The duck


Your top pic looks like a "T" cross, perhaps representing the crucifixion. Below that where it looks like someone has removed some of the lichen....perhaps the curled up lamb as if sleeping.


Thanks Oddrock. I see the "T" you are talking about. I have looked it over many times and I still am not sure about the lamb. I Think maybe the Pic was taken too close. Hopefully I can get one more trip up there before i have surgery if my knee will hold out. Thanks to you and Billythekidder i have some things I need to pay closer attention to. Many thanks


hello i hope all is well with tracking . no pics yet. if you can find the duck and where it pops up again your standing in the wright place.any measurements if nesting will be done from there to entrance. only a rock map i have shows where it pops up and measurements. i would not know that by just looking at the bird in the field. i can tell you it was 20 yds looking west where it poped back up. hope this will help out in someones searching. there is a lot more to this thing the duck. can any one tell me what a closed all seeing eye means and yes it is large and looking at duck some yards away. i can give exact distance for you if needed it is looking north west same as duck. maybe i will know whats next before going farther.thanks.

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hello i hope all is well with tracking . no pics yet. if you can find the duck and where it pops up again your standing in the wright place.any measurements if nesting will be done from there to entrance. only a rock map i have shows where it pops up and measurements. i would not know that by just looking at the bird in the field. i can tell you it was 20 yds looking west where it poped back up. hope this will help out in someones searching. there is a lot more to this thing the duck. can any one tell me what a closed all seeing eye means and yes it is large and looking at duck some yards away. i can give exact distance for you if needed it is looking north west same as duck. maybe i will know whats next before going farther.thanks.

Hi seahorse. Thanks for helping out. I believe your are right. there is a lot to this duck thing. I am a green horn so take it lightly. An Eye on a horizontal surface most often means to look all around the area. On a vertical surface often means to look or follow in direction of gaze. Just a W.A.G. a closed eye may mean you are there. Most of my W.A.G.S. are wrong. I hope it helps.


thanks Pinwheel for your reply. that sure helps abunch. going back tommorrow hopefully to breakthru to entrance.will send more info if possible.

thanks Pinwheel for your reply. that sure helps abunch. going back tommorrow hopefully to breakthru to entrance.will send more info if possible. by the way this is the first time with a tunnel for me . maybe air out for 24 hrs . i have heard of parrots going in first in a book to see if they make it back out. to cruel for me . metal cover at one end at 2 and half feet touched with iron 4 ft x3/8 ground probe . Dont know yet whats on other end of tunnel. took me awhile to find other end of tunnel .

been real busy-it's all good, your turtle will prove the point I think, the turtle is pointing away from the cave opening, correct?
well since the duck means reverse - so the duck is saying check out the cave.simple..
reverse doesn't mean go backwards, it means go the opposite way~!
oro bro


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dog, you said.."dont need to do all the calculating ranglers puts out.

dog, I wasnt talking about the trail TO your site, I am trying to get you to see the advantage of seeing your site

in a birds eye the omega can be found using such a map[of the alpha]..also the from the omega..if you are off on these lines , you miss the goodies~!

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I think you will like this rangler. It is a post by stilldign from 07

More About the Duck Symbol
Lead [-]

Mar 26 07

Tags : None
The duck symbol is a common symbol at treasure sites. It is also a very complex symbol due to the many "applications" that can apply to it. I have stated before that each treasure symbol has a specific meaning and, while this is somewhat true, the full truth is that a symbol, any symbol, can and will have multiple meanings. The meanings and interpretations of these symbols change as you get "deeper" into a treasure trail. For example, when starting out at the beginning of a treasure trail you can find a horseshoe, which in this case means to follow the direction of the shoe. However, once at the treasure site, the horseshoe, when found, means do turn around and go back and try again, that you have failed to properly interpret the signs and monuments.
The duck symbol, as I stated before, is an ideal symbol when you consider the actions of a duck. First and foremost, the duck symbol, when found at your treasure site, means that you are going to be "tricked". Ever notice how a duck can dive under water and then come reappear in a totally different location? This is what is going to happen at your treasure site. You will be following a triangle, for example, and, if your not careful enough to spot this duck symbol, then you not not be aware of where the true treasure trail has "ducked out" on you, leaving you scratching your head and going back to try to figure out where you went wrong in your calculations.
When at these duck sites, obviously you need to find out where the ducking out took place. You will be taken to another partially buried rock which willl have more signs taking you into another formation. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS FALSE INFORMATION. Your final measurement to the treasure room will be made from this rock.
Another reason that the duck is used is that the head of the duck, when found on the rock map that you will recover at your site, will turn into the clapper of a bell. In other words, when read the rock map in one postion the rock will look like a duck (a decoy), but as you "roll" the rock map into another position (which is typical) you will find that the duck nows becomes the bottom of a bell, and that the actual duck head now becomes the clapper of the bell. This is important becasue this bell now tells you how far to measure from when you locate your "ducking out" rock. Add up the letter value of the word bell....B equals 2, E equals 5, and each L equals 12, for a total of 31. This is how many feet you need to measure from the "ducked out" rock. Now all you need to know is the direction to measure. This info will also be found on your rock map.
You can also find the duck at alpha monuments. These are rather large ducks, but they aren't always a complete it's important to pay close attention to your alpha's. When found at the alpha, simply follow the ducks head or beak in the direction it is pointing or looking.

The Duck #3 [-]

Mar 27 07

I should mention that, at treasure locations that use the duck, as you dig at the specific sites that you are told to dig at you may run into a rock map shaped like a duck. This is simply telling you that you are on a false trail, that you were "ducked-out" on. Go back and start over.



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clearly not a duck head..closer to a snake or turtle head,kinda like a salamander...who knows but not a duck..there is no beak, ducks have beaks, just saying.,

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into ,

" The Twilight Zone."

found my first nugget weighed in at 49.2grams WOOOOHOOOO you guys are AWESOME thank you all for the help and information. AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

Hi Billy and everyone. I made it back up to my site the other day. I got some better pic of that duck. The sun shinning made a big difference. Also taking the pics from further away helped also.

In this pic you can see the eagle looking into a cave or tunnel in the right eye of the duck.
MM 3-13-2014 150.JPG

This one is from in front of the duck. It has some symbols on it but I am not sure what they are. some help please.
MM 3-13-2014 143.JPG

The big boy in the pic is my younger brother. He always had to pet a dog when he seen one.
From the front to the left the duck morphs into a serious dog head. I have never seen this or heard of it. Just wondering if this Qualifies as a Janus monument. Anyways it has some shadow symbols from this side as well.
MM 3-13-2014 147.JPG

Any one have any thoughts on this monument? I am kinda stumped. Any help is greatly appreciated.

stilldignThe Duck#3[-]

Mar 27 07

I should mention that, at treasure locations that use the duck, as you dig at the specific sites that you are told to dig at you may run into a rock map shaped like a duck. This is simply telling you that you are on a false trail, that you were "ducked-out" on. Go back and start over.
lol,does anyone think,that if they send you on a false trail to dig that they then are gonna tell you your at the wrong spot,and go back and try and find my money again, really have to watch what the so called experts are telling you,lol. you have to remember,there looking for what your looking for,lol. yea, if you see a duck,get away from it,head the other way,lol. sounds good to me.this coming from a treasure hunter.:laughing7::icon_thumleft:

In front of the first duck pic there is a owl shadow with pointer to left of pic maybe the leaves are pushed up a little
in the second pic there is a shadow bell with pointer to left in front of the rock maybe go left 31 vara

Thanks In deep. I do agree on the direction. I think the lines of the shadow diamond in the eye of the dog is the confirmation. What has me stumped is the duck morphing into a dog and the two meanings they have. I am thinking the trail splits here, one trail will get you there, the other will get you lost. At least that was the conclusion i drew last night. I might change my mind tonight.

Dog. Notice. the dog and duck are both looking into the same direction. Both are pretty big and not hard to identify. In this case I do not believe the direction they are looking is important. I think that direction is a false trail. There is alot to Bob Collins Infinity system. That changes everything we have been taught to track. I think the iconic markers still have a message, just not the direction in the traditional sense. You know follow the gaze of the eyes or nose. Bull Butter!!!!!!


good stuff pinwheel,go with what you are finding at your site.thats the right trail.its good to hear that your finding stuff that doesn't follow the rules.

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