My Modeling Days...

irish backgroud I would guess with the name .... sad that you were a widow so young -- it had to be very hard to raise 3 kids by one self -- now that the nest is empty -- the house must be very quiet and still ( thus a bit boring) --while having a bit of quiet time to onesself is nice --too much quiet can be well lonely . -- guess you would be around 45 to 50 ish if your adverage - got married at 20 , had 3 kids over 5 years --so your old enough and smart enough to be stable and mature acting yet still young enough to enjoy life .

if you were a male widower who's kids had grown up and moved out -- folks would say to get -- a hobby * -- metal detecting beats woodworking (at least in my book)--many women turn to gardening (nothing wrong with growing fresh fruits and vegetables to eat) since your lifes work and interest lay in studying the earth and fossils and indain artifacts --you came to the right place , -- I have often said --older single women need to seek out single fossil hunting men , because the older they get the most "interesting" they become to them.

thankfully --I myself am married to a most lovely and wonderful wife .

many very bright people often wind up alone when they get older * if their mate dies off -- since dim witted folks who can not "mentally keep up with them" tend to bore them to tears , it really cuts way down on the pool of " good freinds" they keep around them

tis a smart man --that finds a bright woman and isn't afraid of her intellect .-- my wife is a 4.0 honors student in college and has 3 masters degree's -- and she thinks I'm smart ( I am I married her - since she loves me madly)

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A Big Texas Welcome to TN, Colleen!


Thanks BeerBarrel...Love your State! Been through there a couple times...Just along the I-10 route though. Just a memory, but, that route has some super long bridges, like miles of them...was hard to drive pulling a trailer. (I know, weird memory...:) But Thanks for the Welcome!


Hi Ivan,

I thought this thread was a "done deal"...Thanks for your thoughts. And Yes, I'm Irish (and other stuff..:) and I'm sure I inherited a "Bit 'O the Blarney"...:)

Not really lonely, after all, I'm my own best company...:) I do crack myself up sometimes. I'm glad I have a good sense of humor...Haha Oh Boy, there I go again.

My daughter's friends always want me to meet their single Dads and they'll go on and on about their Dad's nice cars and nice house's etc...I kid with the girls and say..."But does your Dad have any Rocks?..How 'bout a Backhoe...does he have one of those"? Just kidding, they laugh and try to drag me out to the Lakes. Sometimes when I'm talking to someone I'm like, "excuse me, but there's a Really Cool rock right behind you". No, I'm not that bad.

The "Boring" part might be the other way around though...I'm smart enough to see when someone's eyes glaze over as I tell them all the exciting details of Stone Tools...Treasures/Trails/Trees...etc...:) Sometimes the conversation ends with "Yeahhh, I gotta go"...OK Bye. I do have alot of friends though and some of them even bring me rocks....I have a thousand things to do and things I want to do and I guess dating isn't at the top of that list...not just now. (maybe Saturday) Kidding


What is this crap hope the moderators ban this idiot

a french perv -- not one of our "locals" ----calling all mods --life ban the perv

?? Now its just getting weird...u guys are making me feel bad. Guess I'm not too quick on the uptake here.

Sorry some idiot was spamming porn on everything sorry not against you

Sonofadigger...Oh wow...glad I missed that. Thanks


I am overwhelmed,reading about yourself.Your pic is awesome.I am glad to meet another girl "Colleen".

I am overwhelmed,reading about yourself.Your pic is awesome.I am glad to meet another girl "Colleen".

Thanks so much, AbbySimpsons...I appreciate the compliment and especially the fact that you know that my name "Colleen" means "Girl" in Gaelic.

This is a fun site and I'm meeting lots of nice people here...Glad to meet you, P.S.... I named my daughter Cailin, meaning "Irish Girl"...Gaelic for Colleen.


since I do shipwreck research ( I read old documents and maps ) I read french , spanish , german /dutch , as well as latin --thankfully you clearly do not not understand french --what he wrote was quite nasty and had no place on this site --thats why I called the "mods" done on him -- a lifetime ban for that sort of garbage would be quite fitting.

I am a long time charter (paid) member here --and mr " french porno man" is not the type of person we like around here.

MinerGirl said:
Sonofadigger...Oh wow...glad I missed that. Thanks


I probably should have been more clear about it once again sorry didnt mean to offend you in anyway

Well minergirl aka Colleen, welcome to mug shots and T-Net

That is a great portrait shot..

Play your cards right, you can have me... Play them wrong, you can still have me :laughing9:

Hi Ivan Salis and sonofadigger,

I understand now what happened but when I said I was glad I missed it is because the Mods had already taken it down...So I missed that post altogether. So Thanks for being so quick for getting it off my page! It was confusing because all I was reading was you two calling for a Ban and I thought.."What did I do"? Ha...

So Thanks again! Colleen P.S...I was "first chair" in French class...2 years of Spanish...Lots of years of Portuguese Need any translations for Portuguese Maps?...:) "Nao Fas Mal" (meaning as "Its Ok"..."No problem") or as my Father-in-law would say, "Aw, forget about it") Boy, I could sure tell that guy off in Portuguese!...Haha

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Spartacus53, Funny guy..Thanks...I see you're a poker player..(that other kind of poker)...:)

ronwoodcraft, Thanks...Always liked "Elly"...People used to call me "Tina" as in Tina Louise from Gilligan's Island...Then they were calling me Stephanie for Stephanie Powers on Hart to Hart...Then they'd see me when I'd have no make-up on and I was just "Colleen" again...:)

Thanks for the fun compliments...


Nao - in old spanish is a type of sailing cargo vessel * -- :laughing7:

Nao - in old spanish is a type of sailing cargo vessel * -- :laughing7:

Didn't know that. The "a" in the port. language "Nao" ("no") has a squiggly line over it. Don't know how to add those on the computer though.

I was fortunate enough to go to Portugal for 4 weeks a long time ago and we crossed into Spain into a border town from Northern Portugal. Very eye-opening trip for one who was never across the ocean. Lots of nice memories there...:)


Colleen, here's an interesting observation for you. From what I've seen most people that speak Portuguese can also speak and understand Spanish, but the Spanish have no clue when it comes to Portuguese. :tongue3: I started picking up some Portuguese when I worked for a Portuguese guy that had several Brazilians working for him. Dated several Brazilian woman and learned more. One thing I can tell you, it has to be the sexiest language out there, so soft and I love that accent.

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