
Full Member
Oct 9, 2006
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Cibola, Bounty Hunter 3300 w/4" coil
What do you do when a big company buys the little company you have worked for (eleven years) and throws you (and all) to the rank's of the unemployed?
You send away for a new machine! I also swore, under my breath, something about the irony of having "time enough at last" with old man winter just around the corner.
My new BH 3300 arrived Friday and boy are we going to spend some time togeather. I spent some time at two sites this weekend, one a yard that I have spent 25+ hours at, and the other, a small park that I have pounded for 40+ hours. Both sites have been good to me and have been stripped of "most" of the goodies. I found coins at both places, mostly wheat's and memorials, but not deeper as I expected. Most of these finds were NEXT to and among big old iron signals. The 1964-D was just peaking out in a field of low tone "01-05" vdi hits. I will have to do the resume/interview B S soon enough, but for the next month or so it will just be me, my nice new Beard, and alot of swinging. HH chris


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Really sorry to hear of your job situation.
Personally, it strikes a nerve with me when corporations institute layoffs around the holidays. We live in Massachusetts, and I know that this State is already thought of as a haven for left wing liberal lulu's by those living in red states, but isn't it obvious to anyone else how today's top executives are just screwing everyone royally. I'm sorry but this type of corporate maneuvering is not as much about staying competitive as it is about greed, the greed of those at the top - they are the only ones who benefit.


Thank you Sparky and Johnny. I am looking at this in a positive way. Time to Detect and get my self together. I got a modest severance and have always been a saver. Hope to be posting some nice finds in the comming weeks. chris

I recently quit a part time job after six and a half years. The very next day I was out detecting.

A little less money, but more time for family and life.

May you find the right balance and a boatload of treasure! ;)


What do you do when a big company buys the little company you have worked for (eleven years) and throws you (and all) to the rank's of the unemployed?

As long as you have a detector you will never be broke!!

I was told 2 weeks ago I would be out of a job by March 2007, 13 years of service @ Ford..
It's gonna be hard to compete for a similar job with high school kids willing to work for almost nothing!
I was in high demand 10 years ago..Now they can get anyone who walks off a boat to program computers.


I figure..I have a detector and a fishing rod.. I won't starve and I can always find money...


Congrats on the extra time to hunt! ;) Hope you find bunches and bunches of great keepers!

Nana :)

Bad news about the job, good news about the detecting time! Good luck and HH, Mike

Yin & Yang haha. Positive and negative.

I had been working for a company for only 1 1/2 years when 9/11 happened. Several months down the line, the usual load of contracts for work had dried up.

I was the first to be let go.

The positive side was I had a full unemployment account, and my weekly unemployment check was just enough I was able to pay my rent and bills, and have a little left over each month.

So I did what any self-respecting working man would do (who has no dependents and had not had an extended vacation in quite some time).

I took a year's paid vacation!

I was so busy just doing my own thing for a year that I marvelled at how before I got laid off I was able to accomplish ANYTHING working 40 hours a week.

Alas all good things must come to an end. And so it was for me.....after a few months of near starvation after the unemployment ran out, I became the subject of a fierce bidding war between five different companies.

One door closes, another door opens.

I am still with the company that bid the highest for my services.
And so I believe sometime next year I may buy another Metal Detector. I owned one once when I was a teenager (real cheap primitive unit in the 1970s), but lost interest in my late teens.

Of course my interest is all fired up again 20 years on down the road haha.

Hope you find another job that does you right! Better yet, I hope you find a 1792 half disme in perfect condition!

Congratulations on that Quarter. Awesome. I still have not found a silver quarter of any type, but I think I shall find one sooner or later. Sorry about your job, I am currently of the unemployed as well. And yep it does allow for more time detecting while awaiting possible interviews.


Man sorry to hear about the job. I’m all to familiar with the “just a number on a time card”
I worked for a big company that was sold to a holding company and was told almost one year ago to date that I was part of a down sizing as of the end of the year, yea happy holidays to you too. It took me three months to find a job with a competing company.
Sweet revenge!! The company I now work for does contract work the my former employer...HAHAHA. Just know, it doesn’t have anything to do with skill but what the bean counters think about ebda, earnings before deductible assets. Yea still a bit bitter.

Anyway it was because of the relocation I had to do that got me into metal detecting. There is a silver cloud to this dark lining.

Best of luck & HH

Man,I know just where your at.I worked for a company for 17 years and we got down sized.They hired this guy called Chainsaw Al to trim up the company and make it more profitable.He raped the company.Anyway,I got 6 months severance and just enjoyed myself.I have a job now that pays me more than what I was making.So enjoy yourself and don't worry about the grind for awhile.Get out there and find more silver and some gold.

Hey Cobalt:

Sorry to hear about the job. Something similar happened to me not quite a year ago. Looking back, its funny how I thought it was the end of the world at the time (I'd never been unemployed). Opportunities that I never expected turned up, and things are going good for me now. As a side benefit, my new career is really starting to help with my new MD'ing hobby.

Keep up the positive attitude. Not only will you have more time to play before winter, but something will come up!


I've been there too. 16 years for me.
You can only spend so much time looking for a new job before you go nuts.
You need a spend little time doing some serious detecting between interviews and writing cover letters.
Good luck!

You guys sure make a guy feel better. Thank you again. A peaceful pleasant routine is forming in my life. Metal Detecting, eating, reading, more hobbies, and naps have begun to take over. The memorials and clad dimes will soon become silver and gold.
The Big Company that bought mine just Bounced part of my severance(returned check). It felt good to call them up and ask if they could issue me a check that wasn't funded by the "Trampoline Trust". Thank you again --next post to be of finds. HH chris come and go, metal detecting is forever...
NS 2:18


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Yes, try to see it as an opportunity. You might come out of this ahead, with a better job than the one you had! Plus, you have time to really dig in detecting! I don't get out a quarter as much as I want to, so enjoy it as much as you can! ;D

Sorry bout ur job man.........who knows, maybe it was for the better. Everything happens for the reason. Make the best of ur time off. I'd kill for some time off right now.

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