President Barack Obama Recites the Gettysburg Address

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I would just add that if you feel your religion should be promoted by government officials giving speeches, what happens when someone who doesn't share your religion is giving the speech? Do you have the right to force them to follow your religion under our Constitution? We ALL have freedom of religion in this country, true or false? So acting as if you can have the expectation that only your religion will be voiced and promoted isn't really valid, is it? My Dad talks sometimes about how prayer and God have been removed from public schools, and I remind him that is false. And how would you feel if Muslims were praying openly in public schools, which is their right? Or Wiccans? Or satan worshippers? Rights aren't limited to specific religions are they? Think before you seek to impose your perspective on others, or you might find yourself on the receiving end of that some day. "Do unto others, that which you would have them do unto you"

It was actually aliens that came down and gave him the copy. Oops, that secret wasnt supposed to get out.

Please do not mock my posts.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!


Our President read the version he was asked to read by the person producing the film - Ken Burns.

Your disrespect for our President and the office he holds isn't surprising - it's too bad, none the less.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo
You must earn respect. He has not earned mine.
The unfortunate thing about this thread is - not only are Lincoln's great words of wisdom lost here. Words honoring the men and boys who gave everything for our freedom. This thread uses these words to impeach and disrespect our current president. That doesn't sit well with me. it shouldn't sit well with anyone.
He should be impeached. That would sit with me just fine.

I keep hearing they will put the BOs recital of the speech in schools around the country??? Why? What makes his rendition better than a junior bush or even a clinton? What is the real reason?
And where did he recite this speach?
Looks like further indoctrination to me!

J.B. I observe actions and I don't like what I see with actions of this administration.
I don't believe for one min. that he just read what was handed to him.

The man has a problem with the ALMIGHTY. His words and behavior have shown this .
Time and time again. Yet their are those that still believe him and suck up the dribble that oozes out of his facial orifice. It's beyond my level of comprehension. This man has done more damage to the constitutionality of this country than any other president, not to mention bipartisanship. Drink up suckers.


I remember when the Republicans staged a reading of the US Constitution in Congress.

They managed to leave out the parts about slavery and establishing a Post Office.


I remember when the Republicans staged a reading of the US Constitution in Congress.

They managed to leave out the parts about slavery and establishing a Post Office.


Awww that was nice of them... it would have looked REALLY bad for the Dems otherwise.

I remember when the Republicans staged a reading of the US Constitution in Congress.

They managed to leave out the parts about slavery and establishing a Post Office.


And why would that matter?

A . Lincoln was a Republican. ...

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

And why would he not read the only copy Lincoln ever signed and dated, the copy the newspapers at the time it was given was printed, and the only copy currently on display in the White House.

I don't buy he read the copy he was handed, like it was just given to him and told "read this."

Here is a copy of "Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper",*New York.

Printed on December 5, 1863. Leslie’s Weekly and Harpers Weekly are the 2 most famous And widely read News papers of the time. Both contain the word God in the address.


We will NOT go quitely into the night!

TH, for us to accept the copy you keep representing as the only one and true copy of the address would have us believe that you have solved and resolved the mystery of which copy of the address is the true copy. Something that historians have so far not been able to do.

That you believe it to be the true copy is fine. Go with it! But pounding away at the point isn't going to give you greater validity.

What happened here is simple. Obama was asked to participate in a Documentary program. Like all the other participants he was given a copy of the address to read. You can bet that that copy was vetted by his top advisers. Who more than likely said some on the Xright are going to vilify you for this. His reaction, they already hate me, so no loss there. The upside - your recital can be used in every public school in America where the under God version can not. Obama weighed the consequences and did the speech.

This is such a non issue that there was no mention of it on right wing TV last night or this morning.

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We know how it goes in a public school system. Some nut complains that the Ramadan Display violates their daughter's right to an education free from religion. Then the school district is faced with the choice between a civil rights lawsuit or taking the display down. Just because one parent objected. Welcome to America - where the price of of religious freedom is separation of church and state.

Yes, you thought i would use Christmas tree in my example above. Now you get the point!

We know how it goes in a public school system. Some nut complains that the Ramadan Display violates their daughter's right to an education free from religion. Then the school district is faced with the choice between a civil rights lawsuit or taking the display down. Just because one parent objected. Welcome to America - where the price of of religious freedom is separation of church and state.

Yes, you thought i would use Christmas tree in my example above. Now you get the point!

Very good point. Cant have it both ways. In 2013, we are not a "Christian society", as some might believe in their fairy tale world.

TH, for us to accept the copy you keep representing as the only one and true copy of the address would have us believe that you have solved and resolved the mystery of which copy of the address is the true copy. Something that historians have so far not been able to do.

That you believe it to be the true copy is fine. Go with it! But pounding away at the point isn't going to give you greater validity.

What happened here is simple. Obama was asked to participate in a Documentary program. Like all the other participants he was given a copy of the address to read. You can bet that that copy was vetted by his top advisers. Who more than likely said some on the Xright are going to vilify you for this. His reaction, they already hate me, so no loss there. The upside - your recital can be used in every public school in America where the under God version can not. Obama weighed the consequences and did the speech.

This is such a non issue that there was no mention of it on right wing TV last night or this morning.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over not getting greater validity from the left.

The one I posted is the only version Lincoln dated and signed, is the only one displayed in the white house, is the one found in school history books prior to 2008 and is the one printed in the local newspapers right after speech was given...

Leslie's Weekly and Harpers Weekly both carried same version right after speech and were competing newspapers.

Left may want to rewrite history, I choose the version signed by Lincoln and printed in papers right after the time speech was given.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

duh! Lincoln signed an dated copy of the speech...RE-written from MEMORY...because some people wanted a souvenir...
that doesn't make the signed copy more valid that the original on a piece of scrap paper...just the opposite actually.

So, we are going to purposely dumb down our children because God is a scary word, just like the "N" word?? Maybe he could have said "under G" instead. You guys are missing the point just to jump in front of ol' dumbo to take another bullet for him. IF, I say "IF" it is widely accepted that Lincoln said "under God" in the address, shouldn't THAT be the version passed down? Say your little students aren't supposed to hear about death or wanting to die. C'mon, hear me out. Now, you are going to teach the little lambs a little about history. You are now going to tell them about Patrick Henry saying "Give me liberty or give me death". Shall we change that to "Give me liberty or give me a time out"? Same thing, whether it's God or anything else, don't change real history to fit an AGENDA.

duh! Lincoln signed an dated copy of the speech...RE-written from MEMORY...because some people wanted a souvenir...
that doesn't make the signed copy more valid that the original on a piece of scrap paper...just the opposite actually.

Duh, I guess the reporters on hand at time the speech was given must have heard a different speech version ....

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

UM, nobody says the government should promote religion. How do you get so confused on an issue? Because you want to shield your herder at all cost, that's how. I am saying, "Do not change history to fit your agenda. Atheists, satan worshipers, muslims and all can believe and say whatever they want. If I am going to repeat what one of them has said, I would not change it because I don't believe in Allah. If he said Allah Akbar" I wouldn't omit or change it to "Jesus rules." Let history stay as clear as possible so we all know what and where we came from." This is Kennedy's inaugural speech. Please don't scare the little lambs with the God or He or Him references. We can change all those refernces to o-bama I guess. "Ask what your community organizer can get for you". THAT would make a great speech!
"Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You"

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OB, I do not disrespect the office of the president, just the guy in the office.
Let me add, I disrespect his whole group of cronies!!....with a passion!! Looky there, I'm not afraid to say it. The guy's a putz and so are his enablers. The closest I can compare him to Lincoln is a Lincoln log!

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