talking to folks tomorrow that will be exploring the nassau sound wrecksite area

ivan salis

Gold Member
Feb 5, 2007
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going to be "explaining" my ideals and theory's about the nassau sound wrecksite area with doug pope at the new maritime museum in fernandina tomorrow ---as well as wrecksites listed on a old dutch map as " here is the silver fleet remains (Ao) of the year of * 1715" found near st augustine on a old dutch map .

wish me luck as I "explain" my ideals and theorys to him.

Ivan. The Dutch map was wright and wrong ! Everyone of us knows that the 1715 fleet sank At or South of cape Canaveral . However some ships are still missing . The Dutch sailors were quite familiar with the area of the strait of Florida . They sailed far from the shore of Florida and used Cape Canaveral as there point of reckoning . When they reached the point they sailed North and later on to the North- East . Now what happened is that they saw some wrecks of ships in the San Augustin area and made a note of that . :ater on in Holland they heard about the wrecking of the Spanish 1715 fleet . At that time they thought that all the wrecks were at the location of San Augustin. However they made a mistake here . Only a few of the Spanish ships ( as they noted ) were wrecked South of San Augustin . They did mark this spot on one of their maps . This is the end of the story . We however keep searching for the missing ships around the Cape , but we should pay attention to the Dutch mapand start searching South of San Augustin as the map tells us . The Dutch Sailors were pretty good and did not make many mistakes . So I think you SHOULD investigate this location as mentioned on the map . By the way the Dutch , at that time were the best Map-makers in the world . The Map-maker ,, van Keulen ,, proved that . John Redman has the means to produce ( print ) an atlas of the ,, van Keulen ,, maps. If it is finished this will be the only atlas ever made of these maps . Cornelius

thru my research I know that 3 vessels of Echeverz''s fleet ( the tobbaco hauling Nao "San Migue"l, the wood hauler french prize vessel jnown as"El Ciervo" and the vessel Conception well as the french vessel captained by Dare -- the french vessel xcaptained byDare broke away 2 days before the stornm hit --the others 3 a day before * they left the other 8 vessels ( which the 4 slower more heavily loaded "main "tresure vessels--of the 2 fleets and 3 other smaller vessels -( the main fleet was all 5 vessels of Ubilla's fleet --plus 3 from Echeverz's fleet *the dutch prize vessel aka "San Miguel" and both treasure vessels) once Echeverz';s fleet basically broke in two --the runaways ran a more northly route laving the others behind -- the [proof of this is found in the "pilot major" of the fleets -testimony in cuba after the shipwrecks occured == when he was asked to account for the whereabout of the "other" missing 3 vessels -- the Conception is reportly sank off the cape area * 4 survivors were recovered after floating on a hatch cover for 2 days at the cape thus its felt that she sank in the cape area * ----now of the wreckage reported to have been found "on the north coast of st augustine" -- the map shows wrecksites off a point just south of / below st augustine * ships sinking there if there is a north bound strong storm / hurricane that sank them would deposit debris on the upper beach area just north of st augustine. -due to the coral reefs design of the time .

my ideal is thus

there were 8 total vessels that sank at the "classic" know 1715 wreck site ----of the 3 that "split off" the conception was lost off the cape * --- the two vessels known as the "tobacco" nao "san miguel" and wood carrrying "french prize" el ciervo lost near st augustine (this accounts for the "total' 11 vessels 1715 fleet) and a added bonus **** a VIP & treasure recovery vessel (barcolonga) sent from havana after the fleet wrecked to the 1715 "main fleet" site that later sank in nassau sound --- BTW the french vessel captained by Dare was the sole survivor of the 1715 "original" fleet and returned to brest , france unharmed.--due to being "light" cargo wize --she was able to run before the storm and thus get away --while the overloaded spanish vessels could not. --the 3 that fled north did not get far enough to the north to cut a westerly tack or get into port at st augustine before the storm caught up with them --

All is possible and/or probable. I for one believe that many treasure ships are buried close to shore just south of Matanza Inlet. My wife and I 'found' a coquina pier submerged about two feet just south of the Little Matanza inlet at an area known on old maps as the 'Spanish Crossing'. Anyway, good luck with your research.


I retired from NASA many years ago (THANK GOD). The amount off "stuff" that is found on this stretch of beach is unreal. I am talking about a 45 mile stretch of beach where metal detectors are not allowed. Many shipwreck items have been found there. Iron, brass, copper, wood, ballast stones, and coins (cobs & escudos). All of these items have been found on the beach. Tons more in the dunes. If you know what to look for, you can eye ball it on this stretch of beach.
It's a long walk north, and a southern walk will get you in deep crap without I.D.

Back then NASA and PATRICK employees could "RIDE" on the beach. I don't know about now! Their are many trails on the back side of the dunes up their. People on the beach would not even hear atv on the back side of the dunes north of playalinda - not many people walk up their anyway, but if someone did hear an atv they would not want anything to do with it because it would be the law, and most people that are their are nudist - which is illegal, but not enforced. ---GO FIGURE---.

It's kinda like getting into Kars Park. If you got the I.D. you can get in. If you have clearance - just think what one can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's all real sand on the beaches - nature takes care of itself.

who do you think it was I was talking with --LOL

yep we sure did. -- he was quite interested and interesting as well.

sorry not this time folks .... this is the "classified' money type info :wink:

the good "stuff" the stuff that can make me wealthy sorta stuff.

you will most likely hear of it soon --maybe very soon

Scientists who play by someone else's rules don't have much chance of making discoveries.
(Jack Horner Paleontologist)

I suggest Ivan you sell 'ownership' shares in whatever venture you embark. I for one will gladly buy a chunk of the journey.

Cap Z.

I am very interested as well...a share or two of this venture seems to be a pretty good gamble :headbang:

ivan salis said:
sorry not this time folks .... this is the "classified' money type info :wink:

the good "stuff" the stuff that can make me wealthy sorta stuff.

you will most likely hear of it soon --maybe very soon

:icon_thumleft: Find a Pile Ivan, Today's the Day!! :icon_thumright:

I just finished reading a thread here on TN...about Finding Treasure and Keeping your mouth Shut...

I think I know now why so little is reported....

I will embrace this advice for now on, and forever.

My lips are sealed.

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