Swine Flu?

Internet trolling. It is being snarky and sarcastic mainly to get a response from someone. Me and MD go back and forth like bitter enemies, but he is not a bad guy..when he has fresh tinfoil in his hat. Pippin and Pig are both decent guys too.

texastee2007 said:
Libralabsoldier said:
Ah, just a little harmless trolling. At least MD is funny.

Trolling....like the creature that lives under the bridge in Billy Goat Gruff? Pippenwhitepaws is my friend and when you are mean to him it hurts me...so please if you need to make a horrible reply why do it publicly??? It does not make your candle burn brighter to try and blow someone elses out.

He hands out plenty of his own brand of nasty replies where are you and your outrage when he does that ? Maybe what he needs is a Mommy to protect him and stick by his side since so many else won't. But you haven't been there for any of the prior posts between him and myself or others so why do you feel the need to get involved now ? Did he ask for your protection, is he that much of a little kid. I think if he is maybe you should try talking to your friend about growing up and behaving like an adult himself before you try to lecture the rest of us about our treatment of your troll friend. He's not Schreck he's a troll with attitude.

texastee2007 said:
MD Dog said:
texastee2007 said:
Libralabsoldier said:
Ah, just a little harmless trolling. At least MD is funny.

Trolling....like the creature that lives under the bridge in Billy Goat Gruff? Pippenwhitepaws is my friend and when you are mean to him it hurts me...so please if you need to make a horrible reply why do it publicly??? It does not make your candle burn brighter to try and blow someone elses out.

He hands out plenty of his own brand of nasty replies where are you and your outrage when he does that ? Maybe what he needs is a Mommy to protect him and stick by his side since so many else won't. But you haven't been there for any of the prior posts between him and myself or others so why do you feel the need to get involved now ? Did he ask for your protection, is he that much of a little kid. I think if he is maybe you should try talking to your friend about growing up and behaving like an adult himself before you try to lecture the rest of us about our treatment of your troll friend. He's not Schreck he's a troll with attitude.

First of all I am quite calm...second of all I said "Please"...third of all I am not "his mommy" just a good friend....and yes I am working with him on some of his comments in PMs and not on the public forum where the hatefulness is contagious...forth of all "Shrek and Billy Goat Gruff" are far from being the same "troll." Fifth of all if you took the time to get and know Pippenwhitepaws you would find him quite a different person then you are portraying here to me. Sixth of all I really think he is quite capable of taking care of his self....I only asked Please take your disagreement off of someones post to a PM level....there is no need to throw blows out in the open where everyone needs to see...or is it the audiance that you need? I have watched many of the posts you talk about....and they have not made me happy either....but I kept hoping that it would stop.....I have also noticed that you seem to follow him around and always post something negitive.....so I am finally asking you again can you please stop? Thank you ahead of time.

And not to butt in, but this type of activity right here is why I seldom post on the forum anymore. People have forgotten how to be decent to one another despite their differences. I agree keep nastiness in PMs, not on an open forum.

I have no problem walking away. But if he comes back I'll do the same. If you feel qualified to "Help him and his hateful replies in pms then knock your self out. But as long as he harasses me or my friends with hateful posts then I will return the favor. And who is following who is really debatable.

You have done nothing to be forgiven for, as far as I know so I won't be presumptuous enough to say anything about that. Just know I only speak up to defend myself or others and I'll leave it right here, for now. :thumbsup: peace !

Could it be peace in our time? At least it isn't friday and we find ourselves waiting over a long weekend to see what will develope next like most soap operas. :wink:

USS DUBUQUE is not going out to sea for the 4 month deployment..... swine flu everyone on board is now taking Tamiflu!

Someone said the other day that "its just a flu, and their making a big deal over it because they dont understand it yet"
A couple of people have said that.

Is that true guys?

It is a new flu, and it is out of season, and pretty communicable. However, that is about it. There will not be a vaccine available until at least the fall, and by then the thing will have probably be recombined and moving on.

Typical flu precautions and typical flu "cures" are what you need to do. Plenty of rest, push fluids, NSAIDs for symptoms.

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