Sort Coin Facilty


Hero Member
Dec 14, 2014
Brooklyn, NY
Detector(s) used
AT Pro/BH Platinum, (Garret Pro-Pointer)
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
So guys, today when I started my shift, I boxed about 100 pennies boxes. ALL the coins were BU 2015, must have been dumped not long before I got to work, from a ballistic bag. Seeing about $2500 in BU cents for the first time was amazing. I knew what Donald Duck felt like.

Fast forward, an hour or so later, someone brought a pallet of circulated pennies from TD Bank, 72 bags of them, each at 50$ face value. From those 72 bags, I found a 1902 IHC in Fine/Very Fine condition. I kept it out to the side near the end of my shift when one of the machines got jammed up I placed it on the rail making sure it got in a roll. Sadly I still don’t have my 4digit stamp yet so that IHC is in a unmarked box. After that, my shift super showed me the cull bin on the machine where all coins smaller than a Cent would end up. Found many dimes, including 5 silver rosies, and a Silver Swiss ½ franc. I tossed them into a dime tub my super was prepping, Thus making sure they will get boxed and make it back out to the wild, hopefully to a CRH.

People who use Coin machines at TD or any elsewhere, beware. I found numerous Quarters, Nickels, and Dimes. People are getting ripped off by the Banks, chances are they don’t even know it.

Now, to the process of how coins get boxed In my location. The Area where we wrap coins is sandwiched between the storage, and in-process. storage is where they store the boxed coins(comapny owned) and Fed Bags(Federal owned). in-process is where they process bags of coins. I believe, now I don’t know for sure, but my theory is when the trucks bring the bagged coins back, they get sent into in-process, where they are weighted, (I seen them weighting them, with scales) I believe they are logged long as it meets the requirement of weigh per bag/domination, the owner of the coins get credited for said bag face. No more, no less. Once weighted they are stacked on steel pallets, when we are ready someone counts and signs for the pallet.

Once we get the pallet, we start the process the coins, cutting open bags, dumping them into 1.8x4ft tubs with 3 funneled slots, or directly into the rolling machines. Each person operates 3 wrapping machines, and let me tell you. Foreign coins, coins of larger denominations and bent coins, really messes up the process. 80% of our focus is on troubleshooting/maintenance of the wrapping machines, 9% on stepping on a pedal that pushes the 10x5 rolls of coins out into a box we fold. 9% on picking up the bags of coins and cutting them open. Other 2% is getting boxes, rolls of wrappers, filling glue bottle, stamping the box, and stacking the box back on the pallet. Once a pallet is full, it is sent over to storage, on a jack. Someone from there signs for it, and it is then used when needed. ie bank or someone orders coins.

Let me tell you guys, We DO Cull silver, unintentionally. ie, If a silver dime is mixed with pennies. Silver quarter mixed with nickels etc… Basically where ever they DON’T belong. They are suppose to be taken and dumped into small buckets, which at the end of the day or something gets turn into to in-process section, I believe. Each line has 3 buckets, one for good US coins, one for Bad coins, one for foreign/tokens. All gets turn into in-process. From there I don’t know what they do with it.

Now on to the BIG Question, Half dollar processing. LOL I haven’t seen any get processed yet. My super showed me and some other new guys a weekly production list, it showed they did 400 boxes last week. My guess is coin waits till they get enough to be worthwhile for us to actually switch out parts on the stack machine. If that is the case, I will try to volunteer for Halves, JUST so that I can sort out silver intentionally and have them boxed in one box, I will then start ordering halves from my banks :laughing7:. Talk about a self made DREAM box... LOL

now i cant say that ALL facility operates the same way we do, Im just saying that is the way my work place does it. Some place might not even weigh their coins, they might have coin counters or something. IDK

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Don't know you, but I do like you.

You're like the Robin Hood of CRHers! Keep the updates coming. Very interesting.


In my area I know one facility that makes around 40 boxes of halves each time or each processor judging from the 4-digit stamp.

See if you can find out what they do with bad (bent, mangled) US coins. They get culled into a bucket, but what then? I haven't found anyplace that will accept mutilated US coins. I'm very curious to see what your place does with them.

See if you can find out what they do with bad (bent, mangled) US coins. They get culled into a bucket, but what then? I haven't found anyplace that will accept mutilated US coins. I'm very curious to see what your place does with them.

My company has a 550 box per day quota. My super said that at the end of the day they weigh the buckets, and if it is over 15 lbs quota requirement for that employee null for the day. I'll ask them what they do with them when monday comes around.

I forgot to mention, i found a clipped planchet Zincolin cent as well. I should have placed it back into a roll, but I tossed it into the damaged coin bucket.... Im regretting now...

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Lui21: are you saying that at your facility, they DON'T HAVE sorting machines that CAN EXTRACT SILVER electronically?
So they really DON'T CULL silver after all. Thanks for all this good info. However, this is for your particular company, other coin processors might work differently.

Lui21: are you saying that at your facility, they DON'T HAVE sorting machines that CAN EXTRACT SILVER electronically?
So they really DON'T CULL silver after all. Thanks for all this good info. However, this is for your particular company, other coin processors might work differently.

Right...he did say they cull the silver that finds its way into the wrong denomination machine and is rejected because it's the wrong size.

I am speaking for one out of 150+ facilities in the USA. Safe to say we can't assume that they all operate the same way my company does. Besides my company is only a subcontractor for the courier. Some couriers even operate their own coin wrapping sections, i.e. Brinks and their plastic rolls. So yes, silver is not being intentionally culled in NYC area, From Gxxxx boxes.

guess we can add Garda to the team with Dunbar that keeps us happy?? can you stuff some boxes with AG and send them to me, LIU? :--)
I am speaking for one out of 150+ facilities in the USA. Safe to say we can't assume that they all operate the same way my company does. Besides my company is only a subcontractor for the courier. Some couriers even operate their own coin wrapping sections, i.e. Brinks and their plastic rolls. So yes, silver is not being intentionally culled in NYC area, From Gxxxx boxes.

Very informative post. Thank you for an insiders view of the process that most of us only speculate about. All the best in your job and in your coin roll hunting.

guess we can add Garda to the team with Dunbar that keeps us happy?? can you stuff some boxes with AG and send them to me, LIU? :--)

I only box the coins, lol. I'll be lucky if I get my own boxes. Trying to give or get a specific box, I or someone will need to setup a whole network of people working together. Like the coin wrapper, then the vault guy that fulfill the bank orders, and the guard who makes the delivery to said bank...

See if you can find out what they do with bad (bent, mangled) US coins. They get culled into a bucket, but what then? I haven't found anyplace that will accept mutilated US coins. I'm very curious to see what your place does with them.

I throw all of my mutilated coins into my bags. My last dump was a $1000 in halves + .74 cents in various mutilated pennies, dimes, quarters, and nickels. Haha.

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Very interesting to have an insider give us the break down on how our coins are packaged. Thank you for taking the time to help another possible coin hunter with injecting coins into our boxes and giving us the information. Too bad I'm a long distance from you.

I had been looking for this thread, it is a great read.

It is my opinion that all silver comes from dumps, either by mistake, by lack of knowledge or due to theft. The odds of a silver coin having been circulating for 53 years is astronomical about the same as my odds of winning the powerball.

Yes we will get a lot of skunks but the finds and the chance of finds keep us going. I have dropped out before and may again when I got too discouraged but will try to stick with it now

I think you only have that mental image of getting boxes deep out of the vault when you first start. Silver nickels probably circulate some but far too many people know the value of silver dimes/quarter/halves to let them circulate freely. I do believe there are certain circumstances where coins are held at some federal reserve warehouse, maybe for decades.

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