is remarkably similar to Meyl's work. While radio waves look like the waves created from throwing a stone in the water--a series of ripples or rings that radiate out in all directions--the scalar waves look more like the flux lines off a magnet or more like the lines that connect two magnets at a distance. The lines only form with a receiver that is in resonance with the transmitter so little energy is wasted

WiTricity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term WiTricity was used for a project that took place at MIT, led by Marin Soljačić in 2007.[SUP][1][2][/SUP] The MIT researchers successfully demonstrated the ability to power a 60 watt light bulb wirelessly, using two 5-turn copper coils of 60 cm (24 in) diameter, that were 2 m (7 ft) away, at roughly 45% efficiency.[SUP][3][/SUP] The coils were designed to resonate together at 9.9 MHz (≈ wavelength 30 m) and were oriented along the same axis. One was connected inductively to a power source, and the other one to a bulb. The setup powered the bulb on, even when the direct line of sight was blocked using a wooden panel. Researchers were able to power a 60 watt light bulb at roughly 90% efficiency at a distance of 3 feet[SUP][citation needed][/SUP]. The research project was spun off into a private company, also called WiTricity.
WiTricity is based on strong coupling between electromagnetic resonant objects to transfer energy wirelessly between them. This differs from other methods like simple induction, microwaves, or air ionization. The system consists of transmitters and receivers that contain magnetic loop antennas critically tuned to the same frequency.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP]
Because WiTricity devices operate in the electromagnetic near field, receiving devices must be no more than about a quarter wavelength from the transmitter. In the system demonstrated in the 2007 paper, this was only a few meters at the frequency chosen. In their first paper, the group also simulated GHz dielectric resonators. WiTricity devices are coupled almost entirely with magnetic fields (the electric fields are largely confined within capacitors inside the devices), which they argue makes them safer than resonant energy transfer using electric fields (most famously in Tesla coils, whose high electric fields can generate lightning), since most materials couple weakly to magnetic fields.[SUP][9][/SUP]

If you've read my posts you pretty much know my continuing theme--learn and practice daily some form of meditation if you want to use an L-rod. That is by far the most important thing I can tell people. Many people will tell you otherwise--tell you what you want to hear (pretty easy to do to someone with gold fever). No one wants you to know it takes real dedication to learn--more than most people will ever have. As I say, you gotta want it. There aren't very many people who know how to use one. I hav no doubt there are people selling them who cannot use one, especially the ebay con jobs. Don't believe that feedback. I have no doubt some of those scammers sell to a few friends a put up false feedback. Of course most give good feedback before they realize "It's only for gifted people." or some other cop-out. Most of that stuff does not work very well in the first place or relies on mental dowsing skills which is unreliable and inaccurate at best.

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