Nope... none from me; you've NEVER been in this area, have NO "documentation" for YOUR constant "abuse" of "believers".
ALL of it is just your opinion; you have a "right" to your opinion; YOU have!
CONSTANTLY; only on this FORUM.
We ALL know "where YOU "stand".

So judgmental.
There are always at least TWO sides and/or versions to every story, legend, and lore.
On these TN Beale threads several more than that have been presented, and most without the slightest basis in fact-ALL based on one's opinion, and questioning this opinion is not "abuse" and should not cause "believers", as you call them, grief, but provide other avenues of thought on the Beale story.
We ALL know "where YOU "stand", but do not take issue with it.

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NO "collaborating evidence" outside of the BPP that it is NOT true, either; do YOU have such...?

NO "collaborating evidence" outside of the BPP that it is NOT true, either; do YOU have such...?

Do you have conclusive collaborating evidence that the Beale perilous adventure actually occurred outside of the Beale Papers pamphlet?
If so, you are the ONLY one to have discovered this "evidence" in 135 years.

Easy guys... Balance each other graciously...Balance. You're a source of Intel around the tale here. Real or not.
Different views can compete. Compete for conversation's sake. It's a ballet , not a slam dance.
Tons of history around the tale. No offence , but that gets interesting too. And frames the possibilities of what was goin on .
Stuff (even including the/an odd fact) gets revealed that I would not know to search for. And some that is not easy to find for viewers.

Do you have conclusive collaborating evidence that the Beale perilous adventure actually occurred outside of the Beale Papers pamphlet?
If so, you are the ONLY one to have discovered this "evidence" in 135 years.
LOL! NOT in that "Box/Cage", YOU are... STUCK!

Easy guys... Balance each other graciously...Balance. You're a source of Intel around the tale here. Real or not.
Different views can compete. Compete for conversation's sake. It's a ballet , not a slam dance.
Tons of history around the tale. No offence , but that gets interesting too. And frames the possibilities of what was goin on .
Stuff (even including the/an odd fact) gets revealed that I would not know to search for. And some that is not easy to find for viewers.
LOL! Nope, NO Tutu for ME! :laughing7:

LOL! NOT in that "Box/Cage", YOU are... STUCK!

Please share the "Box/Cage" in which you are … STUCK!
Hopefully it is more than putting down others research that shines more light on the Beale lore that does not agree with your perception of the tale.

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I have NOT "put others' R & I down"... PROVE it! "dose"...? WHERE have I seen THAT before...? I DO NOT care about the BT "story"; I have MOVED ON!

If you say so..."Your opinion"... "dose" it ring a bell like referring to one as "Laf's Proxy"?
...or accusing one of "stalking" when you do the same?

Let us not bicker over whose opinion is right or wrong and just discuss both sides of the Beale topic on this thread.

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If one studies the family bloodlines of James Beverly Ward and his wife Harriet Emmaline Otey, the source material for the Beale Papers go beyond happenstance and coincidence becoming deliberately apparent inspirations for the Beale story.

Ward's grandfather J B Risqué had a duel with Thomas Beale (not Thomas J Beale) over Risque's niece Julia Hancock.
Julia Hancock married William Clark, who along with Merriweather Lewis had a perilous adventure in the West.
Ward's father was a thespian, familiar with Shakespeare's "TWO MEN OF VERONA", a play about a duel, a girl name Julia, a missing letter, and the phrase, "the game is worth the candle".
Ward's cousin who printed the pamphlet, was a fellow thespian with Giles Ward.
Ward's wife, Harriet was born and raised 4 miles from Buford's and her aunt was Sarah Mitchell, Robert Morris's wife.
Giles Ward was co-owner of a bookstore in Lynchburg which sold Poe's works, including THE GOLD BUG.
Ward, along with his Kennerly and Hutter cousins had lived in St Louis, Mo.
Ward and his Hutter cousins served in the Confederacy and were well versed with codes and ciphers from the War.
Ward was also friends with Max Guggenheimer, who also served in the Confederate army.
Ward's uncle, John Pickrell Risqué, lived in Santa Fe, and was killed while inspecting gold mine in Arizona by Apaches in 1882, three years before the pamphlet's publication.

A writer does write from what he knows and draws from those experiences, and in 1884, James Beverly Ward was in dire financial straights which would have been motivation to write and sell a localized dime novel to sell at the extravagant price for the time of 50 cents.
While there exists NO collaborating evidence outside of the Beale Papers that can confirm this perilous adventure treasure tale, there is a wealth of Ward family "source" material that can be confirmed that is well beyond being mere happenstance and coincidence.

Over the years on various threads statements have been posted as "fact" when there is no documentation outside of the original source, THE BEALE PAPERS, publish by James Beverly Ward during the year of 1885 in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Most appear to be based on opinion of maybe or pure embellished speculation, or force fitting random possibilities to fit a pet theory.

Some of the questionable "facts":
Robert Morriss was related to Robert Morris Jr, signer of the DOI.
The Fine Arts Building on 600 Main St was the Morriss house where Beale stayed.
Indians observed from a distance the kiln fires that the Beale Party utilized to smelt the ore.
Once smelted gold and silver was made into bars by sand box casting.
The gold was about 60% or 14K, the silver little more pure.
The gold and silver bars were transported in false bottom wagons.
To cross Big Otter Creek, the bars had to be unloaded and placed on pack mules.
The treasure was placed in 30 gal salt Boone's Salt Works brine pots.
The "key letter" was never delivered because of a St Louis flood.
...or was to be "hand carried" by the proprietor of St Louis' Planters Hotel by was murdered in Virginia by the owner of the Blackthorne Inn before traveling to Morriss in Lynchburg.
The above list of "facts" were never mentioned in the original and ONLY source of the Beale treasure story, the 1885 Beale Papers pamphlet published by James Beverly Ward.
The source of these "facts" originate from various authors who have inserted their speculation into the Beale tale without any actual documentation beyond their claims...
...Yet many of these "facts" have been accepted as "true".

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