nasa space shuttle.....

like I said, sure, add up all the royal weddings and the exact contributions that came from that cash, not the money spent after!!!

every king and queen spent billions also for their explorations or when you see the accomplishments vs. the cash spent...yea it is ok to ME personally. plus at the same time we gave the WORLD space and information and products. did any country pay for that info? geez, maybe we should charge countries for our exploration information.

nice to see other countries are grateful, but pony up some cash ok?

darn too late lol

spartacus53 said:
We had a good run in space exploration, surely made a ton of advancements in many sciences due to the operations, but it's too costly a program to keep running at the present time.

Since we've already made a great impact in the space program, why not explore the ocean :dontknow: We still have no clue what is going on right on our own planet. I am sure it will be more cost effective to have programs explore the mysteries in the ocean deep and perhaps make even greater advances in science going forward.

Just a thought :tongue3:

Spart my friend, there are still planned manned space missions, as per my earlier post, the Orion program is still on target......My complaint is the lag between the end of the Shuttle missions and the the first launch of the Orion in 2014 and first manned flight in 2016.....My complaint is they did not plan for the Shuttle to end closer to the start of the Orion program.........

The hitchhike is just a temporary solution, ...It appears the Orion spacecraft is still in the works. Orion is a spacecraft designed by Lockheed Martin for NASA Orion's development began in 2005 as part of the Constellation program, where Orion would fulfill the function of a Crew Exploration Vehicle.

Each Orion spacecraft is projected to carry a crew of four astronauts. The spacecraft was originally designed to be launched by the Ares I launch vehicle. As of 11 October 2010, with that being canceled the Ares program ended and the Orion vehicle is now planned to be launched on top of an intended cheaper alternative Space Launch System, to the Ares series.

The first orbital test flight of the Orion is planned for 2013, abort tests are planned are planned for 2014 and the first crewed Orion flight is projected for 2016. If commercial orbital transportation services are unavailable, Orion would handle logistic flights to the International Space Station

2011 (February) — AA-3 unmanned ascent abort test (low-altitude tumble test)
2012 (September) — Ares I-Y unmanned ascent abort test (high altitude)
2014 — First unmanned flight of Orion in Earth orbit
2016 — First manned flight of Orion in Earth orbit.
2015–2018 — First unmanned flight of Altair.
2016–2018 First manned flight of Altair.
2019 First manned lunar landing with Orion/Altair system.
2020 Review of Mars missions
2031 The Mission to Mars has tentative dates

@Spart' - Lol, you're such a doofus. (Oh God i'm talking Americanese!)
Yes mate the "Gotland" and the others in it's class are one hell of a sub'...and here's another "first" for Sweden:

...All this sneaky warlike material from a country that usually remains "neutral"! Hmm very curious.

There'll never be a ticker tape parade like for some of the space missions, for anything discovered under the seas mate. It just doesn't have the same "patriotic fervour" appeal. Unless that is "Atlantis" is discovered, but only if discovered by Americans, it's Geographically closer to the US than anywhere else, and an Atlantean era coca cola bottle is unearthed there! :tongue3:

@Skypilot - ALL navies call sub's a "boat" you nut! (sigh...what do pilots know?) :laughing9: :tongue3:

@Farmers - Gawd! You're supposed to be "the land of the free"...and now you want us to pay??? "Highly illogical captain". :hello:
Just remember, if it wasn't for a royal wedding Columbus wouldn't have discovered America, and all that cost was 3 small ships and supplies. I think the outcome far exceeded the cost?
Where would Mc Donalds be without fries? Phillip Morris without tobacco?...thank you sir Walter Raleigh. Imagine the royalties on potatoes and tobacco from 1589 - 2011. :o :tongue3:

Dano, I believe the US also has some destroyers in that class if I'm not mistaken :dontknow:

You want stealth, the USA will give you a stealth aircraft carrier. :headbang:

Anyway, we're going back to the good old days and finishing up a project the was started in WWII.. That's right, we'll have the first invisible aircraft carrier :thumbsup: Pykrete is making its comeback and will be force to recon with with. Pykrete is a mixture of woodpulp and water frozen, so it will look like an iceberg :tongue3:
I know the US and England were working on it, what I didn't know is they got the idea from a German scientist that was experimenting on this idea in the early 30's.

The only problem is we'll have to keep the vessel around one of the poles so the carrier won't melt :laughing9:

Yeah, i think the Royal Navy, US, Holland and France have stealth ships now too..but those Swedish ones were the worlds first to go operational, and as The US lost out on the number 1 spot they're not very interested anymore. :laughing9: :tongue3:

An aircraft carrier made of wood and ice eh? I heard the "no smoking" signs weigh more than the ship, there'll be that many! :laughing9:

Here's something to think about. Here's the cost of constructing the space station: $4,500,000,000 . Here's tha annual cost $2,310,000,000. It's the world's most expensive space and we have been paying the rent for 11 years. Frank

The shuttle landing woke me up for the last time this morning. I'm really going to miss that....

The most important thing the space program hasn't invented yet is a really good zero-g toilet. You laugh, but that's the only thing holding mankind back from exploring the universe....

Come on!!!
You can adapt a vacuum cleaner to sort the peeing problem out, with different adapters at the end for men and women!
As for crapping? A toilet or hole with suction control and magnets around the outside, and metallic boxers/panties with a hole in the right place!

It ain't rocket science, and it doesn't cost billions. In fact you can have it free of charge for all the hassle i give you yanks. Keep the "Royalties"! :icon_thumright:

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