TIRED of Folks Trying to RUN MY LIFE

"EVERYONE on here deserves to follow the rules as they understand them without ridicule or condemnation..."
I find this part disturbing especially coming from a former LEO. That's not how the law works. And while I am sorry for the loss you suffered at the hands of a drunk driver, at the same time applauding your desire to rid the streets of these vermin, I find it appalling that you allowed your personal feelings to dictate your demeanor and cloud your judgement.

UMM how was my judgement clouded? And WHY do you feel others on here have the right to ridicule you or condemn you? If a cop is a prick, I will be one back. MY RIGHT. It is also my right to suffer any consequences I impose on myself by doing so.

... if a cop is a prick, I will be one back. MY RIGHT. It is also my right to suffer any consequences I impose on myself by doing so.

Scuba, don't forget you previously agreed that .... sometimes in this life, we have to give "lip service".

And as for "consequences", don't forget sometimes it's possible to "win the battle but loose the war".

We all respect and love your stories you've posted (thankyou!) but the over-all tone , and mental connotation/image of what you present, can appear to a reader as an "in-your-face" attitude. Yes, sometimes, we DO have to "stand our ground", but there are other times you can advance your agenda/goal by a bit of lip service. And the very title of your thread does seem to be (to the new reader who hasn't followed your older posts) , as being someone who is ultimately going to put the "wheels in motion" to dislike md'rs in general.

The I will be one right back attitude will usually get you clubbed or shot depending on how far you go.

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Scuba, don't forget you previously agreed that .... sometimes in this life, we have to give "lip service".

And as for "consequences", don't forget sometimes it's possible to "win the battle but loose the war".

We all respect and love your stories you've posted (thankyou!) but the over-all tone , and mental connotation/image of what you present, can appear to a reader as an "in-your-face" attitude. Yes, sometimes, we DO have to "stand our ground", but there are other times you can advance your agenda/goal by a bit of lip service. And the very title of your thread does seem to be (to the new reader who hasn't followed your older posts) , as being someone who is ultimately going to put the "wheels in motion" to dislike md'rs in general.

Tom, I think I understand what you are saying. I agree I could have probably handled the situation different and maybe next time I will. I also agreed to listen to advice which I do. However the final choice of what might happen next time is really up to me.

In my over 20 dealings with officers all but 4 were very polite and cordial. Even two of the ones I got citations on (One I demanded) were polite. I don't care if ANYONE has a badge or a gun. As long as I KNOW I am not breaking the law, it is very hard for me to back down.

A lot of us have had positive dealings with police officers. I am absolutely no exception. There are a lot of GREAT peace officers out there. Then you have the ones with a better than everyone else attitude.

I have ALL the Riparian rights laws printed and I had them in my Ford Exploder. I forgot to put them in my Avalanche last year. HOWEVER, they will be in my Avalanche next year along with my new paperwork authorizing permission at this beach in Detroit. I have actually been thinking of having copies laminated and in my BC pocket so if another police boat comes by I can take them out right there.

I ALWAYS talk to police civilly at first. They have a job to do and I realize that. However when they escalate the situation backing down has never been an option for me. HOWEVER, I can see that if I had got out of the water, waited till they left in their boat and then gone back in I could have saved some grief. Make the IDIOTS with badges and guns think they won.

MY point is on here that NOBODY was there. NOBODY has the right to sit in front of their computer and tell me how to run my life. I have got different ideas on how to handle the situation by posting this and I think I can compromise without giving in to authority. I am POSITIVE I will deal with the Detroit police, Wayne County Sheriff, Coast Guard or another law enforcement agency again. When that time comes we will see what transpires.

Since you have read a lot of my stories Tom, you know I have always been polite with officers until they demand I leave or stop what I am doing.

..... the final choice of what might happen next time is really up to me.....

Nobody ever said it wasn't up to you.

..... NOBODY has the right to sit in front of their computer and tell me how to run my life.... .

Nobody here was/is "telling you how to run your life". This is a forum where people bounce ideas and experiences off of each other. And as such, you're bound to get dissenting opinions. That doesn't mean those people are "telling you what to do". You posted your experiences in our hobby, and .... you're going to get varying shades and flavors of opinions and answers. Sure the final decision is yours, but your fellow hobbyists are just adding their .02c balanced comments.

Nobody ever said it wasn't up to you.

Nobody here was/is "telling you how to run your life". This is a forum where people bounce ideas and experiences off of each other. And as such, you're bound to get dissenting opinions. That doesn't mean those people are "telling you what to do". You posted your experiences in our hobby, and .... you're going to get varying shades and flavors of opinions and answers. Sure the final decision is yours, but your fellow hobbyists are just adding their .02c balanced comments.

Well if the post from Gopherthegold and a few others were not condemning I guess I am taking them wrong.

Well if the post from Gopherthegold and a few others were not condemning I guess I am taking them wrong.

yeah, sometimes the distinction between "condemning" and "input" (or opinion or advice, etc...) is a very fine line. And not saying it WASN'T "condemning". Perhaps they were :)

But when you and I post our adventures, questions, experiences, etc.... on-line, we might get someone who disagrees with us. Whatever one chooses to call that, you still have the right to ultimately choose to do whatever you want to do.

Nobody ever said it wasn't up to you.

Nobody here was/is "telling you how to run your life". This is a forum where people bounce ideas and experiences off of each other. And as such, you're bound to get dissenting opinions. That doesn't mean those people are "telling you what to do". You posted your experiences in our hobby, and .... you're going to get varying shades and flavors of opinions and answers. Sure the final decision is yours, but your fellow hobbyists are just adding their .02c balanced comments.
While there is nobody here telling us how to run our life, if you are a marry man, your wife runs your life.

While there is nobody here telling us how to run our life, if you are a marry man, your wife runs your life.

All I know is if you are married a wife will give sound advice.

That is 99% sound and 1% advice

I have lost count of how many times over the years we have had discussions with me ending up getting out voted 1 to 1.

Hi Scuba; My gal was killed by a drunk driver in 1999. I applaud your actions. Me, Don't let me catch a drunk driver. I "WILL" become their Worst hangover for sure. I will make sure they end up in a Cell. I promise.!!! I agree with your actions in this matter and wish you the best.
I did security for 14 years and I've met them ALL. Including LEO's with attitudes. I had one that kept threatening my Aunt. He lived next door to her I made several calls. They ALL knew him as Tommy That truly was his nickname. Well one day he got in my Aunts face yelling and swearing.I was there and went down to deal with him. He started in on me. He called me a Fag & then pushed me. In the meantime my Aunts Daughter had called 911. They showed up and literally saw him pushing me. They came out of the Cruiser. He was like , "hi guys" to them. They cuffed him. I pressed Charges against him for A&B and I threatened a Civil Rights Lawsuit to which I had Witnesses. The short of it. He agreed to Resign from the Force, Move away from my Aunt and stay away from Us. As bad as I wanted too I agreed not to press my Lawsuit. I got what I wanted. Him gone. Now when I'm near my Aunts house all the LEO's say hello. They are happy he is gone as well. That was a Win - Win situation. All because I stood up to that Clown.
Stand up to them nicely but don't let yourself get bullied. Hang in there. PEACE:RONB

That result isnt isn't the norm for most citizens...if the cops hadn't seen you being pushed the results would have been totally different...cops stick together no matter what....that's why they call it a "brotherhood"

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That result isnt isn't the norm for most citizens...if the cops hadn't seen you being pushed the results would have been totally different...cops stick together no matter what....that's why they call it a "brotherhood"

I agree somewhat. I was an officer for 9 years. I saw things that shouldn't have happened. What happened that got me out of being a cop shouldn't have happened. Some do stick up for each other. That trend seems to be changing a little. Might not ever be changed completely. But changes are being made.

Personally I'm sick of regulation, fines and fees. America- home of the fee, land of the slave.
Let us not forget all the taxes besides federal and state income taxes, real bad in the great state of Connecticut. Good hunting and good luck.

Scuba, ddf here, you know I'm behind you 1 million percent, I've been in your position more than once, LEO who polishes his badge with his boner...while we know your story, and what a story it is, I could NOT imagine going through some of the ordeals you've endured. As far as the out of line LEO, we don't know his story...is he having a bad day? He is a cop, but also human, and open to the same BS we have to put up with every day..is his kid strung out on drugs..?is his wife bonking the UPS guy.?.is his ex draining his bank account through child support/alimony...? Scuba, these are the things we dont know, what his state of mind is at that exact moment..yes he was FUMING..but was it all at you? Very well could have been he was already pissed and you were the next guy he saw and was simply pushed over the edge..again, I am NOT saying the LEO was right in his actions, I agree he was WAY out of line. I have scars on my tongue from biting it so damn hard! Scuba, don't ever stop doing what you do, after I get home, or back to the hotel after a 12 or 14 hour day, the first thing I do after a hot shower is logging on here and hoping there is a new post from you, due to my current work schedule, my hunting is VERY limited so I'm feeding off of your hunts...Thx very much..ddf

Well Written... The thing that you said about the LEO having a bad day, wife, kids etc. This is the ONE PROFESSION no matter what level or branch you are...Federal Marshal, Sheriff, FBI, Water Patrol, Patrolman etc that you HAVE to leave it at home or with your psychologist. For all the water patrol knew Scuba could have been trying to save someone who fell or jumped off the pier! I get what he was saying and that showing an iota of Respect by coming closer to talk instead of using the 'I Got Da Power over his PA' would have ended this situation before it became anything. While reading Scuba's story I was thinking to myself that the water was probably too shallow for WP to get the boat closer. He answered that though and it wasn't the case.

Down at the COE Lake by my place there is ONE-ONE WP who is an A**! I've been told by the locals to not be near his boat while I'm in mine because he has been shot at so many times for Trying To Abuse His Authority. I've seen the patched and reglassed holes in the My Tax Dollars State Boat he uses and I guarantee you if Any Of Those Folks Wanted To Kill Him, He Would Never Be Seen Again. My Bass Boat Is In Perfect Condition, I keep it waxed and use a deterrent to keep any fade or wear to the gelcoat from happening. No dings or scratches. The ONLY time it's been out in the sun is when I'm in it, The Only time it's been out overnight is when I'm in it or camping in a cove. I like to Crappie Fish in Two, Very Hard to get in Long Coves. It's hard to get in because that was one of the last arms of the lake they did and COE didn't cut the trees down or cut them low enough for boating using an outboard, you have to tilt/trim the OB at the mouth of the cove and use the trolling motor while watching for these stumps so they don't get your boat (think On Golden Pond with the Rocks). Anyway, this jerk knows me, all my family and my boat, plus when I'm back there you can't even see me due to the trees until you come in a little way. One day I had two friends and my dog in the boat Crappie fishing in one of these coves. I hear an outboard getting closer, (no one ever comes back that far) I look back and it's him coming at a too fast pace for the conditions and My Tax Dollar Boat is an Open Bow so he can't even see what's in front of him. We are tied up to two trees. He does the PA thing and says "Boat Inspection-Get 'Em Out" (licenses and my registration that he has seen 10 times). I told my friends to just show him and hopefully he will leave soon. Wweeeelll, he didn't make Any effort to throttle back, turn or slow the boat down and I saw it was gonna hit mine. I stuck my foot out to keep it from hitting and at the same time he says "I'm Coming Aboard" and I went off about how he would of hit my boat if I didn't stop him. He Yelled at ME saying (He actually called me by my first name) followed by (deleted by mod for language) He then went to step off MTDSB while my foot was still on it. As he stepped I pushed the boat away , he didn't fall in but scratched his forehead, his hand and arm on a tree catching himself. It wasn't bad but he was bleeding Of course he was livid but then I wouldn't let him on my boat bleeding like that saying he would have to get band aids on the scratches because it wasn't safe for him to be bringing his blood on the boat, touch anything or us etc with him bleeding like that. He threatened all kinds of things but I didn't give in. We all held up licenses, ID's and my registration once again. He radioed for assistance and another WP (his supervisor) comes back saying...You know her, we all do, she even has her passengers keep their beer bottle caps to match every bottle that's empty on her boat, no infractions and no one else is coming over. OUT! He Has Never Bothered Me Again! Won't even make eye contact at the store! I say all this because he could of when he saw it was me, got on his PA and just said Hi, Caught Anything, Need Anything? Whatever, but No, like the one Scuba encountered he started off being a jerk for NO Reason. If Scuba was trying to hide anything would he have put a dive flag out? Stayed inside the length of the pier? No he wouldn't have. He had called the HM so he thought he covered his bases. I would have thought that too. His background immediately let him know how that was gonna go because by his own admission he's done the same thing out of hurt and anger.

I'm Not Attacking You For Your Opinion. Only Saying You Can't Bring Your Personal Issues To Work In LE work.

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