Next Generation of Detectors beyond the Equinox 800


Bronze Member
Jan 29, 2018
North Atlanta
Detector(s) used
Currently have CTX3030 and Vanquish 440.
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
My wife worked for Intel for many years. I remember back in the late 1970’s she brought home a chart that predicted the micro processing power for their chip line for the next 30 years. It was a steady upward curve from the old early pc chip the 8088. Guess what, it was almost dead on the money. Gordon Moore of Intel fame developed Moore’s Law states that processor speeds, or overall processing power for computers will double every two years and the price will continue to decrease. Some say Moore’s law has hit a wall. I don’t think so. To get around that wall they invented multi-processors working in parallel. Want to know how small these processors are? See the image include with this article with an actual silicon wafer with hundreds of computer processor chips before they were cut into small chips and mounted in the casing. Keep in mind this wafer came from the late 1980’s. The micro processors of today are much smaller.

Here is how Garrett or any other metal detecting manufacture will get the jump on Minelab if they don’t do it first.

Technology everywhere is getting smaller, smarter and invading more products that were before just products that switch on and use.

The big new thing in software that makes these new powerful microprocessors useful is AI or artificial intelligence and machine learning where products that can actually learn.

In the present metal detecting world a small example of this I guess is the Equinox tracking ground balance. The microprocessor when told will keep auto adjusting your ground balance.

With the advances of AI, and machine learning here is what I think we may come to expect in our new metal detectors in the next five years.

You go to a hunt site and put your detector in the learn mode and swing over some of the ground and the detector will analyze the soil and perform automatic ground balance and also detect any noise interference and do an auto noise cancel.

While swinging it will analyze all of the signals beneath the coil and learn what is typically beneath the coil on this hunt. It will either already know what you are not looking for and not report at all the pull tabs, can slaw etc. It will also know when there is a good target. It will only report good targets.

How will it know this? There will be a reject button and on the last signal after you dig something that is junk, you press the reject learn button and the detector will know that this last signal is of no use to you and learn that information for future compares. It will store the complete data of the rejected signal. Millions of bits of information that go way beyond mere audio sounds and display readings. It will develop a complete profile on the unwanted target. It will do this for all the targets you dig and decide to manual learn reject until it no longer reports any of your junk targets.

On the flip side when you dig a good target like a silver dime or gold ring it again will store the huge amounts of data on the target when you pressed the accept learn button. Soon your detector on this hunt will know exactly what you are looking for and not looking for. Yes you can on the Equinox 800 reject and add to the discriminate functions so this type of learning is available, but on a very limited means. The new machine will be able to store millions of bits of information on all types of targets that your present day detectors are incapable of doing so.

You will be able to store these different hunt profiles to use later when you are hunting similar types of sites.

Remember these future microprocessors will be capable of storing much more detail data about good and bad targets than is now reported with our current detectors with tones and numbers. Tones are difficult for the average detectorists to really process the fine differences. Some detectorists with great hearing abilities and memories and determination can do this exceptionally well and are the more successful hunters.

But to the average detectorist deciding if the signal is a screw cap or silver coin can be a challenge. Not with the new breed of metal detectors using AI and machine learning capabilities. Ironically these new breed of AI detectors will evolve back into beep and dig detectors like the detectors of old but with almost absolute confidence on reporting only good targets.

These new detectors will have hundreds of gigabytes of storage to handle these new saved learned hunt profiles and the processor speeds will be 100X or 1000x the speed of current microprocessors of today able to pick out the even smallest differences and characteristics of these targets. They will absolutely know the difference between silver, copper, aluminum, iron, brass etc. Machine learning and AI is really about processor speed and storage. The rest is up to the machine language programmer who will write programs that allow our future metal detectors to learn from our actual usage of our metal detectors and only report the targets we are seeking. PS: I am maxxkatt on other metal detecting forums.


Have to figure it will get to that one day. When that happens, it will bring us full circle back to the original "Beep and Dig" machine.:icon_thumright:

The big question is whether there going to price it so more people would actually be able to buy it. Just like the Equinox. Time will tell.

Nice write up:icon_thumright:

Still waiting for a gyroscopic beer holder

The evolution of computers and chips is all a function of "faster and smaller". And all that you are dreaming about, is not going to be solved by a function of "faster and smaller".

Think , for example, about the Spectrum & XLT. When that came out, there was initial speculation that ... since all the various targets had "signatures", that it could be put-to-use to differentiate gold rings from tabs, for instance. But it never quite worked that way, as you know. And no amount of "faster and smaller" changes the fact that there is still only so much signal you can pump into the ground, and only so much info you can bring back out of the ground. Ground is a solid object, after all.

And as you know, subtle differences in swing speed, coil height, tilt of target, ground minerals, depth of target, etc... all play a part on the exact TID signal you will get back. There's infinite variables on the targets we dig (eg.: shapes, sizes, weights of gold rings).

The only constant TID 'signature' we can count on, is USA coins. Since those are all identical. But to tell junk apart from gold rings, is not going to be solved with faster-&-smaller chips. Jewelry has infinite variations.

And to all you manufacturers out there - lighter weight!

I agree with what you predict. I feel metal detectors should already be much better than they are. These companies should have already been collecting a data base of signal returns, and the object associated with it. The processing power available now, should be able to tell you the difference between a pull tab, and a gold ring, or a large coin or soda can, because I know if those return signals were analyzed as thoroughly as they could be, they are not the same.

Several thousand signals, stored and accessible in a program, should ID with a high probability, and absolutely reject the trash. You Deus and 3030 folks....Is this what your machines do? If so, they may be worth the extra coin.

Yeah or how about a drone type that flies two feet in front of you?

Interesting post, thank you for sharing! :occasion14:

It will not matter anyway. In a few years we will just let our robots go and hunt for us. They can dig too...a lot faster then we can. We can sit at home and the bots can bring the "finds" back to us. Won't that be fun?

Only if they also bring cold beer

.... The processing power available now, should be able to tell you the difference between a pull tab, and a gold ring, or a large coin or soda can, because I know if those return signals were analyzed as thoroughly as they could be, they are not the same.....

Re: "They are not the same". SURE ! You're right . If you took 100 data-point measurements of a pulltab, and 100 data point measurements of a gold ring, they would "be different". Heck, you don't even need "processing power now available" to deduce that. Even the XLT (circa 1990s) would read out a different graph/smear on each item. Showing a distinct difference.

Therefore, logically, you ought to be able to tell "gold from aluminum", eh ?

Here's the problem: In the same way that there is a "difference" between each gold ring and each tab, aluminum slaw & foil wads, etc.. Yet SO TOO is there a "difference" between each gold ring and every other gold ring. And SO TOO is there a "difference" between each foil wad, each aluminum slaw, each tab, etc....

And computing power doesn't solve this. No amount of "faster and smaller" (the computer revolution) solves this.

What you need, is not simply "More computer power" thrown at our existing detector technology. Instead, you need an altogether DIFFERENT form of detection, in the first place. Eg.: one that reads composition. And not just conductivity .

I agree with your last sentence. I don't understand enough or hardly any at all about the physics behind that. It is a lot to wrap my head around the conductivity process. I know on the Mars probes they somehow analyze the minerals. But how exactly do they do that? I know through chemistry you can easily determine the differences in metals but how to do that through 10 inches of dirt is the question. Is conductivity the only current method? Apparently so or the detector manufacturers would already be doing that and making a fortune.

Here is a thought, they have devices to tell you the karat of gold objects that actually touch the gold object and give you a reading on the karat rating. On what principles do these devices operate?

If you could actually contact a metal and tell the composition, then simply attach that circuit to a probe that you could probe for your target much like some guys pop out targets with a brass probe.

I personally would like to see some kind of advancement in imaging where you could see the shape of the object in the ground. Also, I've always hoped they would come out with a detector that would be able to somehow detect arrowheads and other Indian artifacts based on their shape. Maybe show on the meter arrowhead, spearpoint, axe, gaming stone when you go across it. Oh and also if any detector designers are watching, please put a tiny clock on the detection screen. So annoying that something so simple they never put on it when all smartphones have it and would make it so nice when your out detecting and want to know the time and not have to stop and pull out your phone.

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pulltab, I see what your drawing, but this drawing has peaked for the VLF detector I'm afraid. There might be something to a new type of PI detector or some other form of conduction or other process available for detecting. But there are just too many variables in the mix. You can't throw more energy in the ground without blowing out shallow targets, No amount of computing will fix the variables, you would need to know each individual table element's complete break down in every capacity and that's a lot to compute. You can compute the basics of the process, ( Its done now) but all of this has limitations. Polarity, Ferromagnetic anomalies. I too would love to see some new form of conduction or new processing come along but not likely yet. But who knows you have the seven different EM waves and the science for each maybe something there. Its close to the same depth for accurate targeting and max depth at finding targets across the board, for any brand and that should say something.
Stay Gold!

It will not matter anyway. In a few years we will just let our robots go and hunt for us. They can dig too...a lot faster then we can. We can sit at home and the bots can bring the "finds" back to us. Won't that be fun?

Now that's a scary & thought.

Esp , for my Lex Luthor Mindset . Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

Only if they also bring cold beer

Ill take a Coke thank you cause Beer will have me & my 'Smart' machine Fighting as ill think it's totaling up the total worth of my finds & sending the info to the IRS. YNK?

pulltab, I see what your drawing, but this drawing has peaked for the VLF detector I'm afraid. There might be something to a new type of PI detector or some other form of conduction or other process available for detecting. But there are just too many variables in the mix. You can't throw more energy in the ground without blowing out shallow targets, No amount of computing will fix the variables, you would need to know each individual table element's complete break down in every capacity and that's a lot to compute. You can compute the basics of the process, ( Its done now) but all of this has limitations. Polarity, Ferromagnetic anomalies. I too would love to see some new form of conduction or new processing come along but not likely yet. But who knows you have the seven different EM waves and the science for each maybe something there. Its close to the same depth for accurate targeting and max depth at finding targets across the board, for any brand and that should say something.
Stay Gold!

I wish that I could have stated this as Opie did.

The thing that measures metal content is ' in my words ' Either a Stable or handheld scanner Most Coin dealers use them or they should , my recycling yard even had one . I looked into getting one a few years back , the Co, selling them wanted mucho info on just why I wanted one , I said "to make sure what my metals / alloys are & to play with " , anyway they were over 10,000 at that time .


I am coming about and understanding this that what you say is true and we need a new form of analysis other than conductivity. Tom_in_CA basically said the same thing. Vferrarri is somewhat silent on the post.

I'm thinking the next step might be ground penetrating radar if they can shrink the size from a push mower to a metal detector.
And with a display which would start out looking like an pixelated 80's fish finder screen to today's side scan sonar display.

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