Safety tip of the day


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2007
Summit County, CO
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Or maybe, 'How I Started My Day With a Bang'. This is a busy intersection. You press the button on the pole, and the little red hand is replaced with the walk sign, and you head on through the crosswalk. At least that's the plan, and pretty much what I was thinkin just before the car hit me this a.m. The light changed and I looked right and left. All ok. I was about 5 ft. into the street when I perceived movement on my left, but too late. The bumper connected with my left knee and I tried to perform a jump, tuck and roll maneuver, which I pulled off pretty well. Course, the impact helped a lot with that. The driver stopped and was pretty much freakin out. I took inventory and realized I wasn't hurt at all, and made him help me up. He hadn't scraped all the frost of his windshield and was late for school. I haven't really seen anybody that shook up in a long time and had to grab him and calm him down. After all, I was the one lyin in the street. Then I started laughin at him, which really concerned him. But I really did see it as a pretty good joke life played on me and told him that of all the things and people that had done their best to kill me in my days, a clean cut all-American lookin high school kid in a little car comes closest to gettin the job done. Doesn't even have a boom box in the car. So, scrape all the frost off the windows before you ever move that vehicle. Yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. Don't pick me to run over, cause I will laugh in your face and scare you to death, which is much worse than dealin with the cops. For me, I don't belong in towns, and maybe I need to start wearin a helmet.


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I am with ya there!

Towns are not for me, even tho I have had to work in them most of my life.

Now, I hate having to go into one to get groceries!!!!!

Watch that knee. You probably use it pretty hard for skiing! I have bad knees from the years in the computer business. (kneeling on cold floors, praying to the computer god is hard on em!)

Don't ski, surprisingly given the area I live in. Not in my DNA, I guess. I did break down and get some knee pads for work though. Makes a difference.

you should have showed him your knee still worked, by kicking him in the butt.
seriously, I'm glad to hear you're okay

Naw, he was just a real scared kid and I didn't have any anger towards him. I think he learned a very valuable lesson and thank the Lord it was me, and not some elderly person, or a child, or some tourist from Houston that would sue him into oblivion. I don't care what the cops do with him. He remembers just like me that we had a high school kid hit and hurt real bad last year in the crosswalk in front of the high school so he's thinkin of that. Instead of a ticket and fine, I believe about a month of crossing guard duty at the school would be just fine for that boy. And I thank God that he sent me a message and I was able to see the humor in it.

wow I am so glad you are OK
that would have scared me sh**less LOL

take care of yourself...all kinds of things will stove up and be sore probably! take it easy!


Glad it turned out as it did RGINN :icon_thumright:

I bounced a guy off my bumper...hood...windshied doing about 45mph in the FL Keys. He was chasing a frisbee. He received a ticket for violating the right-of-way...and a broken leg. Tried to sue me a couple of years later, but I simply never

Wow! RGINN, I'm glad to see that you weren't hurt seriously and have the
attitude that you have about it. You might be a little sore tomorrow though,
and might have to walk a little slower for a bit.


To recap the safety parts: Yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. State law. Clean all the frost off your windows so you can see. Don't walk around wearin a realtree camo jacket, cause apparently it works too good. Put on a helmet before wanderin around downtown up here. You're right about that button thing. That grandson of mine is the worst in the world about that.

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