The Beale Papers As A Commentary Of A Historical Event

There is NO evidence that can support the Beale story as presented in Ward's 1885 copyrighted Beale Papers.
...and that, young Jack, me lad, 'tis the rub.

There is NO evidence that can support the Beale story as presented in Ward's 1885 copyrighted Beale Papers.
...and that, young Jack, me lad, 'tis the rub.

you seem to be half right, but there is no evidence against it either. is the cup half full or is it half empty?
you seem to be the half empty type of fellow. problem is that the cup with 50% of it full of water is acutely a full cup!
if you look at a cup of water 50% full you will see the other 50% is air that is invisible to your eye. therefore what you can not see is there, but you have not found it yet. soon you will see the beale proof cup overflowing and you will be just like cnn news.

...and when the good road closes, the bad road opens,
when the bad room opens, the good road closes.
-Lenny Bruce

the actual event was tons of gold moved to virginia in secret. the question is how to smoke out the person who had the key. publish a book and see who comes out of the woodwork. that is all the pamphlet was used for.

Now I realize that this is not a popular conceptual fact to accept, but the entire Beale perilous adventure and treasure story is based upon the word of the "unknown author" who presented James Beverly Ward a completed manuscript for Ward to copyright and publish.
Nothing since the 135+ years since the publication of the Beale Papers has ever been found, produced, or documented that can prove the events depicted in the Beale story narrative- the meeting of Beale with Morriss, the perilous adventure of the Beale Party and treasure as described in the "letters", or the meeting of the "unknown author" with Morriss and then with Ward- nothing whatsoever.
Yes many claims have been made and many books have been written, yet NO conclusive evidence has ever come from these works, just additional speculation the various authors point of view.

the actual event was tons of gold moved to virginia in secret. the question is how to smoke out the person who had the key. publish a book and see who comes out of the woodwork. that is all the pamphlet was used for.
All that is known of the Beale story, young Jack, originated from the "unknown author" and his manuscript that was given to Ward.
The only one ever to address the identity of this "unknown author", to the best of my knowledge, was Peter Viemeister.
Viemeister's books on Beale are considered required reading for those interested in the Beale treasure story.

Now I realize that this is not a popular conceptual fact to accept, but the entire Beale perilous adventure and treasure story is based upon the word of the "unknown author" who presented James Beverly Ward a completed manuscript for Ward to copyright and publish.
Nothing since the 135+ years since the publication of the Beale Papers has ever been found, produced, or documented that can prove the events depicted in the Beale story narrative- the meeting of Beale with Morriss, the perilous adventure of the Beale Party and treasure as described in the "letters", or the meeting of the "unknown author" with Morriss and then with Ward- nothing whatsoever.
Yes many claims have been made and many books have been written, yet NO conclusive evidence has ever come from these works, just additional speculation the various authors point of view.

your idea is not a fact, just your opinion. why must you like to argue with everyone?

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All that is known of the Beale story, young Jack, originated from the "unknown author" and his manuscript that was given to Ward.
The only one ever to address the identity of this "unknown author", to the best of my knowledge, was Peter Viemeister.
Viemeister's books on Beale are considered required reading for those interested in the Beale treasure story.

i have seen some here that have addressed the identity of the author. so your opinion on that is flawed. i'm sure you as a respectable adult would not mislead a person of such an impressionable age.

i have seen some here that have addressed the identity of the author. so your opinion on that is flawed. i'm sure you as a respectable adult would not mislead a person of such an impressionable age.
Yes, you have- I have listed the names I believe to have been involved in the creation of the story and ciphers behind the Beale Papers.
Several were involved, including who Peter Viemeister named, and one acted as editor for continuity.

PV: Maj. Ferdinand Hutter, CSA; John William Sherman, Sub-Editor of the VIRGINIAN (per Charlie Button, Editor/Owner). BOTH from CONFEDERATE WAR "ERA"...

Yes, you have- I have listed the names I believe to have been involved in the creation of the story and ciphers behind the Beale Papers.
Several were involved, including who Peter Viemeister named, and one acted as editor for continuity.

you believe? so who are you again? are you an x-pert?

Capt. Jack Sparrow as your quote say's. "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."

Take head and let this be your warning to be civil or your time here will be very short.
Matter of fact this applies to everyone posting.

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