The End is Near: Are You Prepared?


Cappy Z.

1. I don't believe the end is even close let alone near.
2. But I am interested in my fellow TNers 'preparedness' strategies.
3. What have you done if anything in preparation for a huge disaster whether natural or manmade?
4. Do you store food and water? Liquor?
5. What about communication? If there is no electricity what are our options?
6. And the big one: Protection, short and long term? Do you have a plan etc.?

I am thinking about starting a survivalist room like in the 1960's.

Any feedback is welcome.


In the event law enforcement breaks down, lots of guns and ammo and take what I need. Monty

texastee2007 said:
It is always good to have extra things on hand. It is easy enough to get started. It can be as easy as cleaning out a closet or setting up some shelves. For us it is an extra closet in the washroom. Everytime I go to the store I purchase a few extra items. Everything has a place on the shelves...when I use something, everything is pulled forward and the new stuff to replace it goes in the back. We live so far away from town that it is necessary to be prepared. What if husband couldn't work for a while, the weather didn't allow us to go to town? What if our car or truck broke down? Sickness? For us it is imprortant to be prepared..

Thank you for your response. I frequently am drawn to your postings. You have a great heart.


snake35 said:
I am following Montys rules. The one with the weapons makes the rules!
Of course protecting those we love is #1.
But beyond that?

What if there is no electricity for a month? No phone? No TV? No Internet?

snake35 said:
Food and water will be the primary need.

Yes, of course. Can you elaborate a little? We want to hear more..honestly.

BillyBudd007 said:
snake35 said:
I am following Montys rules. The one with the weapons makes the rules!
Of course protecting those we love is #1.
But beyond that?

What if there is no electricity for a month? No phone? No TV? No Internet?

And your point is? None of those things are absolutely necessary to live....except for the city slickers who usually make fun of the country folks who WILL be able to survive. The absence of electricity would be the most difficult to work around because so much of our lives is heavily dependent on having electrical power; the electrical motors that pump the water from our wells would be the main problem. Being able to get clean drinking water would be the only serious problem.

plehbah said:
I would recommend a good sourdough starter. Good bread is valuable anytime and anywhere.

It will be our secret though. Nobody tell the French!

:D :D :D :D :D

Claret or Blanc?

Having gone thru 2 floods, MAJOR ice storms, blizzards, and losing power for up to 2 weeks at a time; we've learned the hard way to be prepared. The camper is self contained and stocked with food, water, bleach, weapons, plenty of blankets,
clothes, crank radios, first aid + extra Rxs , full gas tank.
We also have a generator, coleman stove+lantern, extra gas cans, woodstove and 5 cord of wood, and a case of candles.
I don't garden enough to can anymore, so all the canned stuff is store bought.

However, should someone take out the Seabrook nuke plant, I hope I'm close enough at the time to go 'poof' in the first blast. I dunno that I wanna be a survivor.

Access to water, food and weapons. Do not count on generators except for short-term periods, less than two weeks. They sound good, but gasoline is a required ingredient. Think: No electricity, which entails town elements (food, water, gasoline).

You can buy all the short-term elements you think necessary (generators), but they only last so long. Plan for the longer term as far as food and shelter go. You'll find out you can get by with MUCH less than you have right now.

I've always said that if another country wants to bring us to our knees, electricity is the thing to shut us down with. And don't tell me not to announce it; it's been tried more than once.

Lack of computers would be an inconvenience, but lack of electricity would totally cripple this country. Urban areas would die off quickly. Suburbs would go next. Country folks would survive, but not necessarily share. They have armed themselves and know how to live off the land. They don't have any sympathies for federal gov't folks who draw checks to survive because they have no jobs, but they're aware of them. Don't come begging. Won't work. Folks in town better stockpile something and be ready to defend themselves. Won't last long, but...

remember water is vital * you can if needed to last much longer without food than water * after 24 hours without water you got serious problems , so one must think long term water filtering and purifaction (you will go thru a lot of water )-- after tha comes food --canned food and supplies will last only so long --one will need to plant foodstocks rapidly ---(it will take some time before gardens yeild food say at least 2 months ) and start gathering up chickens, pigs and other steady food sources as well as hunting to get a steady supply of foods. ---

guns and ammo are good so long as you got gun powder --- bows and arrows can be reused*** --pit fall traps and snare type traps --need no ammo as well --trot lines "fish" all day & night as well.

tools like axes and hammers and nails will be worth gold -- tobacco and alcohol as well ---medical supplies will be priceless.

Seamuss said:
snake35 said:
I am following Montys rules. The one with the weapons makes the rules!
weapons are useless with anarchy over loading your stability to reason with each other.

Sounds like mass hestaria in the making. The other person is already heavily armed.


We just finished watching the Nick Cage Movie "Knowing" (I love a movie with a happy ending) :o
When is was over, my wife asked my daughter "What time is it" .. The clock said 9:11 :help:

Built my bomb shelter during the clinton adminestartion when he started trading Nuclear develpoment secrets (of course just to be used for electric power) to North Korea for peace!
Stock up, even the US goverment tells you that.

What do the Boy scouts say about this?

The world is coming to an end. If it really happens, then what good would that bomb shelter and stock pile of ammo do for us if we're gone?

After all, if the world comes to an end, then who would be left to use the shelters an ammo?

Hum, the definition of end. The end of civilization.

Oh, well.

Y2K all over again.

when a armed hungry man meets a unarmed man with food ---guess who's going to be eating ?--at the very least the armed guy will be hired to help protect the unarmed guys stockpile of food-- (if hes a decent sort he will help him out for a cut of the goods -- and if hes not then he will just take the unarmed guys supplies and say screw em.---either way the guy with the gun gets fed.--- the motto of this tale *** have a gun and know how to and be willing to use it or be at the mercy of those that do.

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