Swine Flu?

The college kids they've interviewed that have had it in the past all came back from it. But yeah it gets the young, old, and sick that are hit first and hardest.
We have now confirmed case (s) in Okla. we still have alot of Conoco people coming back and forth from Houston and people who were transferred to there that have family here. And alot of people who go to Mexico regularly. Alot of people to worry about!
And alot of Tnet friends!

The Swine flu is not new ,,It hit the u.s in 1976 and this strain date's back a lot longer then 1976, and present 2009 ,,It is not a new strain like the Doc has pointed out,, Read

1976 U.S. outbreak
On February 5, 1976, an army recruit at Fort Dix said he felt tired and weak. He died the next day and four of his fellow soldiers were later hospitalized. Two weeks after his death, health officials announced that swine flu was the cause of death and that this strain of flu appeared to be closely related to the strain involved in the 1918 flu pandemic. Alarmed public-health officials decided that action must be taken to head off another major pandemic, and they urged President Gerald Ford that every person in the U.S. be vaccinated for the disease.[45]

President Ford receives swine flu vaccinationHowever, the vaccination program was plagued by delays and public relations problems. But on Oct. 1, 1976, the immunization program began and by Oct. 11, approximately 40 million people, or about 24% of the population, had received swine flu immunizations. That same day, three senior citizens died soon after receiving their swine flu shots and there was a media outcry linking the deaths to the immunizations, despite not having any positive proof. According to science writer Patrick Di Justo, however, by the time the truth was known — that the deaths were not proven to be related to the vaccine — it was too late. "The government had long feared mass panic about swine flu — now they feared mass panic about the swine flu vaccinations." This became a strong setback to the program.[6]

There were reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralyzing neuromuscular disorder, affecting some people who had received swine flu immunizations. This syndrome is a rare side-effect of influenza vaccines, with an incidence of about one case per million vaccinations.[46] As a result, Di Justo writes that "the public refused to trust a government-operated health program that killed old people and crippled young people." In total, less than 33 percent of the population had been immunized by the end of 1976. The National Influenza Immunization Program was effectively halted on Dec. 16.

Overall, about 500 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), resulting in death from severe pulmonary complications for 25 people, which, according to Dr. P. Haber, were probably caused by an immunopathological reaction to the 1976 vaccine. Other influenza vaccines have not been linked to GBS, though caution is advised for certain individuals, particularly those with a history of GBS

I dont get a flu shot and neither do my girls. the shot can make you sick.. so why bother. - K*E*L*L*Y

This is not technically true. The vaccine is made from dead culture so no live culture is being introduced. Unless you get the nasal vacination which is made with weakend live virus.

I personally believe if you are healthy and have a good immune system the flu shot really isn't necessary because that is why we have immune systems.

If you think about it MANY people get the flu shots where? Flu clinics, where a BUNCH of people congregate together to get the shots. Also the flu shot is only effective for 90 days and the majority of flu cases are seen February and March. So if you get the shot in October by January your protection is mostly gone.

The flu shot can induce an immune response which would elevate temp and such but you cannot really get the flu from a flu shot.

texastee2007 said:
Actually Kelly farm kids get sick less, because they are always in contact with dirt and germs....

I'm not so sure I agree with that...

Most of a race of indigenous people were lost when Europeans brought measles to the 'new world' because they had never been exposed to it. It decimated them in a few short years, as wildfire burning across the prairie.

Then, there was little actual contact between the continents.
Today, with international air travel, and a number of vectors coming into play, we could have indirect contact with a situation in Khazakstan, Darfur, or Beijing within a days time. That, could transmit a virus to small-town, USA.

I don't want to take the flu shot feline but if I don't I do NOT have a job. Period.

It is mandatory by my employer. : - (

And Guilline' Barret (sp) is one of the side effects of taking the shot that is listed in the paperwork you sign. So it is not an unheard of situation...

mastereagle22 said:
I don't want to take the flu shot feline but if I don't I do NOT have a job. Period.

It is mandatory by my employer. : - (

And Guilline' Barret (sp) is one of the side effects of taking the shot that is listed in the paperwork you sign. So it is not an unheard of situation...

Paperwork ? Waiver ?

Good to Know.

Next time my Doctor Suggests I Should Take it
I'll Ask IF I need to sign anything.

When she says Yes

I'll say Nope. it's apparently not safe :tongue3:

jeff of pa said:
mastereagle22 said:
I don't want to take the flu shot feline but if I don't I do NOT have a job. Period.

It is mandatory by my employer. : - (

And Guilline' Barret (sp) is one of the side effects of taking the shot that is listed in the paperwork you sign. So it is not an unheard of situation...

Paperwork ? Waiver ?

Good to Know.

Next time my Doctor Suggests I Should Take it
I'll Ask IF I need to sign anything.

When she says Yes

I'll say Nope. it's apparently not safe :tongue3:

The ONLY way around it Jeff is by a physician order. Try getting that one for someone who works in health care.

This is a new strain..............if this is true..................read

The flu virus is perhaps the trickiest known to medical science; it constantly changes form to elude the protective antibodies that the body has developed in response to previous exposures to influenza or to influenza vaccines. Every two or three years the virus undergoes minor changes. Then, at intervals of roughly a decade, after the bulk of the world's population has developed some level of resistance to these minor changes, it undergoes a major shift that enables it to tear off on yet another pandemic sweep around the world, infecting hundreds of millions of people who suddenly find their antibody defenses outflanked. Even during the Spanish flu pandemic, the initial wave of the disease was relatively mild, while the second wave was highly lethal.

There is no present vaccine......if this is true..........read

Recommendations to prevent spread of the virus among humans include using standard infection control against influenza. This includes frequent washing of hands with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand sanitizers, especially after being out in public. Vaccines against the H1N1 strain in the 2009 human outbreak are being developed and could be ready as early as June 2009

So true ! But what can you do? I haven't seen anyone in the STATES wearing a mask!

The little boy who died was here for 3 weeks before the fku symptons showed ... how many people has it touched?

That's yet aspect of the virus's performance... it could mutate where the remedy is no longer effective,
or it could mutate to some level where it is not quite so harmful.

Then we wait for it to come back around it a more harmful form.

Muddy Treats said:
I hope some of you will watch this video. It is Ron Paul's response to the swine flu. He is the ONLY one i will listen to. This swine flu is not natural, somebody made this virus...government maybe?


Have you heard about the 3 vials of virus that came up missing in an army lab in maryland?


Do NOT be zombies to the government.

oh my goodness!!! which gov made this? was it ours? if so...... was it the democrats or republicans? ...
lets just get the facts... not the hype for once.

K*E*L*L*Y said:
Muddy Treats said:
I hope some of you will watch this video. It is Ron Paul's response to the swine flu. He is the ONLY one i will listen to. This swine flu is not natural, somebody made this virus...government maybe?


Have you heard about the 3 vials of virus that came up missing in an army lab in maryland?


Do NOT be zombies to the government.

oh my goodness!!! which gov made this? was it ours? if so...... was it the democrats or republicans? ...
lets just get the facts... not the hype for once.

do you really believe we will ever get the facts? i thought everyone has a right to an opinion? geez. free country my arse.

Felinepeachy said:
I'm not wishing this on anyone by any means but pandemics are a necessary evil. It happens in all types of animals in the wild. The world is too dang crowed if ya know what I mean.

I'm just saying....

I know what you're saying...

Muddy Treats said:
K*E*L*L*Y said:
Muddy Treats said:
I hope some of you will watch this video. It is Ron Paul's response to the swine flu. He is the ONLY one i will listen to. This swine flu is not natural, somebody made this virus...government maybe?


Have you heard about the 3 vials of virus that came up missing in an army lab in maryland?


Do NOT be zombies to the government.

oh my goodness!!! which gov made this? was it ours? if so...... was it the democrats or republicans? ...
lets just get the facts... not the hype for once.

do you really believe we will ever get the facts? i thought everyone has a right to an opinion? geez. free country my arse.

you said "maybe the gov"? so i just wanna know which gov did this? thats all.

war, disease and famine are the three natural population controls for humans.

hey, two out of three.

Felinepeachy said:
Muddy Treats said:
Felinepeachy said:
I'm not wishing this on anyone by any means but pandemics are a necessary evil. It happens in all types of animals in the wild. The world is too dang crowed if ya know what I mean.

I'm just saying....

I know what you're saying...

Hi Muddy :hello:

Hello, Felinepeachy :hello:

Mental Granny said:
The college kids they've interviewed that have had it in the past all came back from it. But yeah it gets the young, old, and sick that are hit first and hardest.
We have now confirmed case (s) in Okla. we still have alot of Conoco people coming back and forth from Houston and people who were transferred to there that have family here. And alot of people who go to Mexico regularly. Alot of people to worry about!
And alot of Tnet friends!
Conoco Billings here! Thats where i work now. This whole thing might really knock the tourist season all to hell, and that could keep gas prices down which would effect profits.

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