No more park hunting..........


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
Western Mass.
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I had the boss of the grounds crew tell me"sorry,you can't dig here"....crappola!He was one of those slick talkers saying "You can take it up with the Administrator"...I can see this will lead NOWHERE,someones private interpretation coming out of this one!!

Clad for the last 6 hunts,now on to other areas....sigh,was such a GOOD area...8 Gold and lots of Silver Jewelry

GOD Bless



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That sucks. Next thing you'll see is him swinging out there.

Not sure what the situation is where you are...
but here... "grounds guys" have no say in a park... and no "authority" to tell anyone what they can and cannot do.
The job they have been hired to do is to "tend" the grounds... not enforce the rules or park policies...
I would have asked for the "administrators" name and telephone number...
And asked for the "groundskeepers" name...

The only person who can or cannot tell you what you can and cannot do would be an official person.

Just food for thought...
I would go back and look for that same grounds keeper... and approach him nicely and ask him...
"Remember me ?... Can you please give me the name and number of the person I need to talk to concerning metal detecting this park"...

See if his "demeanor" changes... COULD BE that this guy thinks he is "park Sherriff" and is on some power trip that in fact he has no authority to do so.

P.S> One thing I have always done when in a new park or a park in question is... look for a cop... stop the cop and ask him.
If the cop has no "knowledge"... then do not worry... OR cop is gonna say one way or another... if that is his "beat".

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I have to agree with ARRC, sounds to me like someone is a little to big for his britches. Probably he feels you are going to cause him more work and this is his way of stopping that and more or less lied to you. I would go back find out who you need to speak with ask the guy his name and I bet he will change his tune.
Its all about standing your ground, most ppl will talk crap to you st first till you call their bluff then they fold like a house of cards.

Not sure what the situation is where you are...
but here... "grounds guys" have no say in a park... and no "authority" to tell anyone what they can and cannot do.
The job they have been hired to do is to "tend" the grounds... not enforce the rules or park policies...
I would have asked for the "administrators" name and telephone number...
And asked for the "groundskeepers" name...

The only person who can or cannot tell you what you can and cannot do would be an official person.

Just food for thought...
I would go back and look for that same grounds keeper... and approach him nicely and ask him...
"Remember me ?... Can you please give me the name and number of the person I need to talk to concerning metal detecting this park"...

See if his "demeanor" changes... COULD BE that this guy thinks he is "park Sherriff" and is on some power trip that in fact he has no authority to do so.

P.S> One thing I have always done when in a new park or a park in question is... look for a cop... stop the cop and ask him.
If the cop has no "knowledge"... then do not worry... OR cop is gonna say one way or another... if that is his "beat".

He would make a good"politician"such a slick talker,"we've been watching you for awhile"my reply was.."show me a hole I've "plugged"(never use the word DIG). I just don't want to get into a hassle,there are other places to hunt...some where.

I too firmly believe he does not have the position to tell you "No".

I'd go back and hunt it, If he brought it up again I would ask him to show me "anything" that says I can't MD in this park. If he has a problem with it "HE" needs to take it up with the administrator.

I always ask myself, "would he have said anything if I was throwing a Frisbee, playing crocket, etc."

I would simply look up the rules to the park. Then, if it does not expressly forbid the use of metal detectors. I would go on about my business and hunt. If he has a problem with that, have HIM prove to you.
You see, anyone on a power trip, especially one who has the polished shinola of "slick talking" down. Is almost ALWAYS running a bluff in order to keep his private little honey hole, private, to himself.

Man will go to EXTREME measures for "gold"! If you buy into the bluff, that's what he's counting on. If he gets fired from his hoity toity position because of his not being nice to the "customers" of that park. Well, then he can go back to hunting and leaving holes and trash around so he can "prove" what bad people we are, but, he'll also be at risk!

I agree that the last thing I want is hassle and that there are enough places around to last me the rest of my life. I just consider anyone shoving their rules down my throat a hassle as well. Because, NOW, I have to do the work to find ANOTHER spot, when I HAD one!

Let us know how it turns out.

Nice digs. Too bad that you can't hunt that park.

Another power hungry human being - that's all. Tell me where the park is, I'll hunt it!! :icon_thumleft:

Sorry, you guys are missing the point... The worker said no digging allowed, not no metal detecting. To many detectorists think they have to use shovels, cut plugs, etc to retrieve a coin. instead of popping them out. I've kept our county parks open to detectors, but shovels aren't allowed. We had one guy leaving holes and when approached and shown the correct way to cover his damage he cussed out the park worker which got on his radio to the deputy. The guy got a ticket for damaging county property, got fined hefty amount in court to resod the area. He can still metal detect in the parks but can't damage them.

Sorry, you guys are missing the point... The worker said no digging allowed, not no metal detecting. .

I completely agree with the idea that the MOST minimal method of retrieval is paramount! But, I don't think this is a case of damage to the park. I do not use anything more than a small garden trowel or even just a screwdriver. But, it sounded like a power trip to me. This "smooth talker", most assuredly has another agenda. If people continue to gear up and haul long handled shovels into parks. They WILL ALL go away!

And, this, to me is, in a way, a shame. I don't know the breakdown of ages in this hobby but I suspect there are a LOT of elder/retired people who are just trying to enjoy the last years of their life. This hobby is a super way to get out, get exercise and be healthier. the later years it is a lot harder to even get down on one's knees. Let alone get back up! Answer? A longer handle so one doesn't have to be eliminated from what might've been a lifetime hobby. They make EVERYthing handicap accessible, but, an aide to help the people who made the country safe enough to have parks to enjoy? They just need to shut up and go sit in their rocking chair.

I know, I got too far astray. Just fuel for thought. I still think this guy has his own detector and is trying to keep "his" spot free of competition. I'd call him on it.

Not sure what the situation is where you are...
but here... "grounds guys" have no say in a park... and no "authority" to tell anyone what they can and cannot do.
The job they have been hired to do is to "tend" the grounds... not enforce the rules or park policies...
I would have asked for the "administrators" name and telephone number...
And asked for the "groundskeepers" name...

The only person who can or cannot tell you what you can and cannot do would be an official person.

Just food for thought...
I would go back and look for that same grounds keeper... and approach him nicely and ask him...
"Remember me ?... Can you please give me the name and number of the person I need to talk to concerning metal detecting this park"...

See if his "demeanor" changes... COULD BE that this guy thinks he is "park Sherriff" and is on some power trip that in fact he has no authority to do so.

P.S> One thing I have always done when in a new park or a park in question is... look for a cop... stop the cop and ask him.
If the cop has no "knowledge"... then do not worry... OR cop is gonna say one way or another... if that is his "beat".

It really depends on the rules in your area. I have worked as a seasonal at a county park the last two years and the rangers were also the grounds crew so he may in fact have the authority. As a seasonal I was not commissioned LE but the county had an ordinance where if an employee of the park asks you to leave and you don't you are trespassing although I never had to do that. That being said when I saw someone detecting the park all I did was jealously watched him for a bit then went back to work. Laws/ordinances for the park should be clear on your city/county website.

All depends how your park structures their employees.


To bad about the run in....luckily I know most of the park maintenance crews in my area they usually just waive or will stop and see if I've found anything.

I hope you manage to get it sorted out.

Regards + HH


Maybe you just go back to hunting there and if he approaches you again, tell him to "go take it up with the administrator"

I see they are getting strict in that park ! I can sent park two towns over but its a dangerous you might to carry a gun!

Groundskeepers, Little League coaches, soccer coaches and so on have no right to tell you to leave any public park or field. I take zero garbage from them. They always threaten to call the cops, but the cops never show up. Why? Because it's a waste of their time or they know it's not against any law to detect at that spot.

Stand up for your right to detect or we'll all lose that right ASAP.

Go to the city parks web site and see if they have metal detecting rules. If so print them out to take with you. Here in Spokane we can detect using only screw drivers in all but a couple of parks. Numerous times care takers have told me I can't metal detect there. I show them the info and demonstrate I fill in my holes. Most of the time park maintenance doesn't care if you are filling in your holes and taking the trash out. I also fill in other idiots holes. But most of the grounds maintenance ask me to leave sprinkler heads uncovered for them.

Sorry, you guys are missing the point... The worker said no digging allowed, not no metal detecting. To many detectorists think they have to use shovels, cut plugs, etc to retrieve a coin. instead of popping them out. I've kept our county parks open to detectors, but shovels aren't allowed. We had one guy leaving holes and when approached and shown the correct way to cover his damage he cussed out the park worker which got on his radio to the deputy. The guy got a ticket for damaging county property, got fined hefty amount in court to resod the area. He can still metal detect in the parks but can't damage them.

So use of a "back hoe" is out ? ... :)

Sheesh the gravity of it all :)

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