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This one hasn't been dowsed yet



So far, I only have 1 definite hit for a possible gold cache, it is in the black circle area. If accurate locators using ground resistance are that accurate.....I'm going to buy me one and go around digging up gold bar caches everywhere in the Philippines.


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More defined types of hits. Red arrow points to gold signals, but have a feeling it still could be somebody's valuables. If the story, is true, a gold bar cache would have to be under one of the 3 houses in this smaller cropped section. Green box area indicates Japanese military signals.

The house to be demolished is somewhere within this cropped section of photo. So, if no dowsers get a hit on the right house, it proves either map dowsing doesn't work or the electronic equipment.


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Please let us know what you find, after the house is demolished, you go over the spot with GPR, then hire the gold diggers to come in to dig up the place.

So, my hit isn't the right house. I think I'm going to go back to my original hit in the area off the left side of the building I marked. Why should dowsing results have to conform to signals from any electronic devices or a treasure related story? If the gold diggers don't find anything, that is where you should look.

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Info on How to Find Jap Treasure


If there is no treasure or gold buried underground in the area you search, even the best and most technologically advanced metal or gold detector cannot detect it because there are no gold bars underneath in the first place. So, to say that one will come over to the Philippines to find gold everywhere using a detector will be a waste of time and money.

When seeking for World War II Japanese army buried treasure, the site chosen must have these hard facts as indicators for a positive site:

1. The history of the site – was there Jap Army activity there during the war; like a camp, garrison or POW camp during WW 2? If any of these were on the site before, there is a good chance that there is gold because Marcos found gold in some Japanese center of activities. Not all of them have gold buried in them though.

2. Has a Jap Army map/plan for the burial site been found and/or are there Jap Army treasure markers in the area? If there is a map for the site and there are markers or signs in the site, there definitely is gold buried unless it has been excavated already.

3. Is there a live witness (Japanese or Filipino) who can attest to seeing the gold bars buried in the area? Some old Japanese soldiers have come back to locate and recover. There are also some Filipino old timers who witnessed the burial of gold bars. They can testify to the site being positive.

4. Has any type of reliable gold or metal detector confirmed gold underground? If not, you can come over to complete the necessary ingredients for finding gold bars. Some Filipinos have detectors that confirmed the gold but cannot detect its depth as it is the more expensive ones that are capable of detecting depth more accurately. Some have the most sophisticated units too.

When the site history is positive and treasure markers/signs/codes are found in the area, even if there is no live witness, then it is time to bring in the metal or gold detectors because of the other indicators that there is Jap treasure in that site. With a live witness and treasure markers in the site, you can also be sure the site is positive but you still need a good detector to pinpoint it and determine the depth.

Of course it is also possible to detect gold without any other evidence or indicators, but this is by chance only and you really cannot afford to be going everywhere just hoping to luckily detect gold, right? It is better to start in a positive site as established by the indicators mentioned above.

A resistivity type detector will detect gold or metal if there are any gold bars underground as long as it has the capacity to detect the treasure’s burial depth, and also if the type of soil is one it can work in. Each type of detector works only for certain types of ground soil. There is not one type of detector that works in all types of soil except the L-Rod if it has the capacity to detect deeply buried gold. Some say it can detect any depth; some say it just detects coin and artifact depth. Frankly I don’t know much about dowsing but am open to it.

If the gold detector you have detects up to 60 feet only and the gold bars are buried down at 120 feet, it can’t discover it at all. This means that if #1 and # 2 above are evident and your machine detects nothing, you need a unit that can detect deeper. The Japanese soldiers did not leave treasure marks/signs if they did not bury gold. Find out also if the markers are old and genuine. The rocks they used are immovable, not just large rocks. (See photo attached as a sample external marker used by ****. A circle means that a deposit was made by the Jap Army.)

The type of soil in the site determines which type of detector you use; a GPR won’t work in clay or salty ground or sand; it works best in rock and sand as long as it is not beach sand. So spending US30,000 to US$50,000 for a GPR will be a waste for that treasure site if it cannot detect in that soil type. Find out first what the soil kind is in your site before you buy or rent one.

Local gold dowsers using L-rods have detected shallow buried gold bars. A Vector Trek PDF-1000 frequency detector uses L-rods and I have seen it detect gold contrary to what others say. It can detect down to 120 feet. Some have declared it useless because it has not detected anything. How can it detect gold that is not there in the first place because they did not know about the site’s history and there were no treasure markers or signs in the area?

I would not attempt to recover treasure based on history or Jap markers/signs alone. A confirmed detection using a gold detector has to be done before I do. With a map I would, but no maps are available now.

To recap, any detector including the basic L-rods cannot detect gold bars if there is none underneath, comprendes? Make sure the site is positive for history and treasure markers before you join the hunt.

So before you foreign treasure hunters come with your money and detectors or rods to find treasure here, find out if the site you want to check-out has at least 2 of the indicators above such as #1 and #2.

I also caution you to make sure you are in contact with the right people as there are some posing to be treasure hunters out to scam foreigners. Bear in mind that not everyone is a scammer though.

I am not looking for partners or investors; I simply am trying out map or photo dowsing for future use if it works at all. I have a treasure hunting spirit and am sharing what I know here with anyone who has the same spirit as I have. May you find your treasure.

If some of you establish contacts (in the Philippines) with the right, honest and genuine treasure hunters in need of detectors and funding for recovery operations, after you come and detect the area as positive, it is important you assess the cost to excavate. For ex. If the site has to go underneath a hill and a tunnel has to be dug, without a Japanese army map for the site, you may never find the gold. They were geniuses in designing the burial of the gold that you can’t find without the map.

You will spend a lot of money and not find the gold bars. So I strongly suggest go for the simpler sites buried by Japanese officers and soldiers who robbed the Emperors gold stash for themselves. They buried them in a hurry and not too deep. Remember wisdom is necessary in evaluating and planning the recovery of the treasure. Money, muscle and modern equipment are not enough by themselves for treasure recovery without a site map. Of course the right site with a map or other indicators without the detector and money may not work too. Proper use of the treasure map specifically for your site, if you understand Japanese and the codes and symbols, is sufficient to recover the gold.

The money you plan to invest to find gold here must not be borrowed money or your lifetimes savings, you could go broke if you don’t know what you are doing or if you end up with the wrong guys. Use money you can afford to lose without being hurt, unless you are filthy rich. Or find someone filthy rich willing to gamble his money.

So are you wondering if I have found gold bars already? This is on a need to know basis and you really don’t need to know. Why? It’s above your pay grade. He, he

I am seeking for an accurate map or photo dowser so I can save on expenses for going to faraway areas or islands here just to check-out the site, even if it has 2 solid indicators like #1 and #2. If my trusted map/photo dowser says there is no gold there, why should I go? On the other hand, If one who is not accurate tells me to go because it is positive and I go, I will waste time and money when I go and detect nothing there. The gold may have been excavated already. Thus, the need for an accurate and gifted map dowser.

If you are a gifted one reading this, contact me through my PM.

My special thanks to a Treasurenet member who has been communicating with me in this concern.

To your successful treasure hunting everyone!

Note: The attachment pictures are external treasure markers or pointers made by the Japanese army for their burial sites. Only the Circular coral rock is mine, the rest have been found by someone else. This should give you guys and idea of what some Site indicators look like


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Both sites with pictures I posted have 2 indicators I mentioned like history and treasure markers, plus confirmation with detectors. One has a live witness, an old Jap soldier who came and asked permission to dig the gold under the house. So there is gold there indeed. But you can't just destroy other people's property right away. You have to patiently wait till they approve.

So the map dowser if accurate should be able to spot the right house? Or in an open field, mark the right spot. I know this isn't easy so I am not complaining.

Thanks Randy but there has to be one answer only, or rather one house to mark. I won't tell you which one because I am still hoping someone else will join here. You are a good sport and true hunter. Someday I hope we can meet.

These 3 rock signs/markers (Circular Hole, Turtle and a triangle) are all found in the Jap Marks, Codes, signs given by some Japanese to Filipinos after they came and recovered their treasure.

Ok Ed, sounds like you know what you're doing. Thanks for sharing the photos and all the info. I have seen the triangular type of Japanese markers already. A Filipino dowser who I've dowsed a lot maps and photos for found such a marker. Well, good luck on your hunting!

In fact Ed, if you want I might be able to put you in email contact with my Filipino dowser has been a couple months since hearing from him, hope everything is ok. Probably should send an email and see what is going on.

I sent an email, if he responds I'll forward it to you. This one type Japanese marker that was found.


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There is not one type of detector that works in all types of soil except the L-Rod if it has the capacity to detect deeply buried gold. Some say it can detect any depth; some say it just detects coin and artifact depth. Frankly I don’t know much about dowsing but am open to it.
To recap, any detector including the basic L-rods cannot detect gold bars if there is none underneath, comprendes? Make sure the site is positive for history and treasure markers before you join the hunt.
I also find that L rods have a few limits...I can read a silver dime for only about 70 paces and a silver dollar for a little less than a mile....a few flakes of placer gold for 40 paces, a ¼ oz nugget for just under a ¼ mile and a ½ oz nugget for a ½ mile...As far as the depth the deepest that I have found was 60 feet...And yes ..if nothing is there nothing will be found...Art


On the photo you attached, that is a double triangle and not in the Treasure Marks, Codes and Symbols of the Jap Army. A single triangle is either a sign for a direction marker or an indicator for Gold deposit.

I don't think the **** painted these two joined triangles. What this means is the large triangle points to the direction and the smaller triangle indicates a gold deposited or buried in that direction.

Okay send me his email but I am looking for a map and photo dowser, we have one in the team who can use L-rods too.


Thanks for the info Art.

The PDF-1000 with L-rods, one of our team uses has been modified. He placed a witness chamber on one handle for the L-rods and he places liquid mercury on the other handle. He also uses a black cloth jacket for the L-rods and he says this filters out false signals that are not gold. The electronic unit has a probe in the ground that send out the gold frequency and when it hits gold, it radiates a stronger signal that the L-rods detect.

I don't know what the liquid mercury does but he swears by it. He has a 1/4 gram of gold on the other one as like begets like, he says. It has been successful in detecting gold with his modifications.

Ed, I just got a reply but it was all feedback on his searches. Either he didn't understand or wants to keep his searches to himself and friends. Any,way, I can send you his email, if you want to make contact.

Okay Randy, he doesn't reply either. He must be out digging...

Probably, usually seems to be where he is, think I'd be out digging too!

IT might be in the area,some where,but i get nothing in the house picture's,sorry.

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