Ramblings of a frustrated Garrett owner.........


Gold Member
Jan 26, 2005
Sand Springs, OK
Detector(s) used
ACE 250, Garrett
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have been laid up for nearly 7 months because of a back and knee problem as many of you know. Last year I made a grevious mistake that I still regret. I sold my GTI 2500 and bought a Minelab machine of equal value. I didn't like the Minelab machine from day one. I guess because I didn't like it, I never learned to operate it like I did my 2500. So, the Minelab spent most of the time in the closet while I tinkered about with my old faithful ACE 250. My doc told me I would soon be back on my feet and and the AtPro came out and I sold my Minelab taking a loss I might add, and ordered an AtPro. My doc lied and after 3 months I still have to hobble about and can't metal detect and it's driving me nuts. But I did get out and run some tests and learn quite a bit about the Pro just in the front yard. So far it's everything it was advertised to be and I think once I am ambulatory again it and I will get along fine. I really enjoy reading the different reports on the Pro and vicariously have gone along with you guys on several hunts. So thanks a lot for sharing the information and results. I hope to be back out among you before too long and maybe I will make up for selling my 2500? As soon as I am able I am going back over several of my old haunts to see what I missed and this time maybe I won't have to dig so much iron. Let's hope so. Monty

I can really relate to that Monty. I lost much of the 2010 season for medical reasons. I received my At Pro a little over a week ago and am presently recovering yet again. I am in northern Wisconsin, so there isnt much of a chance of getting out detecting since there is well over a foot of snow on the ground. At least you will be able to take advantage of it when you feel better.
Best of luck


Monty, I work at a rehab hospital with people post-op knee, hip transplants and some motor vehicle accidents. We utilize OT therapists (occupational therapists) all the time to help with all kinds of required daily activities. They are very knowledgeable with good body mechanics, designing special splints and just easier way of doing things. If you ever have the chance to make an appointment with one, you might get some great relief by just doing things a little differently when metal detecting. It sucks when our health interferes with doing something we truly love.

Have a great Christmas, and good luck with that goal of 10,000 coins next year.


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I learned something about setting goals early on. When I first started my goal was just to find anything, not necessarily treasure but anything that might relate to me and my neighborhood. After finding a million (well, that's exagurating a bit) zinc pennies I reassessed and my goal was to find quarters and dimes. I went to a ball park where I played little league 50 years ago and found a bunch of quarters, dimes and pennies around the backstop, the benches and the little area where the moms and dads sat. Then I moved up to the big time and went to the ball field where my kids played little league and on up to 15 years old and again struck paydirt. It was about this time my wife began to call my outings "prospecting" as in, "He's not here, he's out prospecting". I hit an area of Urban Renewal where a bunch of old houses were torn down recently and then found my first silver, and a pocket full of old marbles. Then I went to the ticket booth area of an athletic gym and found my first silver rings along with dozens of coins. At the end of that first year I had nearly $300.00 in coin and several silver rings and a zillion old rotted out zinc pennies. After that I just quit setting goals and took things as the come. And I found that I enjoyed finding not only coins, but any number of just things that I found interesting. Now I just go out for the fun of it and the challenge of finding new places to "prospect." Monty

Monty, I sure hope you are able to get out, and detect soon...I wish you, and your family the best for the new year....I am going to get an AT for sure...Cant wait...Thanks to all for the reports on them, please keep them coming......Tom

Hope you get better sooner than you think. my AT&T land line phone is out and no repairs until Jan 9th but I get limited internet on this cellphone. Can't wait to see your reports on the AT Pro. do you think you'll ever buy another 2500?

Man, talk about the Crip Crew; I'm waiting for my AT Pro to be delivered AND have spent 2010 basically laid up with a ruptured disc (annular tear) in my lower back. Despite that, I'm gonna get out; if the surgeon's gonna carve me up anyway, I'll give him something to work with. ...Willy.

Monty and Willie I hope you can get out to hunt soon. I thought I'd die when I had my stroke an was laid up in hospital but they had Internet keyboards at each bed so I was able to visit Tnet for a partial fix. I am not able to hunt the east coast anymore and barely make it to fresh water as much as I like. Made my mind up that I can always crawl on the ground an push the detector ahead of me. Would save time too because I would move slower to cover areas thoughly if the dang Rangers wouldn't keep trying to lift me up thinking I was a drunk. Heck if I spilled my drink the bottle likely wouldn't break. :laughing7:

I know what you mean I have 4 spinal cord stimulators with 20 wires in my spinal column 12 below the skull and 8 in lower back shocking me 24/7 for pain and a bad knee that can not be fixed because of the disease I have. I have been using the 2500 for 2 years. I will be getting the pro by spring hope it will be easier on me because I do not want to stop this fun hobby.

Looks like we need to form a "CRIPS" gang! :laughing7: Not the kind that hangs out on street corners, but a good kind that shares ways to metal detect in spite of infirmities, old age or injury. Well heck, we could khang out on stree corners if we wanted to and peddle "Tyelenol" or some other pain killers ! After all the gang that hunts the CTH hunts have what they call the "ASSES" club consisting of family members who do not metal detect. My first attempt at metal detecting on crutches turned out to be a bust even though humorous in a way. To repeat, I got down in the front yard and took a short rest to regain my strength and some good neighbor Samaritin called the FD and an ambulance and thought I had had a stroke! I think my problem is going to be related to my long and ongoing back problem and I suppose I need to see a back and spine specialist? But one of the so called medicos should be able to figure it out. Later, Monty

Willy said:
if the surgeon's gonna carve me up anyway, I'll give him something to work with. ...Willy.

Make him work for it!

I know how you feel, the doc had his fingers in my back for 8 & a half hours :o getting it put right--he earned that pay check!!

For iffy knees a shortened adjustable cane can help get you back standing again.

~~Happy Hunting~~

Oh, I can stand, it's just the getting up and down and walking that I can't do! And no, I don't think I will ever buy another GTI 2500. I hope the AtPro will suffice for now. The 2500 was a mite too heavy for me to go all day like I am want to do. Monty

Monty said:
Oh, I can stand, it's just the getting up and down and walking that I can't do! And no, I don't think I will ever buy another GTI 2500. I hope the AtPro will suffice for now. The 2500 was a mite too heavy for me to go all day like I am want to do. Monty

Getting up and down was my problem at the very end of the 2010 season. Weight was a big factor for me in buying the At Pro. Am still somewhat apprehensive about getting up and down when I am able to get out this year but I will be detecting if I am physically able.

Good Luck


Amen to that Jerry. I will too if I possibly can. I'm going out in the yard today just to play with the AtPro. I won't be digging, just working on the various sounds and objects I put down to test. Monty

Monty said:
Amen to that Jerry. I will too if I possibly can. I'm going out in the yard today just to play with the AtPro. I won't be digging, just working on the various sounds and objects I put down to test. Monty

Monty, I can hardly wait to hear your full report on your AT.........I am beside myself.....HH........Tom

Well, I am not going to be able to do any extensive testing to post. I was just identifying the various sounds in my head for future reference. I still can't get up and down to dig but I'm working on it. Monty

Monty said:
Well, I am not going to be able to do any extensive testing to post. I was just identifying the various sounds in my head for future reference. I still can't get up and down to dig but I'm working on it. Monty

Monty, I sure hope you get better soon..I am interested in your thoughts on the At as compared to the Ace 250....Is it as easy to use.....(I am a very simple guy)..Does it feel similar to you...I respect your opinion, and look forward to anything you might have to say on this subject..Thanks, Tom.....BTW, I don't have much trouble getting down, its the up part that is the problem...

Uh, guess you are talking about comparing the AtPro and the 250? Your message got cut off for some reason. I think it's going to be just as easy and much better even though the ACE 250 was probably the detector of the decade. My experience is really limited so far, but just playing around I expect to make some really good finds with it when I am able to get up and down. Still having problems but hope to be back in shape by spring or at least summer. Monty

Monty, thanks for your reply..Yes, I was talking about the Ace 250 compared to the AT Pro....Sure hope you get back into action soon.....Tom

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