rioting in London

texastee2007 said:
Hey if you could loose the language it sounds like Tnet sometimes..... :laughing9: I had to actually laught cause it sounded so the way nice song! I love the old ones.

My apologies. I should have warned everyone about those limeys and their foul language. Notice how they butcher the language they claim to have invented. LOL...

After being chased back to their island from the far corners of the earth, they thought they would be safe. Guess not. Looks like the chickens have come home to roost over there. Hard to feel sorry for them IMO.

hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
texastee2007 said:
Hey if you could loose the language it sounds like Tnet sometimes..... :laughing9: I had to actually laught cause it sounded so the way nice song! I love the old ones.

My apologies. I should have warned everyone about those limeys and their foul language. Notice how they butcher the language they claim to have invented. LOL...

After being chased back to their island from the far corners of the earth, they thought they would be safe. Guess not. Looks like the chickens have come home to roost over there. Hard to feel sorry for them IMO.


The language in the video isn't exactly what Marc likes posted on TN...

" Yeah, it's an Italian film? Your point is?"

The point of it was in my original post about it. If you found it a little difficult to comprehend then i can re-post it in big red letters?

"those limeys and their foul language"? lol. Have you watched tv lately? Been to the movies lately? Bought a "hip hop" CD lately? (try Tupacs - "hit 'em up" for a light starter). Bought a console game with US troops in it lately? Seen the American racist videos and comments all over youtube lately?
Lmao...if i was to post a reply for your side my grandkids would hate me for taking up most of their lives to finish off my post!!! ::)

shaun7 said:
hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
texastee2007 said:
Hey if you could loose the language it sounds like Tnet sometimes..... :laughing9: I had to actually laught cause it sounded so the way nice song! I love the old ones.

My apologies. I should have warned everyone about those limeys and their foul language. Notice how they butcher the language they claim to have invented. LOL...

After being chased back to their island from the far corners of the earth, they thought they would be safe. Guess not. Looks like the chickens have come home to roost over there. Hard to feel sorry for them IMO.


Seeing we're talking Italian, I think shaun really meant to say "Hic puer est stultissimus omnium! "

hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
shaun7 said:
hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
Dano Sverige said:
" Yeah, it's an Italian film? Your point is?"

The point of it was in my original post about it. If you found it a little difficult to comprehend then i can re-post it in big red letters?

I will agree that many of your posts truly are "beyond comprehension", but that isn't due to any great thinking on your part - it's just that they are nonsensical.

Dano Sverige said:
"those limeys and their foul language"? lol. Have you watched tv lately? Been to the movies lately? Bought a "hip hop" CD lately? (try Tupacs - "hit 'em up" for a light starter). Bought a console game with US troops in it lately? Seen the American racist videos and comments all over youtube lately?
Lmao...if i was to post a reply for your side my grandkids would hate me for taking up most of their lives to finish off my post!!! ::)

Now you are just coming across as bitter.

I truly apologize for posting that video that exposed the vile language at latent racism of your fellow lime suckers. I'm sure it hurts to see your home country set ablaze. I just wish I could have been there - not so I could loot or anything, but I think it would be fun to roast a few marshmallows on the smouldering ruins of that furniture store.

Why has this not been removed?

Because it's awesome?

Could be...I know I was in awe of you when I read it icon:wnker..

[mod] Okay, you've all had your fun so can you now get back on topic? [/mod]

texastee2007 said:
hammered said:
texastee2007 said:
shaun7 said:

We have you to thank for finding the cure to scurvy....Thank you!

And they go great in a kaiparina :laughing7:

I had to look that one up....I don't drink but it sounds good....Caipirinha

I tell you Tee, a few of those each and they would have been too sozzled to do any rioting in London :laughing7:. There, I've sort of brought it back on topic :laughing9:

I go away for a week and look what happens :laughing9:

London's calling,from the far away towns,now war is decleared,and battles gone down.........................
The Clash said it the best.

:angry4: :angry4: :angry4:

I thought we had got rid of all these scumbags in 1620...we need to build a bigger boat :laughing7:


Silver Searcher said:
:angry4: :angry4: :angry4:

I thought we had got rid of all these scumbags in 1620...we need to build a bigger boat :laughing7:


What, and risk the UK's AAA credit rating? :laughing7:, I think we should make them clean and repair everything then in-prison those that can prove their British heritage, and deport those who can't. When I say heritage, I mean back past 6 generations

I for one can't blame these rioters for venting their rage. They have lived under the boot heel of British oppression longer than most civil human beings would have tolerated. If they hadn't been so marginalized by British society, denied gainful employment, and been forced to live in such deplorable conditions, this type of activity would have never taken place. They are just expressing themselves.

hammered said:
What, and risk the UK's AAA credit rating? :laughing7:, I think we should make them clean and repair everything then in-prison those that can prove their British heritage, and deport those who can't. When I say heritage, I mean back past 6 generations

There used to be some German guy back in the 40's who had this same philosophy.

hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
hammered said:
What, and risk the UK's AAA credit rating? :laughing7:, I think we should make them clean and repair everything then in-prison those that can prove their British heritage, and deport those who can't. When I say heritage, I mean back past 6 generations

There used to be some German guy back in the 40's who had this same philosophy.

And he got his idea from Henry Ford

hammered said:
hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
hammered said:
What, and risk the UK's AAA credit rating? :laughing7:, I think we should make them clean and repair everything then in-prison those that can prove their British heritage, and deport those who can't. When I say heritage, I mean back past 6 generations

There used to be some German guy back in the 40's who had this same philosophy.

And he got his idea from Henry Ford

Oh. Well then... I guess your narrow minded, xenophobic post is totally excused. Carry on.

Marshmallows anyone?

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